Common Reading Comprehension Select Many Practice Test 3


1.Which distressing facts are revealed when we compare the child malnutrition statistics of our country with Sub-Saharan Africa?

  • A We have better education and economic possibilities.

  • B. They have 30% children affected with malnutrition versus the 50% of them in South Asia.

  • C. The drinking water provisions are better off on our edge.

  • D. We have made more advancement in the agricultural and economic spheres.

  • E. Only one sixth of their children are underweight at birth.

  • Answer: ABCDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: All the options given to us in this question are correct as even if they look prolific factors on the part of Indians, they are distressing facts to be known when compared to a less developed country like Africa. The context of the passage is to see the comparative position of India with respect to Africa on the grounds of child malnutrition. India falls back in this comparison as even though Africa is behind India in its progress rate, it has a better statistic graph to show in this respect.


2. ‘In many Indian homes, men eat first; women have to make do with leftover.’ What all is conveyed by the given statement?

  • A The love and devotion of the women in Indian households.

  • B. The cultural and religious bonding.

  • C. The illogical devotion to serve to other members before eating by self.

  • D. The male domination in the Indian houses.

  • E. A glimpse of the cultural restraints thrown on the women.

  • Answer: BCDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The question demands us to logically analyze the statement and then look for the correct options that explain the various aspects of it. The options A and C describe nearly the same aspect but we regard option C as the correct answer as it is a more logical explanation among the two. The rest of the options are also valid logical explanations so are the correct answers.


3. To what all things is the malnutrition of a child connected?

  • A The malnutrition of the mother.

  • B. The preoccupation of the mother with domestic tasks.

  • C. The lack of food supply to the country.

  • D. The tendency of the mother to eat what is left over after the others have had their meals.

  • E. The lack of economic and practical control in the hands of the mother.

  • Answer: ABDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The question is centered on the details given in the last part of the passage that centers on the way in which women are facing malnutrition leading to the malnutrition in the children also. The passage tells us that the tendency of the women to eat after their families and be engrossed in their work always, thus being able to devote less time to themselves and children also leads to their malnutrition. The correct answers in the light of these factors are options A, B, D and E.


4. What were the grounds on which the British rule was considered to be good for Indians in Bengal in the early 19th century?

  • A The progress that India had made under the British rule.

  • B. The way in which British rulers had settled themselves into various positions in India.

  • C. The influence that British rulers had established over the Bengal region since it was their center of rule.

  • D. Analysis of the benefits associated with the rule and the whole force that would go into getting freedom from it.

  • E. The freedom it gave to Indians from Muslim rule that was characterized with tyranny and lack of progress.

  • Answer: ADE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The question requires us to deeply analyze the facts expressed in the passage in relation to the way in which British rule was being considered beneficial to the Indians and it was asserted to leave the attempts to gain freedom from it. The passage states that it was asserted in Bengal particularly, that India had made immense progress under British rule, and had ended the tyrannical and unprogressive era of Muslim rule for Indians. The answer options that suit to this criterion are A, D and E, which are thus, the correct answers.


5. The causes of the abject state of Indians in the beginning of 19th century were ………………. and ………………. .

  • A Prevalence of illiteracy

  • B. Being oppressed

  • C. Being under the rule of a foreign country

  • D. Not having a proper governing system

  • E. Being unaware of the rich cultural heritage that Indians are blessed with

  • Answer: BC

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The question requires us to go into the depth of all the given options and then analyze them in the light of the details given in the passage such that we can identify the ones that are correct in relation to it. The options A and D can also be correct answers but we cannot take them in that manner as they do not find a mention in the passage. The last option is incorrect as we see in the very first line of the passage that by the 19th century started, the Indians had become aware of their rich cultural heritage. The correct answers therefore, are options B and C.


6. What are the connotations that the term ‘religious utilitarian’ carries with it?

  • A Following a thoroughly practical and logical approach in life.

  • B. Not being stressful of the beyond-life aspect of religion.

  • C. Allowing other cultures to impart their values into the one that is being followed primarily.

  • D. Being an atheist and skeptic about the religious teachings.

  • E. Stressing on the socially relevant aspect of all things including religion.

  • Answer: BDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The answer requires us to look into the various traits that Raja Rammohan Roy displayed in his life and the account that has been given to us in the last part of the passage. The correct answers with reference to those details are options B, D and E, while the rest two options are wrong as being a religious utilitarian doesn’t refer to being an atheist but to the tendency to make religion more life friendly.


What is the cause behind the staircases drowning in Venice?

  • A Ground level going down due to earth movements.

  • B. People lowering the staircases of their houses.

  • C. The collapse of the Antarctic ice shelves.

  • D. Global warming due to pollution and other factors.

  • E. The lack of co-operation on the part of America to control imparting pollutants to the world.

  • Answer: CDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage throws light on the water levels displacing themselves under the impact of climatic changes that are in turn, a result of rising pollution worldwide. The reference to the drowning stairs in Venice reflects the rising water levels in the rivers due to the icebergs melting under the impact of pollution and global warming. The correct answers therefore, are options C, D and E.


8. ‘Will citizens of Maldives crowd into Kerala? Will another mass migration from Bangladesh turn West Bengal upside down?’ Which of the following statements explain the connotations of these questions?

  • A Mass migrations taking place in search of safe places where the impact of global warming can be avoided.

  • B. The migrations that people take for seeking better life opportunities.

  • C. The danger of drowning under rising sea levels that many small countries are dreaded with.

  • D. The increase in the temporary migrations that people take occasionally but leads to the rise in population of host countries.

  • E. The crowding risks that many countries face in the light of present day water crisis.

  • Answer: ACE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The questions posed in the passage are a reference to the various consequences that rising water levels, drowning of landmass and global warming is having on countries. The test-takers are required to analyze the options provided carefully and then reach at the most suitable options in the light of the passage’s contents. The correct options in this respect are options A, C and D. The other two options are incorrect as they are irrelevant to the context that we are considering in the passage.


9. Reason out the factors that lead to people turning ‘desperate and violent’ in conditions when water is not provided to them.

  • A The fact that life stands above all the forces of the society and culture like law, order and punishment.

  • B. The need of water being the bare requirement for life to sustain on the planet.

  • C. The huge suffering that thirst and parched throat causes.

  • D. The inability to satisfy a basic need for their children.

  • E. Water being the source of life, starves them more than deprivation of food products.

  • Answer: ABCDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The question and especially the words highlighted bring out the importance that is carried by water in the life of a normal human being. The fact to be considered is that lack of water can bring out the negative sides in a human being, as it is recognized that situations of crisis can lead a man to do acts that can be against the rules of the society, state and humanity also. The options given to us, all bring out the various aspects involved in the usage of these words, thus are all the correct answers.


10. What have been the effects of criminalization of politics?

  • A Entry of people with criminal records into the political system.

  • B. Criminals taking the seats of power in the country’s decisive bodies.

  • C. Declining capacity of the state authorities to provide security to the citizens.

  • D. Erosion of the law and order system to perform efficiently.

  • E. Rising of a state where crime and internal conflicts are on a high.

  • Answer: CDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage provided to us throws light on the state of affairs that are highly affected with crime becoming a part of it with the entry of people with criminal backgrounds into it. We are provided with an account of the factors that arise as a result of it and also the possible solution that can be sought for solving this huge problem. The correct answers to the question given to us are contained in the last three options as the passage explains eroding ability of law and order system to perform, its lowering capacity to provide security and criminal activities rise as the resultant factors of this condition. The rest two options explain the term ‘criminalization of politics’ so are the incorrect answers.


11. How can the present condition be prevented to deteriorate further?

  • A Adapting a policy to bring about reforms in the electoral system of the country.

  • B. Recognition of multiculturalism as an important part of Indian system.

  • C. By introducing a system to prevent criminal minds to enter politics.

  • D. By bringing about an urge to recognize national benefits other than personal ones among the politicians, along with recognition of Indian culture of tolerance.

  • E. Arousal of people to not vote for people with criminal records behind them.

  • Answer: ACD

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The last part of the passage brings before us the various factors that can brought into action so as to prevent the conditions that criminalization of politics has made to rise in India. On the basis of the given information, the correct answers are contained in options A, C and D; the rest two options can also be correct but they are not a part of the passage’s contents so we cannot take them as the correct answers.


12. The statement ‘India’s essential genius lies in its tradition of tolerance’ conveys that:

  • A One should have knowledge of the country’s historical heritage.

  • B. Indians should not be self centered in their approach towards progress.

  • C. The vast diversity of cultures and religions in India that demands respect to all of them and their concerns.

  • D. The approach towards various aspects of the country should be based on the national interest and not personal.

  • E. The personal or communal issues should be kept aside when on a decisive position.

  • Answer: BCDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The requirement of the question is to analyze the significance of the statement mentioned as such and also with respect to the passage’s contents. The statement has been used in the passage in relation to the solutions that can be sought to solve the political criminalization problem, such that to assert the recognition of the vast diversity that should be kept in mind while taking decisions for the country other than personal or communal issues. The correct answers therefore, are options B, C, D and E.


13. Which factors make the adverse conditions of governance in India revealed to us?

  • A The failing democratic model in various Indian institutions.

  • B. hrough the equality of status that is provided to all citizens by the democratic model.

  • C. Rising differences between the treatment of minorities and other groups of citizens.

  • D. The development of a network between politicians, bureaucracy, business world and criminals.

  • E. Criminals entering all realms of the country’s functioning.

  • Answer: ACDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage provided here throws light on the adverse conditions of the country in the wake of the various kinds of unlikely events taking shape in it. The passage also tells us about the conditions that make these conditions apparent to us like failure of democratic model in its institutions, the differences noticed between the treatment that is offered to its minorities and majority populations and also the development of a union between its important realms of politics, bureaucracy, and business with the criminal world. The options that stand correct as per this explanation are A, C, D and E.


14. How has the advancement in media technology affected the mindsets and behavior of citizens?

  • A More attempts to seek attention from the governing systems.

  • B. Rising amount of demonstrations in public places.

  • C. Rising number of expectations they have from the government.

  • D. Antagonism on their behalf due to the failures of the administrative systems.

  • E. Aggressive behavior as a result of dissatisfaction.

  • Answer: CDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The last part of the passage gives a reference to the impact that a media and information revolution has put on the citizens. We are made to focus on the rise in expectations, resentments and thus, violence on the part of the citizens. We realize that as the media industry has made the functioning and various aspects of governing systems apparent before the citizens so as to make them expect more out of the government, feel angry because of its failures that leads to aggression and violence on their behalf. The correct answers thus are contained in options C, D and E.


15. What makes the personal security of the citizens a matter of prime importance?

  • A The rising criminal activities around the globe.

  • B. Influence of criminal forces over those that maintain law and order.

  • C. The increasing intensity of communal violence incidents in the country.

  • D. Varying interests of citizens belonging to different classes and communities.

  • E. Entry of politics into forces that maintain law and order.

  • Answer: BE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage makes a passing reference to the problem of citizen security being a matter of importance for the governing systems due to the fast growing nexus between criminal world and the forces of law and order. The options that stand up to this description are B and E so are the correct answers. The rest of the options given to us are also logically correct, but since we do not find details relevant to them in the passage, we cannot take them as the correct answers.

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