Common Sentence Completion Practice Test 5

Question – 1

1. They teach ____________ models that have little ____________ to real world problems.

  • A. Undeterminable…. Treatment

  • B. Significant… Utilization

  • C. Absurd… Practicality

  • D. Quantitative..Application

  • E. Noticeable…..Relevance

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is about learning and its relevance to the real world. The author’s mention of what is taught has little application to the real world problems itself suggests that the education endeavors to give practical explanations. However, the author laments that what is taught does not have practicality in the real world. For this reason, concerning the first blank, we can be sure that the word ‘quantitative’ is suitable. Furthermore, the word ‘application’ is very much apt for the second blank and hence, the fourth answer option, ‘qualitative….application’ is the correct answer to this question.

Question – 2

2. In the 1980’s, a ____________ of increased competitive pressures and greater multi-nationalization of Japanese business is making it difficult for many companies to rely ____________ upon internally trained managers.

  • A. Legislation… Entirely

  • B. Combination… Solely

  • C. Representation… Incompletely

  • D. Junction… Partially

  • E. Sequence… Uniquely

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:In this sentence, the author tries to explain the factors that led to distrust upon trained managers in Japan. Since two factors have been mentioned, by having a look at the given answer words for the first blank, we can make out that the word ‘combined’ is the most suitable word for the first blank. On the other hand, the second blank is in the context of explaining how Japanese business avoided relying upon internally trained managers. From among the given answer words for the second blank, we can understand that the words ‘entirely’ and ‘solely’ are the most suitable ones here. However, from both the explanations, we can consider the second option, ‘combination… solely’, as the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 3

3. Artists than whom the world has never seen greater, men ____________ with the spirit’s best gift, found their natural method of ____________ in the simplicity.

  • A. Gifted… Exposition

  • B. Provided… Style

  • C. Lavished… Work

  • D. Endowed… Expression

  • E. Graced… Verbalization

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The very fact that the first blank is followed by the phrase ‘spirit’s best gift’ helps us conclude that such ability is a gift. However, there are three words that are synonymous to the perceived meaning, ‘gifted’, ‘endowed’ and ‘graced’. Concerning the second blank, we should certainly choose between ‘exposition’, ‘expression’ and ‘verbalization’. Contextually speaking, from among these three, the word ‘expression’ is more apparent and appropriate. Hence, the fourth answer option, ‘endowed… expression’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 4

4. In the working class, people perform jobs in which they are closely ____________ and are required to follow orders and ____________.

  • A. Compelled… Rules

  • B. Watched… Demands

  • C. Monitored… Prescriptions

  • D. Advised… Processes

  • E. Supervised… Instructions

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes the work culture of the working class. By having a look at the answer words concerning the first blank, it is easy to understand that the words ‘monitored’ and ‘supervised’ are the most suitable ones. Apparently, the second blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to the words ‘orders’. From both the words ‘prescriptions’ and ‘instructions’, the latter is more suitable and appropriate for this blank. Hence, the fifth answer option ‘supervised… instructions’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 5

5. It ____________ speed, three times the payload, five times the range of the helicopters it’s meant to ____________.

  • A. Bestows… Dispense

  • B. Implements… Reinstate

  • C. Provides… Replace

  • D. Thrusts… Supply

  • E. Triggers… Alter

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:This sentence is about technological advancement, apparently in the field of avionics. The first blank is in the context of enhancing speed, payload capacity and range of helicopters. From among the given answer words, ‘provide’ is the most suitable answer option for the first blank. The words ‘thrusts’ and ‘triggers’ may go well for describing speeds but fail with respect to the other factors. The word ‘implements’ is irrelevant and ‘bestows’ is inappropriate. Now, concerning the second blank, if we carefully observe, from among the answer options, the words ‘reinstate’ and ‘supply’ are completely irrelevant. The other three options are more or less synonymous. However, according to the perceived meaning of the first blank, the third answer option, ‘provides… replace’ is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 6

6. Instead they used their ____________ of the liberal arts as a preparation of law, medicine, government service, or ____________ in the ecclesiastical hierarchy.

  • A. Culture… Amerlioration

  • B. Study… Advancement

  • C. Knowledge… Cessation

  • D. Archives… Improvement

  • E. Grasp… Regression

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence gives an account of how liberal arts were used to progress in various other career arenas. Concerning the context of the first blank and from the given answer words, we can notice that the words ‘study’ and ‘knowledge’ are the most suitable ones. Based upon the fact that they used liberal arts to prepare for law and other career options, we can be sure that they sought advancement in the ecclesiastical hierarchy too. Hence, the second answer option, ‘study… advancement’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 7

7. When the subject has been selected, the ____________ of the painting itself is to communicate and ____________ the significance of that selection.

  • A. Function… Justify

  • B. Activity… Give

  • C. Notion… List

  • D. Requisite… Propose

  • E. Ambiance…Exonerate

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence speaks about the chronology of a painting procedure. From among the given answer words for the first blank, the word ‘function’ suits the best. Furthermore, the word ‘justify’ suits the second blank because it is the only word that can properly deliver the significance of the selection, spoken of by the author. Hence, the first answer option, ‘function… justify’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 8

8. The fact that they’re still ____________ cars is not proof that Ford Motor Co. is a sound organization, on the contrary, it is just a ____________ that it takes very large companies to make cars in great quantities – making for an almost impregnable entry barrier.

  • A. Making… Truth

  • B. Manufacturing… Proof

  • C. Designing… Hypothesis

  • D. Building… Theory

  • E. Churning… Trial

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given is an ironic statement regarding the success of Ford Motor Co. Here, we can see that all the words go well with the first blank. However, concerning the second blank, it is not the case. The author states a fact in the first part of the sentence and uses it to help readers get the right perception of it. Hence, the fact stated in the first part of the sentence is a proof for the explanation in the second part of the sentence. Hence, the word ‘proof’ is the best suitable word concerning the second blank. Hence, the second option, ‘manufacturing… proof’ is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 9

9. But tales of their ____________ and wiliness don’t all come from sensationalist authors looking to make a ____________.

  • A. Rancor… Book

  • B. Harassment… Gag

  • C. Savagery…Buck

  • D. Terror… Joke

  • E. Prejudice… Living

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:By observing the context of the first blank, we can see that the words ‘rancor’, ‘savagery’ and ‘terror’ go well with the first blank because of the mention of the word ‘wiliness’. The fact that this sentence speaks about sensationalist authors is a hint for us to understand that they are pretty much successful. Hence, the words ‘gag’ and ‘joke’ take least priority concerning the second blank. However, from among the words ‘book’ and ‘buck’, the word ‘book’ is least likely because the context itself is already about authors, which makes it inherent. Hence, the third answer option, ‘savagery… buck’, is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 10

10. They provide a source of ____________ labour which helps keep exports to the developed world at a low price and which has ____________ the urban-biased growth.

  • A. Flamboyant… Fed

  • B. Cheap… Financed

  • C. Priceless… Helped

  • D. Petty… Sponsored

  • E. Demeaning… Triggered

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The fact that exports are kept at a low price suggests that there is not much or minimal expenditure on labor, which makes them cheap or affordable. Hence, the precis word for the first blank is ‘cheap’. We can deduce that this sentence highlights the monetary benefits gained by using cheap labor. Hence, for the second blank, the word ‘financed’ is appropriate. Therefore, the second answer option, ‘cheap… financed’ is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 11

11. The argument ____________ on and soon ____________ beyond the boundaries of science to become a burning religious question.

  • A. Yelled… Confuted

  • B. Erupted… Dissented

  • C. Raged… Spilled

  • D. Heated… Jumped

  • E. Stifled… Threw

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence discusses how an argument raises a burning religious question. From the given words for the first blank, it is easy for us to guess that the argument has erupted. Hence, the words ‘erupted’ and ‘raged’ go well with this blank. However, concerning the second blank, we can notice that it has to be filled by a word that is synonymous to the word ‘crossed’. Hence, the word ‘spilled’ is more suitable for the second blank. Therefore, from both the understandings, we can see that the third answer option, ‘raged… spilled’ is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 12

12. And like much ____________ jargon developed in specialized trades and sports, a few of the terms are making their way into ____________ use.

  • A. Rich… Communal

  • B. Vivid… General

  • C. Shimmering… Filthy

  • D. Weak… Societal

  • E. Silvery… Novel

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:This sentence speaks of a lively dialect and its course in the usage. Concerning the first blank, we can understand that the blank should be filled by a word that is synonymous to ‘rich’ since it explains the nature of a dialect characteristic to trades and sports. The second blank is in the context of explaining that this lively dialect is being used among the society commonly. Hence, the word ‘general’ or ‘societal’ suits the second blank. From both the understandings, we can see that the second answer option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 13

13. There are many similar ____________ where anyone working with words can turn gagmen’s ____________ secrets to count.

  • A. Seizes… Transaction

  • B. Occasions… Trade

  • C. Conditions… Enterprise

  • D. Positions… Virtuous

  • E. Scenes… Covenant

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes how gagmen’s secrets can be found out in common usage. By taking a look at the answer words concerning the first blank, it is easy to see that the blank should be filled by the word that is synonymous to ‘situations’. The words ‘occasions’ and ‘conditions’ suit the first blank better. However, we can see that the second blank is in the context of explaining gagmen’s secrets which are in fact their business strategies. Hence, we can see that the second blank should be filled in by a word that gives the meaning of ‘business secrets’. Hence, from both the understandings, we can see that the second answer option, ‘occasions… trade’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 14

14. To say that we must educate ourselves or ____________, is a little more ____________ than the facts warrant.

  • A. Pass… Conceited

  • B. Crumble… Contrived

  • C. Perish… Melodramatic

  • D. Revive… Original

  • E. Germinate… Unique

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:We shall have to answer this question by going through the answer options. We can see that education is being given importance and obviously, this should make us guess that the first blank should be filled in by the words ‘crumble’ or ‘perish’. From both the words ‘contrived’ and ‘melodramatic’ concerning the second blank, we can see that the word ‘melodramatic’ is more suitable since it explains the condition of one without education in a much better way. Hence, the third answer option, ‘perish… melodramatic’ is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 15

15. There have been many losses in the last decade but the loss of the ____________ return of India has been for me an ____________ anguish, an inescapable anguish.

  • A. Evident… Accountable

  • B. Wishful… Ambiguous

  • C. Paltry… Excellent

  • D. Easy… Absolute

  • E. Snappy… Imperfect

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:This sentence describes the anguish of an individual who had been exiled from India. We can understand this from the phrases ‘return of India’ and ‘an inescapable anguish’. Obviously, an exile does not allow you to enter a country easily. From the given answer options for the first blank, the word ‘easy’ is the most suitable one for the first blank. Further, from among the answer words concerning the second blank, the word ‘absolute’ perfectly describes the anguish of the writer. Hence, the fourth answer choice, ‘easy… absolute’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

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