GMAT Verbal – Reading Comprehension

Some Important Pointers About GMAT Verbal – Reading Comprehension

When you begin solving GMAT Reading Comprehension sample questions, you should take into account the following points:

  • Out of the total number of questions in the GMAT Verbal section, nearly 13 to 14 are from the comprehension passages.
  • All the questions are of the multiple-choice type and hence, all you have to do is choose the correct answer.
  • Once you have chosen an answer you cannot go back and rectify it. So be careful about choosing the right answer.
  • Read the passages carefully, because the questions will be based on the information given in the passages. Do not go beyond the scope of the passages even if the questions ask you to draw inferences. Look for pointers that will surely be provided in the paragraph/paragraphs of the passages.

Feeling confused? Check out this sample question and you will understand the type of questions you will come across in the test.

Start Solving…

What better way to get acquainted with an examination than by solving practice questions? Before you begin solving sample questions, remember to read the passages carefully. You must then analyze and interpret the primary theme of the passage and you will be able to draw logical conclusions and answer the questions easily. So let us start solving…