Common Sentence Errors Practice Test 4

Question – 1

1. The story of Achilles is found in Greek mythology (A). As the tale goes Achilles was great warrior, who body (B) was invulnerable to weapons. However, his heel was the weak spot (C). This gave rise to the idiom (D) ‘Achilles’ heel’. No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined clause (A) mentions the origin of the story of Achilles. On reading the phrase no error can be identified. Hence, option (A) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (B) is correct. The underlined phrase discusses the nature of Achilles’ body. Here the term ‘who’ is incorrect. It should be replaced by ‘whose’, so as to provide a clear notion of the unusual power of Achilles. Hence, there is a grammatical error in the underlined phrase, which makes option (B) the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The particular phrase describes the heel of Achilles as being the only vulnerable point in his body. As there is no error in the phrase; option (C) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The particular phrase describes the nature of the phrase ‘Achilles’ heel’. It only mentions that it is a common idiomatic expression. Moreover, it does not have any error, which makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On reading the passage it is evident that there is an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer.

Question – 2

2. When Deng Xiaoping died a few (A) months ago, the (B) Chinese leadership barely paused for a moment immediately before (C) getting on with the business of governing (D) the country. No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment (A) tells us when Deng Xiaoping died. The phrase ‘a few’ is an adverb phrase. Moreover, there are no structural or grammatical errors in the segment and hence, this is not the correct answer choice.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined segment reiterates the fact that Deng Xiaoping had died a few months back. The phrase ‘ago, the’ does not have any structural or grammatical errors and hence, option (B) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (C) is correct. There is no need to prefix ‘before’ with ‘immediately’. From the passage it is evident that the Chinese government lost no time in replacing Deng Xiaoping. His did not affect the governing of the nation, since his leadership was speedily replaced by another leader. The use of ‘before’ as a prefix leads to redundancy, which is a structural error. Hence option (C) is the right answer option.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘of governing’ explains the notion that the Chinese nation (especially its government) continued its daily affairs and that it remained unaffected by the death of Deng Xiaoping. Moreover, segment (D) does not have any structural or grammatical errors, making option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident from the above-mentioned explanations, there is an error in the given statement and this makes ‘no error’ a wrong answer option.

Question – 3

3. In contrast to the Chinese (A), there has been (B) chaotic contortions on India’s political stage (C) in the past month (D). No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The statement is trying to draw a comparison between the political situations of the two countries – India and China. The underlined segment (A) ‘to the Chinese’, mentions this comparison. Also no errors can be identified in the underlined segment. Hence, option (A) is an incorrect answer choice.
    Option (B) is correct. The section of the statement ‘…Chinese, there has been chaotic contortions…’ discusses the political scenario in India. Since ‘contortions’ here is plural, the verb should also be plural, but it is not so in the case of segment (B) thus, option (B) is the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. This section ‘political stage’ explains the particular sector of India that is facing the ‘contortions’. Moreover, the underlined segment (C) has no error and this makes option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined segment (D) explains the time phase within which India has been facing political problems. This section is essential to make the notion the statement is trying to develop complete. Moreover, there are no errors in this segment and this makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident, from the explanations given for each option for this question, there is an error in the statement. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer.

Question – 4

4. When the Chinese leadership (A) wants a power plant to be set up it (B) just goes ahead without taking into account (C) the public opinion (D). No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment ‘Chinese leadership’ is the subject of the statement. The rest of the statement explains the activities of the ‘Chinese leadership’. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase ‘Chinese leadership’ and hence, option (A) is a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is correct. If you study the statement well, you will be able to identify that the sentence does not have proper punctuations. However, without proper breaks the entire statement becomes confusing. Moreover, there is a shift in idea from ‘….to be set up’ and ‘it just goes ahead…’ Thus, there should be a comma between ‘up’ and ‘it’. The underlined segment (B) has a punctuation error and this makes option (B) the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The underlined segment (C) discusses the behavior of the Chinese leadership. Moreover, it does not have any structural or grammatical error and that makes option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The segment (D), ‘public opinion’ is the object of the statement. The underlined segment is essential, to evaluate the behavior of the Chinese leadership towards a certain section of the nation. Moreover, it does not have any error, which makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the explanations for the answer options of this question, it is evident that there is an error in the given sentence. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the correct answer.

Question – 5

5. No fears of protracted litigation, of environmental (A) protests or of lobbying by interested (B) parties can deter (C) the Chinese government from changing its decision (D). No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment (A) mentions the nature of protestors, trying to change the decision of the Chinese government. The phrase ‘of environmental’ is an adverb phrase and contains no structural or grammatical errors. Hence, option (A) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘lobbying by interested’ mentions the behavior of a particular section of the public, trying to change the decision of the Chinese government. This phrase also does not have any error and hence, option (B) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The term ‘deter’ means to dissuade somebody from pursuing a particular decision. Here the usage of the term is correct, because according to the statement, various sections of the public often try to prevent the Chinese government from pursuing a particular decision. Hence, there is no error in the underlined term, making option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined segment (D) makes the notion the sentence is trying to develop complete. It explains that the public sometimes try to change certain decisions of the Chinese government, but to no avail. Moreover, there are no structural or grammatical errors in the underlined section and that makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is correct. On studying the sentence given, it is clear that it has no errors. Hence, the only possible answer is ‘no error’ and this makes option (E) the right answer.

Question – 6

6. It is easy (A) to conclude that democracy (B) and democratic freedoms are serious obstacle (C) to economic progress (D). No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment commences the given sentence. It sets the idea that the notion that the statement is trying to develop can be easily concluded. Moreover, there are no errors in the underlined section and that makes option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. Section (B) mentions a type of political or governing method. The phrase ‘that democracy and democratic freedoms’ is the subject of the sentence. Hence, segment (B) is essential to make the sentence meaningful. Moreover, it does not have any grammatical or structural errors. Hence, option (B) is a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is correct. The subject of the given sentence is plural and hence, instead of ‘obstacle’ it should be ‘obstacles’. Segment (C) has a structural error, which makes option (C) the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined segment ‘economic progress’ makes the sentence complete. It explains the area where democratic freedoms can prove to be an obstacle. Moreover, segment (D) does not have any error, making option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the explanations given for this sentence, it is evident that there is an error in the statement. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be a right answer option.

Question – 7

7. Neither the democracy and (A) the economy is held to ransom, (B) by striking truckers (C) or air traffic controllers (D). No error (E).

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is correct. The statement begins with a ‘neither’ and hence, there should be a ‘nor’ after ‘democracy’. However, in the underlined segment (A), there is an ‘and’ instead of a ‘nor’ and this means there is a structural error in the underlined section. Thus, option (A) is the right answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined segment (B) describes the situation occurring when truckers or air traffic controllers go on a strike. The meaning of the underlined segment becomes clear, when it is read keeping in mind the notion being developed by the entire statement. Moreover, there are no structural or grammatical errors in the section, making option (B) an incorrect answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. This segment defines a certain section of the public, ‘the truckers’, who go on strike. The phrase ‘the truckers’ is important to help the reader analyze the idea the sentence is trying to develop. Moreover, option (C) is incorrect, because the underlined section has no errors.
    Option (D) is incorrect. This segment too mentions the nature of certain section of the population who are on strike – ‘the air traffic controller’. There are no errors in the underlined section and hence, option (D) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. It is evident from the explanations given for this question that there is an error in the sentence. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 8

8. Certainly there is something alluring (A) about an enlightened dictatorship (B) when compared to (C) a democracy riddled with corruption (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined section mentions the comparison based on which a dictatorial rule and a democracy is compared. According to the sentence, there is something attractive ‘about an enlightened dictatorship’, a notion reiterated throughout the statement. Moreover, there is no error in underlined section (A), which makes option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The underlined segment (B) defines the nature of dictatorship. There are no errors in the underlined segment and that makes option (B) an incorrect answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘compared to’, points out the fact that two entities are being weighed against one another. There are no errors in the phrase and hence, option (C) is an incorrect answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The term ‘corruption’ defines a particular characteristic of democracy. This term makes the sentence meaningful and clearly brings out the comparison. Since there are no errors in the term, option (D) is an incorrect answer.
    Option (E) is correct. On studying the statement it becomes evident that there are no errors in the statement. Hence, ‘no error’ is the right answer option.

Question – 9

9. There is first no guarantee (A) that a dictatorship will be a progressive one (B) whereas in a democracy (C) there is freedom of thought and speech (D) and equality. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined segment (A) explains the fact that in a dictatorial rule there are no assurances. This segment is essential to make the entire sentence meaningful. Since there are no errors in the phrase, option (A) is an incorrect answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘progressive one’ is an adverb phrase identifying a particular the nature of a dictatorial rule. Moreover, this phrase is essential to make the statement meaningful. Thus, option (B) is a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘in a democracy’ makes it clear that two types of governance are being compared in the sentence. The first is dictatorship and the second democracy. Thus, the underlined section (C) is an essential part of the sentence. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase, which makes option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is correct. The underlined phrase (D) mentions the types of freedom one enjoys in a democracy. However, on studying rest of the sentence it becomes evident that the conjunction ‘and’ is being repeated. The repetition of the conjunction makes the sentence sound incorrect. Thus, segment (D) has a structural error, making option (D) the right answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the statement closely, it is evident that it contains an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer.

Question – 10

10. Myanmar has been ruled (A) by a dictator for decades no one (B) would claim that it is better off (C) than Bangladesh, which has a democratic government (D). No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The phrase ‘has been ruled’ sets the tense of the statement. This is essential to make the statement meaningful. Moreover, there are no errors in the underlined section (A), which makes option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is correct. The statement sounds long and convoluted without a conjunction. Moreover, there are two separate ideas being expressed in the sentence. Hence, there should be an ‘and’ between ‘decades’ and ‘no’ in the underlined section (B). Since, the underlined segment has a structural error; option (B) is the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘better off’ provides a comparison between the two types of governance; one dictatorial represented by Myanmar and the other democratic, represented by Bangladesh. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase, making option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined phrase typifies the governance of Bangladesh . Moreover, this phrase is essential to make the entire statement meaningful. Segment (D) also has no errors, which makes option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident from the explanations given for this question, this statement has an error. Thus, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer.

Question – 11

11. It is not necessary (A) that a honest (B) dictator will make a nation progressive (C). A dictator needs to have excellent administrative (D) skills. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The phrase ‘not necessary’ is helpful in developing the notion the statement is trying to make. Moreover, it does not have any error, making option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is correct. The term ‘honest’ is preceded with the article ‘an’ and not ‘a’. However, in the underlined section (B) there is the article ‘a’ before ‘honest’ making the segment grammatically incorrect. Hence, option (B) is the right answer option.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘nation progressive’, qualifies the nature of a country. This phrase is essential for the completion of the idea being developed by the sentence. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase and hence, option (C) is a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘excellent administrative’ consists of an adverb and an adjective respectively. It defines the type of skills required by a dictator. This phrase is essential to make the notion being developed by the sentence complete and does not have any errors. Hence, option (D) is a wrong answer
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident from the explanations given, there is an error in the sentence. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 12

12. Democracies are less likely (A) to get embroiled destructive (B) wars and this subsequently means (C) that democracy is a safer form (D) of governance. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The requirement of the phrase ‘less likely’ becomes evident on reading the entire sentence. It is essential to make the notion the statement is trying to develop clear. Moreover, it does not have any error, making option (A) a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is correct. The phrase ’embroiled destructive’ is missing a preposition. There should be a ‘in’ before ‘likely’ to make the phrase complete. Thus, segment (B) has a grammatical error, making option (B) the correct answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘subsequently means’ is essential, to help the reader evaluate why democracy is considered a better form of governance. Hence, it is an essential part of the sentence. Moreover, segment (C) has no errors making option (C) a wrong answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘is a safer form’ qualifies the nature of democracy. This phrase too is essential to make the meaning of the sentence complete. Moreover, it does not have any error, making option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the statement closely it is evident that it contains an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 13

13. When discussing successful (A) dictatorial rules, one is reminded (B) of Israel. Israel is the only nation who has (C) enlightened dictators who helped the nation progress (D) and prosper. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The phrase ‘discussing successful’ mentions the point which is being discussed in the passage. Moreover, the phrase has no error; making option (A) is a wrong answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘one is reminded’ is a manner of mentioning that no discussion regarding successful dictatorial rule is completed without mentioning Israel. This phrase forms an essential part of the passage and is of vital importance to make the notion being developed by the passage complete. Moreover, the phrase has no error; making option (B) a wrong answer.
    Option (C) is correct. ‘Nation’ is a collective noun and hence, ‘who’ cannot be used to describe it. Thus, segment (C) has a structural error, making option (C) the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The phrase ‘nation progress’ explains the result of having ‘enlightened dictators’ governing a country. Moreover, the phrase does not have any error and this makes option (D) an incorrect answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On reading the statement it is evident that it contains an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer.

Question – 14

14. Dictatorships can easily (A) reverse policies any (B) governing decision (C) can be changed on the (D) whim and fancy of the dictator. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined phrase ‘can easily’ is essential, to explain the notion that in a dictatorial rule any policy ‘can be changed on the whim and fancy of the dictator’. It also implies that public opinion do not have much importance under dictatorial rule. It depends on the desire of the dictator as to which ‘governing decision’ he wishes to change. Moreover, there is no error in the underlined segment (A) and hence, it cannot be the right answer.
    Option (B) is correct. On studying the underlined section, it becomes evident that there is a term missing. The statement discusses the ability of dictatorships to change policies and other similar decisions. However, the lack of a preposition makes the statement confusing. The underlined segment should be re-written as ‘policies or any’. Hence, the underlined segment (B) has a grammatical error, making option (B) the right answer.
    Option (C) is incorrect. The phrase ‘governing decision’ qualifies the nature of the decision taken by a dictator. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase, which means option (C) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined segment ‘changed on the’ is essential to make the notion being developed by the statement complete. Moreover, there are no errors in the phrase, making option (D) a wrong answer.
    Option (E) is incorrect. As it is evident from the explanations given that the sentence under consideration has an error. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer.

Question – 15

15. China was a Socialist nation (A) as long as Mao Zedong was around (B). It’s becoming (C) a dictatorial rule with the Communist Party as a whole (D) behaving like a dictator. No error (E)

  • A.

  • B.

  • C.

  • D.

  • E.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (A) is incorrect. The underlined phrase (A) describes the nature of governance that China had when Mao Zedong was alive. Moreover, the phrase ‘was a Socialist nation’ does not have any errors and hence, option (A) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (B) is incorrect. The phrase ‘was around’ means ‘during the lifetime’ of Mao Zedong. This phrase is important to make the first sentence of the passage meaningful. Since the underlined section contains no errors, option (B) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (C) is correct. The underlined phrase (C) refers to China’s change in governance from a Socialist to a dictatorial one. However, ‘it’s’ is a short form of ‘it is’ and does not display possession. Moreover, ‘It is becoming’ will change the tense of the sentence, as the entire passage is written in simple past tense. Ideally, the phrase should be re-written as ‘It became’, which makes it evident that the subject here is China and also maintains the tense of the sentences. Thus, segment (C) has structural and grammatical errors, making option (C) is the right answer,
    Option (D) is incorrect. The underlined segment (D) explains the fact the Communist party behaved like a single person. The Communist party introduced dictatorial rule in China. Thus ‘as a whole’ is essential to explain that the Communist party worked as a single entity, similar to that of a dictator.
    Option (E) is incorrect. On studying the given two sentences it is evident that they contain errors. Hence, ‘no error’ cannot be the right answer option.

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