Common Identifying Sentence Errors Practice Test 5

Question – 1

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

1. When Deng Xiaoping took over, in what (A) was essentially a palace coup, (B) he was going to take the (C) country in the opposite direction (D). No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment (A) implies that there was a change in governance after the ‘palace coup’. The phrase ‘took over’ initiates the idea of a ‘coup’, which will be perpetuated by rest of the statement. Since there are no errors in segment (A), option (A) is a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘palace coup’ explains the manner in which Deng Xiaoping took over the governance of the nation. This phrase is essential to make the notion being developed by the statement clear. Moreover, it does not have any error; making option (B) a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is correct. The underlined segment (C) is written in past progressive tense, whereas rest of the sentence is written in simple past tense. Hence, the underlined section has a discrepancy in tenses, which means the phrase ‘was going to take the’ contain grammatical errors. Thus, option (C) is the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘opposite direction’ implies that there was a change in the governance of the nation, after the ‘palace coup’. This phrase is essential to making the notion the statement is trying to develop clear. The underlined segment (D) does not have any error and this makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident from the above-mentioned explanations, for this question, that there is an error in the statement. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 2

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

2. The situation however is (A) different for India when compared (B) to China. The democratic principles (C) on which the Indian political system is based, are contrary to the Socialist notions prevalent (D) in China. No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is correct. The underlined segment (A) introduces the fact that the statement is going to discuss a comparison. The term ‘however’ initiates the comparison, between the political systems of India and China. Thus, ‘however’ should be read with appropriate pauses, so that the sentence sounds correct. There should be a comma before and after ‘however’ in the phrase ‘situation however is’. Thus, the underlined segment (A) has punctuation errors, making option (A) the right answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined segment (B) introduces the idea that two notions are being weighed against one another. Hence, the phrase ‘when compared’ is crucial to make the meaning the second sentence is trying to develop, evident. Moreover, the phrase has no errors structural, grammatical or otherwise and thus, option (B) is an incorrect answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The underlined segment (C) describes the nature of the principles according to which India is governed. This phrase does not contain any error and hence, option (C) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘notion prevalent’ implies the idea that China has a Socialist government. Other than that, the phrase does not have any error, which makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the given sentences, it is clear that one of them has an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 3

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

3. After the death (A) of Deng Xiaoping, China became a (B) Socialist Republic with surprising speed the nation (C) soon came under the yoke of a dictatorial rule (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The phrase ‘the death’ describes a situation that initiated the change in Chinese governance. Moreover, the phrase does not have any errors, thereby making option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘became a’ describes the outcome of the death of Deng Xiaoping. It was his death that stimulated a change in the governance of China. There are also, no errors in the phrase and hence, option (B) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (C) is correct. On studying the phrase ‘speed the nation’ it becomes evident that it lacks a conjunction. Moreover, the following part of the statement: ‘the nation soon…’ discusses an idea different from the first half of the sentence. To make the sentence meaningful, there should be an ‘and’ between ‘speed’ and ‘the’, in the underlined segment (C). Hence, the underlined segment (C) has a grammatical error, which makes option (C) the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘dictatorial rule’ defines the nature of governance that China has after the death of Deng Xiaoping. Moreover, option (D) is a wrong answer, because the underlined segment does not have any error.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the sentence, it is evident that it has errors. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer.

Question – 4

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

4. Democracies make (A) many small mistakes (B), which are not easy identify (C), but are manifested (D) over time. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The phrase ‘Democracies make’, is the subject of the given sentence. The rest of the sentence describes a particular quality of democratic rule. Moreover, the phrase ‘democracies make’ has no errors, making option (A) an incorrect answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘small mistakes’ describe the nature of slip-ups made by democracies. This is an adverb phrase and has no errors, thereby making option (B) a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is correct. The underlined segment (C) lacks an infinitive. The phrase ‘not easy identify’ is confusing without a ‘to’. Hence, the phrase should be re-written as ‘not easy to identify’, so that the entire statement becomes understandable. As segment (C) contains a grammatical error, option (C) is the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The term ‘manifested’ means to make evident. The errors made in democracies become evident over time. Thus, it is essential to use this term to ensure that the meaning of the statement becomes clear. Since there is no error in the usage of the term, option (D) is a wrong answer option.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the sentence, it becomes evident that there is an error in the sentence. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 5

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

5. Democratic rules who (A) are prone to errors (B) often affect the nation adversely (C). However, these errors can be rectified (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment (A) mentions the nature of protestors, trying to change the decision of the Chinese government. The phrase ‘of environmental’ is an adverb phrase and contains no structural or grammatical errors. Hence, option (A) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The term ‘errors’ is essential to describe the outcome of ‘democratic rules’. Based on the context of the sentence the usage of the term ‘errors’ is correct and hence, option (B) is a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘nation adversely’, describes the result of errors made by democratic rules. This phrase is essential to make the meaning of the sentence evident. Moreover, it does not contain any error, thereby making option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘can be rectified’ explains the fact that these are not errors that cannot be corrected. Moreover, this phrase does not have any errors, thus making option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. It is evident from the explanations given that the sentences give contain errors. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 6

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

6. In India, implementing (A) drastic change have (B) always been difficult. Thus, smooth transition (C) from one form of governance (D) to another is important. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The term ‘implementing’ means to apply or introduce. The usage of this term is correct in the context of the sentence. Hence, option (A) is a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is correct. The phrase ‘change have’ is incorrect in the context of the sentence. Moreover, ‘have’ is a plural verb and hence, ‘change’ should be plural as well. Since, underlined segment (B) has a grammatical error; option (B) is the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘smooth transition’ perpetuates the idea of ‘change’ that the first statement of the passage discusses. Since there is no error in the phrase, option (C) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The term ‘governance’ is the noun and subject of the sentence. Moreover, the usage of the term is correct in the context of the statement and hence, option (D) is a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident from the above-mentioned explanations, the given statements contain an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer.

Question – 7

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

7. Dictatorships (A) are more susceptible (B) to making hugely wrong mistakes, (C) in comparison to democratic nations (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The term ‘dictatorships’ means a particular type of governance or political system. The statement discusses a particular nature of this type governance. There is no error in the usage of the term and hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘more susceptible’ describes a particular characteristic of dictatorial rule. Also, there are no errors in the underlined segment (B) and hence, option (B) is a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is correct. The phrase ‘hugely wrong mistakes’ is structurally incorrect. The term ‘mistakes’ implies that they are wrong. Moreover, the term ‘hugely’ is a wrong usage of the adjective ‘huge’. The phrase should be re-written as ‘huge mistakes’ and hence, the underlined segment has grammatical errors. Thus, option (C) is the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘democratic nations’ typifies a particular type of governance. Moreover, there are no errors in the underlined segment (D) and hence, option (D) is a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. Based on the above-mentioned explanations, it is evident that there are errors in the statement. Hence, ‘no error’ is a wrong answer option.

Question – 8

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

8. A nation (A) under dictatorial rule (B) often faces politically charged (C) upheavals, because all political decisions are taken by a single person (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The phrase ‘a nation’ is the subject of the sentence. Moreover, the usage of the term is correct in context of the statement. Hence, option (A) is a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘dictatorial rule’ defines a particular type of governance. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase and hence, option (B) is a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is correct. The phrase ‘politically charged’ upheavals unnecessarily complicates the sentence. It can be easily simplified ‘as ‘political’ upheavals. Hence, the underlined segment (C) has structural error, making option (C) the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘single person’ is grammatically correct and qualifies the nature of dictatorial rule. Hence, option (D) is a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. From the above-mentioned explanations it is evident that there is an error in the statement. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 9

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

9. No amount of negative (A) public opinion lawsuits (B) by lobbyists can change the political decisions (C) made in a dictatorial regime (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The term ‘negative’ qualifies the nature of ‘public opinions’. The usage of the adjective is correct, which subsequently makes option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is correct. The phrase ‘public opinion lawsuits by lobbyists’ sounds incorrect without the proper preposition. There should be an ‘or’ in between ‘opinion’ and ‘lawsuits’. Hence, option (B) is the right answer, because the underlined segment (B) has a grammatical error.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘political decisions’ is correct, because it characterizes a particular type of choices made in a dictatorial rule. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase, which makes option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘dictatorial regime’ is an adjective phrase that defines a particular type of governance. Also there is no error in usage of the underlined segment (D) in the context of the statement. Hence, option (D) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. From the above-mentioned explanations it is evident that there is an error in the sentence and hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 10

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

10. Dictators (A) often take disastrous decisions, (B) like going to war (C) without taking consideration (D) the misery it causes. No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The term ‘dictators’ is the subject of the sentence. The rest of the statement discusses a particular action that dictators often take. Moreover, there is no error in usage of the term, in the context of the sentence and hence, option (A) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘disastrous decisions’ qualifies a particular type choice made by dictators. Moreover, this phrase has no error and hence, option (B) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘going to war’ characterizes a particular type of action. This entire phrase can be considered similar to a verb (in the context of this sentence), which also decides the tense of the sentence. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase and hence, option (C) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (D) is correct. The phrase ‘taking consideration’ lacks a preposition and this subsequently, makes the sentence confusing. The phrase should be re-written as ‘taking into consideration’. Segment (D) hence, comprises a grammatical error, thereby making option (D) the right answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. From the above-mentioned explanations for this sentence, it is evident that the given statement has an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 11

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

11. Despite the fact (A) that the Indian democracy has serious issues with regard to corruption (B), it is better (C) than Bangladesh, a nation who had (D) to suffer long stretches of dictatorship. No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined phrase ‘despite the fact’ implies that the statement will be comparing two entities. In this case it is going to comparing the system of governance of the two nations, India and Bangladesh. Moreover, there are no errors in the underlined segment (A) and that makes option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined segment (B) identifies a particular type of problem faced by the Indian democracy. This section implies the fact that in spite of the charges of corruption against the Indian democracy, it is better than Bangladesh, which suffered from dictatorial rules. This section is essential to make the comparison the statement is trying to draw, understandable. Moreover, there are no errors in the underlined segment (B), making option (B) a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘is better’ exemplifies the comparison, which forms the crux of the sentence. Moreover, there are no errors in the underlined segment (C), making option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is correct. The underlined segment ‘Bangladesh, a nation who had’ personifies the country. Although, Bangladesh is a proper noun, the name of a nation is usually not followed by a ‘who’. Moreover, the term immediately preceding ‘who’ is ‘nation’, which is an abstract noun and it cannot be described by a ‘who’. Thus segment (D) contains grammatical and structural errors, making option (D) the right answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the sentence closely, it is evident that it contains errors. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 12

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

12. Business requires a settled government to put through (A) the habit of plundering strangers. This is not a habit of tribal people, who are often friendly and honest (B). It is what (C) civilized men do where there is no law to restrain them (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is correct. ‘Put through’ means to complete something successfully which is not the meaning that needs to be conveyed here. ‘Put down’ or ‘suppress’ would be the correct usage.
    Option B is incorrect. The nature of tribal people is being described here and ‘who’ refers to them. Therefore, this segment is structurally correct.
    Option C is incorrect. The word ‘it’ refers to the act of ‘plundering strangers’ and the meaning is conveyed in a proper manner and the segment is structurally correct.
    Option D is incorrect. The word ‘them’ refers to the ‘civilized men’ and it is used as an object of preposition and the usage is grammatically correct.
    Option E is incorrect. Since there is an error in segment A, option E cannot be chosen.

Question – 13

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

13. They still remember some astonishing outbursts of looting (A) perpetrated by English ladies of high position at moments (B) when law and order was suspended and priceless works of art were (C) to be had for the grabbing (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is incorrect. The preposition ‘of’ is used here to relate to or in connection with ‘looting’ and this usage is grammatically correct.
    Option B is correct. The segment is structurally incorrect since a comma has to be placed after ‘high position’ so as to convey the required meaning.
    Option C is incorrect. Here the noun is ‘priceless works of art’ and it is plural; the verb used is also plural and therefore, this segment is grammatically correct.
    Option D is incorrect. Here, the preposition ‘for’ is used to indicate what happened to the ‘works of art’ and the usage is proper.
    Option E is incorrect. Since there is an error in segment B, ‘no error’ cannot be chosen.

Question – 14

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

14. The cannons and cutlasses a single ship of the aborigines carries may be quite sufficient to overawe (A) the natives if they are troublesome (B). The real difficulty begins when a number of ships (C) start arriving. This leads (D) to the establishment of a little trading station of white men. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option A is incorrect. The preposition ‘to’ is used to denote the verb ‘overawe’ and how the contents of a ‘single ship’ is enough to do that. The segment is correct and hence, this answer choice is incorrect.
    Option B is incorrect. Here, the pronoun ‘they’ refers to the natives the segment implies their troublesome nature. The segment is structurally correct and hence, this answer choice is incorrect.
    Option C is incorrect. The expression ‘number of’ is used before plural things that can be measured. Since ‘ship’ can be measured and it is referred to in plural, the usage is apt.
    Option D is incorrect. Here, the pronoun, ‘this’ refers to the arrival of a number of ships and since ‘arrival’ is singular, ‘this’ is also singular and this segment is grammatically correct.
    Option E is correct. Since there are no errors in any of the segments, ‘no error’ is the right choice.

Question – 15

For the following questions, you will have to identify whether or not there are any error/errors in the underlined sections in the given passages. If there are any error/errors, choose the correct option accordingly, otherwise select option (E) which is the ‘no error’ option.

15. These business stations attract (A) criminals and violent roughs. It is these riffraff who (B) turn the place into a sort of hell in which sooner or later (C) missionaries are murdered and traders plundered (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    A is incorrect. Here, ‘attract’ is the verb corresponding to the noun ‘stations’. Since there is a noun-verb match, this statement is correct.
    B is incorrect. ‘Riffraff’ refers to the criminals mentioned earlier and since people are mentioned here, ‘who’ is the correct usage.
    C is incorrect. The expression is correct because it means that the incident will happen earlier than expected.
    D is incorrect. The word, ‘plunder’ is used in the past tense like the rest of the sentence and therefore, there is no error in the underlined segment.
    E is correct. Since there are no errors in any of the underlined segments, option is must be chosen.

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