Common Logic Games Practice Test 4

Question – 1

A team of three students has to be chosen from a group of 7 students for a program. The seven students are namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The team should be selected according to the following conditions.
If A or B is chosen, the other must also be selected.
Either A or C or both must be chosen.
C and D cannot be chosen together.

1. Which of the following is an acceptable team?

  • A. A, C, D

  • B. A, F, G

  • C. A, C, G

  • D. C, F, G

  • E. B, C, F

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is wrong as it violates the first and third rules.
    Option B is wrong as it violates the first rule.
    Option C is wrong as it violates the first rule.
    Option D is correct as it obeys all the rules.
    Option E is wrong as it violates the first rule.

Question – 2

A team of three students has to be chosen from a group of 7 students for a program. The seven students are namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The team should be selected according to the following conditions.
If A or B is chosen, the other must also be selected.
Either A or C or both must be chosen.
C and D cannot be chosen together.

2. If F is selected, which of the following students cannot be selected?

  • A. B

  • B. C

  • C. D

  • D. E

  • E. G

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Here, according to the second rule either A or C or both should be selected. If A is selected, then B should be chosen compulsorily. If C is selected, then any of the remaining can be chosen except D as it violates the third rule. So, D cannot be chosen.
    Option A is wrong as it can be selected.
    Option B is wrong as it can be selected.
    Option C is correct as per above explanation.
    Option D is wrong as it can be selected.
    Option E is wrong as it can be selected.

Question – 3

A team of three students has to be chosen from a group of 7 students for a program. The seven students are namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The team should be selected according to the following conditions.
If A or B is chosen, the other must also be selected.
Either A or C or both must be chosen.
C and D cannot be chosen together.

3. If C and G are chosen, how many of the remaining students can possibly be selected?

  • A. 1

  • B. 2

  • C. 3

  • D. 4

  • E. 5

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Here, C and G are already selected, so there is one space left. Now, A or B cannot be selected because selecting one of them needs the selection of the other and this is not possible. Since, C is already selected, D cannot be selected according to the third rule. Now, we are left with E and F, both are eligible for selection. So, only two of the remaining students can possibly be selected.

Question – 4

A team of three students has to be chosen from a group of 7 students for a program. The seven students are namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The team should be selected according to the following conditions.
If A or B is chosen, the other must also be selected.
Either A or C or both must be chosen.
C and D cannot be chosen together.

4. If D is chosen, which of the following pairs of students can be selected?

  • A. A and B

  • B. A and C

  • C. E and F

  • D. C and E

  • E. A and F

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is correct as it satisfies all the rules.
    Option B is wrong as it violates the first rule and third rule.
    Option C is wrong as it violates the second rule.
    Option D is wrong as it violates the third rule.
    Option E is wrong as it violates the first rule.

Question – 5

A team of three students has to be chosen from a group of 7 students for a program. The seven students are namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The team should be selected according to the following conditions.
If A or B is chosen, the other must also be selected.
Either A or C or both must be chosen.
C and D cannot be chosen together.

5. If E is chosen, which of the following pairs of students can be selected?

  • A. A and C

  • B. C and F

  • C. C and D

  • D. B and E

  • E. B and D

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is wrong as it violates the first rule.
    Option B is correct as it satisfies all the rules.
    Option C is wrong as it violates the third rule.
    Option D is wrong as it violates the first rule and second rule.
    Option E is wrong as it violates the first rule and second rule.

Question – 6

An examination of six subjects namely – A, B, C, D, E and F is to be conducted by a board. The examination is held from Monday through Saturday in a week. One subject is conducted each day according to the following rules.
A must be held earlier than F
E cannot be held on Tuesday.
B must be held on Thursday.
C must be held on the day immediately before or after the day on which D is held.

6. Which of the following is an acceptable order for conducting the examinations?

  • A. F, A, E, B, C, D

  • B. A, F, E, B, C, D

  • C. A, F, B, E, C, D

  • D. A, F, C, B, E, D

  • E. A, E, F, B, C, D

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is wrong as it violates the first rule.
    Option B is correct as it satisfies all the given conditions.
    Option C is wrong as it violates the third rule.
    Option D is wrong as it violates the fourth rule.
    Option E is wrong as it violates the second rule.

Question – 7

An examination of six subjects namely – A, B, C, D, E and F is to be conducted by a board. The examination is held from Monday through Saturday in a week. One subject is conducted each day according to the following rules.
A must be held earlier than F
E cannot be held on Tuesday.
B must be held on Thursday.
C must be held on the day immediately before or after the day on which D is held.

7. If C is held on Tuesday, the earliest day on which F can be held is?

  • A. Monday

  • B. Wednesday

  • C. Thursday

  • D. Friday

  • E. Saturday

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Here, C is held on Tuesday, so according to the fourth rule D must be held on Monday or Wednesday. B is held on Thursday according to the third rule. Also, A must be held before F. All these conditions allow F to be held earliest on Friday.
    Option A is wrong as it is not possible.
    Option B is wrong as it is not possible.
    Option C is wrong as it violates the third rule.
    Option D is correct as it obeys all the rules.
    Option E is wrong as it can be held on Friday.

Question – 8

An examination of six subjects namely – A, B, C, D, E and F is to be conducted by a board. The examination is held from Monday through Saturday in a week. One subject is conducted each day according to the following rules.
A must be held earlier than F
E cannot be held on Tuesday.
B must be held on Thursday.
C must be held on the day immediately before or after the day on which D is held.

8. If E is held on the day immediately before the day on which C is held, what must be held on Friday?

  • A. A

  • B. B

  • C. D

  • D. F

  • E. C

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    E is held on the day immediately before the day on which C is held. According to the fourth rule, D must be held on the day before or after the day on which C is held. Now, B is held on Thursday. So, the only possible combination for D, C and E is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Also, A must be held before F, so A must be held on Friday.
    Option A is correct as it follows all the rules.
    Option B is wrong as it violates the third rule.
    Option C is wrong as it violates the fourth rule.
    Option D is wrong as per above explanation.
    Option E is wrong as it is not possible.

Question – 9

An examination of six subjects namely – A, B, C, D, E and F is to be conducted by a board. The examination is held from Monday through Saturday in a week. One subject is conducted each day according to the following rules.
A must be held earlier than F
E cannot be held on Tuesday.
B must be held on Thursday.
C must be held on the day immediately before or after the day on which D is held.

9. If D is held on Saturday, and F is held before E, A must be held on?

  • A. Monday

  • B. Tuesday

  • C. Wednesday

  • D. Thursday

  • E. Friday

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    If D is held on Saturday, then C must be held on Friday according to the fourth rule. Also, B must be held on Thursday following third rule. Now, according to the first rule, A must be held before F and according to the question, F must be held before E. So, A must be held on Monday.
    Option A is correct as it satisfies all the conditions.
    Option B is wrong as it is not possible.
    Option C is wrong as it is not possible.
    Option D is wrong as it violates the third rule.
    Option E is wrong as it is not possible.

Question – 10

An examination of six subjects namely – A, B, C, D, E and F is to be conducted by a board. The examination is held from Monday through Saturday in a week. One subject is conducted each day according to the following rules.
A must be held earlier than F
E cannot be held on Tuesday.
B must be held on Thursday.
C must be held on the day immediately before or after the day on which D is held.

10. If A is held on the day immediately after the day on which E is held, then A must be held on?

  • A. Monday

  • B. Tuesday

  • C. Wednesday

  • D. Friday

  • E. Saturday

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Here, according to third rule B must be held on Thursday. Also, to satisfy the fourth condition and the condition given in the question, C and D must be arranged on Friday and Saturday. Now, we have Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. To satisfy the first rule and the given condition, A must be held on Tuesday.
    Option A is not possible since it violates the condition given in the question.
    Option B is correct as it satisfies all the given conditions.
    Option C is wrong as it is not possible.
    Option D is wrong as it is not possible as per the above explanation.
    Option E is wrong as it is not possible.

Question – 11

Five business consultation meetings, code worded A, B, C, D and E have to be scheduled on five days, one each day starting Monday to Friday. The meetings have to be convened as per the following conditions:
1) Each meeting takes exactly one day.
2) B must be convened on the day preceding the days on which D and E are convened.
3) The meeting C cannot be convened on the Thursday.
4) D should be the second meeting convened after A.

11. If D is convened on Friday, then which of the following is true?

  • A. A is convened on Wednesday

  • B. B is convened on Tuesday

  • C. C is convened on Monday

  • D. C is convened on Thursday

  • E. E is convened on Thursday

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is correct according to the fourth rule.
    Option (B) is wrong since it need not be necessarily true.
    Option (C) is wrong since it need not be necessarily true.
    Option (D) is wrong since it is not possible.
    Option (E) is wrong since it need not be necessarily true.

Question – 12

Five business consultation meetings, code worded A, B, C, D and E have to be scheduled on five days, one each day starting Monday to Friday. The meetings have to be convened as per the following conditions:
1) Each meeting takes exactly one day.
2) B must be convened on the day preceding the days on which D and E are convened.
3) The meeting C cannot be convened on the Thursday.
4) D should be the second meeting convened after A.

12. If B, D and E are to be convened one after the other in that order, then the two days on which the meeting A can be convened are:

  • A. Monday and Tuesday

  • B. Monday and Friday

  • C. Tuesday and Wednesday

  • D. Wednesday and Friday

  • E. Thursday and Friday

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is correct according to the fourth rule. The BDE could be convened consecutively either starting Tuesday or Wednesday.
    Option (B) is wrong since it violates the fourth rule.
    Option (C) is wrong since it violates the fourth rule.
    Option (D) is wrong since it is not possible according to the fourth rule.
    Option (E) is wrong since it is not possible according to the fourth rule.

Question – 13

Five business consultation meetings, code worded A, B, C, D and E have to be scheduled on five days, one each day starting Monday to Friday. The meetings have to be convened as per the following conditions:
1) Each meeting takes exactly one day.
2) B must be convened on the day preceding the days on which D and E are convened.
3) The meeting C cannot be convened on the Thursday.
4) D should be the second meeting convened after A.

13. If A is convened on Monday, then which of the following must be true?

  • A. C is convened before B

  • B. C is convened before D

  • C. B is convened on Tuesday

  • D. C is convened on Thursday

  • E. E is convened on Thursday

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    As per the given rules and the conditions in this question, the order is: A _ D _ _
    As per the second rule, we have: A B D _ _
    Option (A) is wrong since this is not possible as per the above conclusion.
    Option (B) is wrong since this is not possible.
    Option (C) is correct as per the above explanation.
    Option (D) is wrong since this violates the third rule.
    Option (E) is wrong since E has to be convened on Friday.

Question – 14

Five business consultation meetings, code worded A, B, C, D and E have to be scheduled on five days, one each day starting Monday to Friday. The meetings have to be convened as per the following conditions:
1) Each meeting takes exactly one day.
2) B must be convened on the day preceding the days on which D and E are convened.
3) The meeting C cannot be convened on the Thursday.
4) D should be the second meeting convened after A.

14. E cannot be convened on which of the following days of the week?

  • A. Monday

  • B. Tuesday

  • C. Wednesday

  • D. Thursday

  • E. Friday

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is correct since it is not possible subject to the second rule.
    Option (B) is wrong since it is possible until the second rule is obeyed.
    Option (C) is wrong since it is possible until the second rule is obeyed.
    Option (D) is wrong since it is possible until the second rule is obeyed.
    Option (E) is wrong since it is possible until the second rule is obeyed.

Question – 15

Five business consultation meetings, code worded A, B, C, D and E have to be scheduled on five days, one each day starting Monday to Friday. The meetings have to be convened as per the following conditions:
1) Each meeting takes exactly one day.
2) B must be convened on the day preceding the days on which D and E are convened.
3) The meeting C cannot be convened on the Thursday.
4) D should be the second meeting convened after A.

15. On which days of the week can any of the five meetings be convened?

  • A. Monday

  • B. Tuesday

  • C. Wednesday

  • D. Thursday

  • E. Friday

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    As per the second rule, D cannot be convened on Monday and B cannot be on Thursday or Friday. As per the third rule, C cannot be convened on Thursday. As per the fourth rule, D cannot be convened on Tuesday. Hence, Wednesday is the only day that is available for all the meetings.
    Option (A) is wrong since it violates the second rule.
    Option (B) is wrong since it violates the fourth rule.
    Option (C) is correct according to the above explanation.
    Option (D) is wrong since it violates the second and third rules.
    Option (E) is wrong since it violates the second rule.

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