Common Identifying Sentence Errors Practice Test 3

Question – 1

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

1. A planetary scientist at the University of Arizona, for example, has been (A) focusing on the use of solar collectors, which could gradually nudge (B) the rock of course (C). It would take years for sunlight to redirect (D) an asteroid. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    A is incorrect. Since the segment is in present perfect continuous tense, the usage of ‘has been’ is appropriate.
    B is incorrect. The word ‘nudge’ is the verb used for the noun ‘solar collectors’ which is used in plural. Therefore, noun-verb match is appropriate.
    C is correct. The use of ‘of’ is incorrect in this segment. It should be ‘off course’ to mean that it will be deviated from its course.
    D is incorrect. Here, the word ‘to’ is used with the noun ‘sunlight’. It indicates the use/purpose of the noun and the segment is structurally correct.
    E is incorrect. Since there is an error in segment C, option E cannot be chosen.

Question – 2

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

2. Eons would be required for sunlight to redirect an asteroid. Therefore (A), advance notice is absolutely critical (B). This approach would make (C) the asteroid more reflective, increasing the tiny reaction forces produced when (D) sunlight is radiated back into space. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is incorrect. ‘Therefore’ means consequently or as a result of. It is used to connect the two sentences and the usage is structurally correct.
    Option B is incorrect. Here, the importance of the advance notice is described ‘absolutely’ and ‘critical’ ‘Critical’ is an adjective and ‘absolutely’ is used as an adverb to qualify the adjective. The usage is structurally and grammatically appropriate.
    Option C is incorrect. The sentences preceding the one in question are referring to a probable solution to a likely situation and the usage of ‘would’ is apt.
    Option D is incorrect. ‘When’ is used as a conjunction and it means ‘at what time’. The usage is correct.
    Option E is correct. Since there are no mistakes in any of the underlined segments, option E is correct.

Question – 3

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

3. Over several centuries (A), the cumulative effect of these slight forces would alter the velocity of asteroids (B) and cause it to miss the impact point. Jon Giorgini of (C) NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) says, “You let the Sun do the work.” (D) No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is incorrect. ‘Several centuries’ is a phrase used to describe more than two but lesser than many centuries. Since meaning conveyed is “through several centuries” use of ‘over’ as a preposition is correct.
    Option B is correct. The sentence is referring to the effect on the trajectory of one asteroid and we understand this from the use of the pronoun ‘it’ later in the sentence. Therefore, the usage of the plural form of ‘asteroid’ in the underlined portion is incorrect.
    Option C is incorrect. Here, the preposition ‘of’ is used to denote that Jon Giorgini belongs to NASA and the usage is apt.
    Option D is incorrect. There is no requirement of ‘commas’ in the underlined portion as the sentence is to be read directly without any pause. Therefore, the usage is apt here.
    Option E is incorrect. Since there is an error in segment B, option E cannot be chosen.

Question – 4

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

4. There is a possibility that an effective defense strategy may succeed (A) in studying the structures (B) of the incoming body. This study may help mankind in precisely determining the composition of asteroids. Not all asteroids are (C) the solid objects familiar from (D) museum meteorite displays. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is incorrect. A possibility is described here and the use of ‘may’ is right.
    Option B is incorrect. Structure has to be used in singular here since one structure is studied.
    Option C is incorrect. Since the meaning conveyed is that all the asteroids are not solid objects, the usage is apt.
    Option D is incorrect. The preposition ‘from’ is used to denote the place of origin and the usage is apt.
    Option E is incorrect. Since there is an error in segment B, ‘no error’ cannot be chosen.

Question – 5

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

5. ‘Dead as a dodo’ are becoming evocative (A) phrase of English (B). Here was a bird that became geographically confined to the islands of Mauritius, Reunion, Rodrigues and in the Indian Ocean (C), just east to Africa. Long before men set foot and settled in numbers. These islands had been (D) a paradise for the dodos, long before the arrival of man. No error. (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is correct. The subject and the verb do not agree in the statement. Here the subject is singular and the verb plural. Hence, the proverb, ‘Dead as a dodo’, should be paired with an ‘is’ and not ‘are’. As there is an error in the underlined section, option (A) is the right answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined segment is correct with regard to the statement. It is the continuation of the idea that the proverb ‘Dead as a dodo’ is becoming a colloquialism, in the English language. Without segment (B) the sentence would sound incomplete and this makes option (B) a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The underlined section refers to the habitat of the dodos. There are no grammatical or structural errors in this segment, which makes option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The final sentence in the passage is written in past perfect tense and in order to maintain the tense, the verb used should be ‘had been’. This subsequently means, there is no error in segment (D).
    Option (E) is incorrect. Since there is an error in one of the underlined segments of the passage, option (E) cannot be the correct answer.

Question – 6

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

6. Food was in plenty and life was paradise (A). These islands were being forming (B) as a result of volcanic eruptions, and thus, were rich in mineral and nutrients. This led to the flourishing (C) of vegetation and insect life. The dodo did not have to exert at all, as a result of which it became fat and lost its ability to fly (D). No error. (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment is a continuation of the notion the first statement is trying to develop. Section (A) is an idiomatic expression, which explains the result of the abundance of food. There is no grammatical or structural error in the segment. Thus, overall there is no error in segment (A) and this makes option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is correct. There is a grammatical error in the underlined section (B). The term ‘being’ is a present participle and ‘forming’ is in present continuous tense. The combination of the two terms makes the statement structurally incorrect. Moreover, the entire passage is in past tense. Thus, there is structural error in the underlined segment (B), making it the right answer option.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The underlined segment (C) explains the result of the volcanic islands being rich in minerals and nutrients. Moreover, there are no structural or grammatical errors in this part of the sentence. Hence, option (C) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. Section (D) does not have any grammatical or structural error. Moreover, it explains the fact that the dodos became fat and flightless, because ‘the dodo did not have to exert at all’. There are no errors in segment (D), which makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident that there are errors in the passage, option (E) cannot be the correct answer.

Question – 7

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

7. The Dutch made Mauritius a colony in 1638 (A), followed by the French and the British, and before we knew it, the colonizers wiped the bird out of existence (B). The sad story of its extinction raises it to (C) a mythological status. It reminds us of the Greek warrior Achilles, who was killed when Paris wounded him (D) in the heel, his one vulnerable spot. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined section, segment (A), is informing the readers regarding the first colonizers of Mauritius. The author mentions that the Dutch came first and they were followed by the French and the British. Moreover, there are no structural or grammatical errors in the segment, which makes option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined section (B) does not have any grammatical or structural errors. The passage is in past tense and the underlined section maintains the tense, thus no error can be identified in underlined section (B).
    Option (C) is incorrect. The segment (C) mentions the fact that the extinction of the dodos provides them with a mythological status. The third sentence of the passage goes on to explain the mythological allusion. Moreover, there are no grammatical or structural errors in this segment. Thus, overall option (C) is a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined segment (D) continues the allusion to Greek mythology. It discusses the death of Achilles in the hands of Paris. This segment too maintains the tense being used in the passage. Hence, no errors grammatical, structural or otherwise can be identified in this segment. Hence, option (D) is a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is correct. As per the passage and the underlined segments, there are no structural or grammatical errors. Moreover, the idea that the author is trying to develop is clearly portrayed in the passage. Since, there are no errors in the passage; option (E) is the right answer.

Question – 8

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

8. It is the evolutionary history of the dodo is a highly confusing (A) affair, with some scholars classifying it as a part (B) of the family of preying birds while others holding it (C) as from the family of flat-breast-boned rarities such as the ostrich, emu and rhea (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined section (A), mentions that there is uncertainty regarding the evolutionary classification of the dodo. The section ‘with some … holding it’ of the statement, perpetuates the notion that scientists are not unanimous, regarding the classification of the dodo birds. Moreover, no grammatical or structural errors can be identified in the underlined segment, making option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. There are no grammatical or structural errors in segment (B). It also continues the idea that the classification of the dodo birds are debated amongst the Oxford scientists. Hence, option (B) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (C) is correct. On reading the second sentence of the passage, it is evident that there are not enough breaks in the statement. Moreover, it develops two notions, viz. one suggesting that the dodo belonged to predatory species and the other suggesting that it was ‘from the family of flat-breast-boned rarities such as the ostrich, emu and rhea’. Thus, to make the statement understandable there should be a comma between ‘birds’ and ‘while’, in the underlined segment (C). Hence, option (C) is the right answer as it has a punctuation error.
    Option (D) is incorrect. This segment mentions the other species of birds that the dodo can be related to. However, no errors; structural, grammatical or otherwise can be identified. Hence, option (D) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident there is an error in the passage. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the correct answer option.

Question – 9

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

9. Nowadays, one often hears (A) the phrase, ‘dead as a dodo’. The bird was found (B) in the islands of Mauritius, Reunion and the Indian Ocean. However, with the coming of the (C) Dutch colonizers there existence (D) was severely threatened. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment (A) mentions that the particular proverb ‘dead as a dodo’ is commonly heard in the English language. Moreover, this section is an essential part of the first statement of the passage. Also, there are no grammatical or structural errors in the underlined segment, which makes option (A) and incorrect answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. This underlined section is the phrase, which begins the second statement of the passage and introduces the notion that the statement will develop. It mentions that habitat of the dodo birds and does not have any error. This makes option (B) an incorrect answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The underlined section (C) introduces the fact that the Dutch colonizers arrived in the particular islands. The sentence subsequently goes on to explain the result of their arrival. However, no errors can be identified in this segment and hence, option (C) cannot be the correct answer.
    Option (D) is correct. On studying the underlined segment (D) and the passage, it becomes evident that the colonizers meant harm, to the dodo birds. In this regard, the term ‘there’ should be written as ‘their’, otherwise the entire statement becomes confusing. Thus, there is an error in the underlined section (D) making it the right answer option.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As from explanations given for this question, there is an error in the passage. Hence, option (E) cannot be the right answer.

Question – 10

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

10. The islands on which the dodos lived, were (A) volcanic in nature. These islands were rich in minerals (B) and nutrients. This meant plentiful availability (C) of insects for the dodos (D) to feed on. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is correct. In the underlined segment there is no requirement for a comma between ‘lived’ and ‘were’. This is a punctuation error and hence, option (A) is the correct answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined segment (B) describes the kind of island the dodos lived. Moreover, this segment does not have any grammatical or structural error. Hence, it cannot be the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. This segment mentions the result of the islands being rich in minerals and nutrients. The soil was rich in minerals and that meant abundance of insects on the islands. Moreover, it does not have any structural or grammatical error and hence, it cannot be the correct answer option.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined segment (D) is the predicate of the last sentence of the passage. Moreover, it does not have any error, which makes it a wrong answer option.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident from the explanations for question 6, there is an error in the passage. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the correct answer option.

Question – 11

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

11. The extinction of the dodos remind (A) the readers of the story of Achilles. Although, he (B) was a great hero, he lost in the hands of Paris a far inferior warrior (C). Paris was able to kill Achilles by wounding him in the heel with an arrow. Legend has it (D) that Achilles’ heel was the only vulnerable part of his body. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment alludes to the story of Achilles. It does not contain any structural or grammatical error. Hence, option (A) cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined section is a phrase that develops the comparison between Achilles and Paris as warriors. This segment too has no errors and hence, it cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (C) is incorrect. This underlined phrase, (C), describes Paris as a warrior in comparison to Achilles. Moreover, this phrase too does not have any error, which makes (C) a wrong answer option.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined phrase (D) opens the final statement of the passage. It mentions that we find in mythology that Achilles’ heel was the only weak spot in his body. The phrase ‘legend has it’ also does not have any error, which makes option (D) a wrong answer option.
    Option (E) is correct. As it is evident from the passage and the underlined segments, there are no errors in the paragraph. Hence, ‘no error’ is the correct answer.

Question – 12

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

12. The Dutch colonized Mauritius (A) in 1638, which has been (B) the habitat of the dodos. The dodos were flightless birds (C), which made them easy prey. The Dutch hunted them (D) to extinction. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined phrase mentions the fact that the Dutch colonized Mauritius in the seventeenth century. Moreover, no errors can be identified in the underlined section, which makes option (A) an incorrect answer.
    Option (B) is correct. The first statement of the passage is written in simple past tense. However, the underlined segment is in past continuous tense. This disparity in tenses makes the statement sound incorrect. The underlined section should be re-written as ‘which was…’. Hence, option (B) is the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. This phrase only describes the dodo birds. Moreover, no error can be identified and hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    Option (D) is incorrect. This statement describes the behavior of the Dutch colonizers towards the dodo birds. The author mentions that they hunted the birds. Moreover, no errors grammatical or otherwise, can be identified in the underlined section, which makes option (A) an incorrect answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On reading the passage it is evident that there is an error in it. Hence, the option ‘no error’ can be the correct answer.

Question – 13

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

13. Evolutionary theorists are confused as to the classification (A) of the dodo birds. Some of them (B) believe that the birds, were (C) predatory in nature. Others believe (D) that they were herbivorous. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined phrase (A) describes the confusion of the evolutionary scientists. Moreover, there are no error in the phrase, which makes option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. This phrase is in reference to the scientists classifying the dodo birds. On reading the phrase it becomes evident that there are no errors, which makes it a wrong answer option.
    Option (C) is correct. On reading the phrase ‘the birds, were’ it becomes evident that there should not be any comma between ‘birds’ and ‘were’, as it provides an unnecessary break in the statement. Hence, option (C) is the right answer option.
    Option (D) is incorrect. This phrase is in reference to the scientists who believe that the dodos were herbivorous birds. Since, there is no error in this phrase; option (D) cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On reading the passage and the underlined sections, it is evident that there is an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the correct answer option.

Question – 14

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

14. Morphological study of the dodo have (A) resulted in classifying them to be of the same species (B) as pigeons. However, some scientists (C) consider them to be similar to other flightless birds (D) like the emu. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is correct. The underlined phrase (A) makes the entire statement grammatically incorrect. The subject ‘morphological study’ should have a singular verb, but here the phrase comprises a ‘have’ and not ‘has’. Hence, there is an error in the underlined section (A) making option (A) the correct answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. This phrase mentions the fact that the dodo and pigeons can belong to the same species. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase and that makes it a wrong answer option.
    Option (C) is incorrect. This phrase has no grammatical of structural error. It is a part of a sentence that discusses the opinion of some scientists. Hence, option (C) cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined segment (D) discusses the nature of certain birds like the emu. It only mentions that such birds cannot fly. Moreover, no error can be found in the phrase, which makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident on studying the passage that there is an error in it and this makes ‘no error’ a wrong answer

Question – 15

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

15. The dodos however, were (A) weaker than the emu. If the emu can run fast (B) the dodos were slow. The easy availability of food (C) made the dodos complacent about its surroundings (D). No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The phrase develops the comparison between the dodo and the emu. Moreover, there are no errors in the underlined phrase. Hence, option (A) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined phrase (B) describes a particular quality of the emu in comparison to the dodo. Moreover, there are no errors in the underlined section and that makes option (B) a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The underlined phrase mentions the reason behind the complacency of the dodos. Moreover, no errors can be identified, which makes option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined phrase mentions the fact that the dodos became comfortable ‘about its surroundings’. From the statement it can be concluded that since the dodos did not have to search much for food, they were less bothered about their surroundings. Thus, the underlined phrase enhances the meaning of the statement and is free of any error. Hence, option (D) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (E) is correct. As it is evident on reading the passage that it is free of any errors. Hence, ‘no error’ is the correct answer option.

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