Common Word Knowledge Practice Test 1

Question – 1

1. The word ‘Nullify’ most nearly means

  • A. Delete

  • B. Invalidate

  • C. Remove

  • D. Absorb

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. While the word delete shares the idea of complete removal with the word ‘nullify’, deleting does not necessarily mean ending which ‘nullify’ usually means. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    B. Invalidate means to make null and void or to remove validity and hence, this is the right answer choice.
    C. Remove is not the right meaning as it means to take away and to nullify does not mean to ‘take away’. Hence, this is an incorrect answer.
    D.The word, absorb means to soak up or take in and in the context, is not the right answer.

Question – 2

2. The word Cardinal most nearly means

  • A. Most important

  • B. Pinnacle

  • C. Church

  • D. National anthem

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. Most important is the correct meaning because the word Cardinal means something primary or significant. Hence, this is the correct option.
    B. Pinnacle means the peak or top height, which has nothing to do with the word Cardinal. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    C. Church is a place of worship and the priests there are called cardinals, which is a noun and hence, this is not the correct answer choice.
    D. National anthem is not relevant as it means the national song of a country which the word in question does not imply. Hence, this is not the correct answer choice

Question – 3

3. The word ‘Hiatus’ most nearly means

  • A. Accommodation

  • B. Discipline

  • C. Gap

  • D. Amaze

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. Accommodation means a place to live or stay and it has nothing to do with the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    B. Discipline means to show restraint or control and as such, it cannot be the meaning of Hiatus. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    C. Hiatus means a gap or interruption in time and nit the intent in question. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.
    D. To be amazed with something means to be astonished with something and hence, this option is incorrect.

Question – 4

4. He received the news with utter incredulity.

  • A. Disbelief

  • B. Happiness

  • C. Sorrow

  • D. Anger

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. Disbelief is the correct option because incredulity means a tendency to disbelieve.
    B. Happiness means to show or feel joy or delight, which the word in question does not mean. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.
    C. Sorrow means to feel unhappiness or to grieve which is not the required meaning and hence, this is an incorrect option.
    D. Anger means to show rage or annoyance which is not the intent of the given word and hence, it is an incorrect answer choice.

Question – 5

5. The book was so riveting that I read it till the wee hours of morning.

  • A. Interesting

  • B. Lengthy

  • C. Tough

  • D. Enlightening

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The book is riveting means that it is so interesting that one cannot wait to finish it and hence, this is the correct answer choice.
    B. The second option lengthy means long and even if the book was long, one could have gone to sleep early and read it the next day instead reading it till late at night. Hence, this option is incorrect.
    C. If the book was tough, one may not stay up reading it till the wee hours of morning and hence, this is an incorrect option.
    D. Enlightening means helpful or informative. If the book is informative, one could still have closed it and read it the next day. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.

Question – 6

6. He is the perfect example of a cavalier.

  • A. Soldier

  • B. Knight

  • C. Imposter

  • D. Actor

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. Soldier means someone who is working in the armed forces and that is not the meaning intended by the word ‘cavalier’. Hence, this option is incorrect.
    B. Knight is the correct answer as that is one of the meanings of the word ‘cavalier’ which means a man of honour. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.
    C. Imposter is someone who indulges in fraudulent practices and as such, it is not relevant to this sentence. Hence, this option is incorrect.
    D. An actor is someone who acts professionally and acting has nothing to do with this sentence or the word cavalier. Hence, this is an incorrect choice.

Question – 7

7. The word stamina most nearly means

  • A. Endurance

  • B. Quiet

  • C. Knowledge

  • D. Wisdom

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. Endurance refers staying power or patience, and this is exactly what is meant by the word in question. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.
    B. Being quiet means to be silent but this word has no relevance to stamina. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    C. Knowledge refers to a bank of information but it has no relevance to the meaning of the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.
    D. Wisdom refers to a quality of being wise and this has no bearing on the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.

Question – 8

8. The word muddle most nearly means

  • A. Combination

  • B. Candid

  • C. Disorder

  • D. Strength

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. Combination refers to a mixture of two or more thing or elements and this has no bearing on the meaning of the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.
    B. Candid means to be blunt or give one’s opinion without beating around the bush. This is not what is meant by muddle and hence, this is an incorrect option.
    C. Disorder means chaos or confusion and it is exactly what is meant by the word in question. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.
    D. Strength refers power or force and it has no relevance to the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect option.

Question – 9

9. The word aureole most nearly means

  • A. Halo

  • B. Heartbeat

  • C. Tangle

  • D. Hole

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. Halo refers to a circle of light and the word aureole means exactly this. Hence, this is a correct answer choice.
    B. Heartbeat refers to the heart’s pulsation but this is not what is meant by the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.
    C. Tangle means to be intertwined and this is not the meaning of the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    D. Hole refers to a crack or gap and it has no relevance to the meaning of the word aureole. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.

Question – 10

10. The security in this building is inviolable.

  • A. Tight

  • B. Uninfringeable

  • C. Poor

  • D. Useless

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. In this context, the word tight means strong and while this word can be applied to the sentence, it is not what is meant by the underlined word. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    B. Uninfringeable means impenetrable and this is what is meant by the underlined word. Hence, this is the correct option.
    C. Poor, in this context, means weak and while this word can be used in the sentence; it is not the meaning of the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    D. Useless means ineffective and while it can be used in the sentence but it is not the meaning of the underlined word. Hence, this is an incorrect option.

Question – 11

11. The tiger tried to decoy its victim so as to draw the animal into the intended trap.

  • A. Lure

  • B. Kill

  • C. Hurt

  • D. Growl

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. In this context, to lure refers to the tactic of enticing the animal away from whatever it is doing and towards to tiger. This is what is meant by decoy and hence, it is the correct answer.
    B. To kill refers to the act of murdering the animal here and while it can be applied to the sentence, it is not the meaning of the underlined word. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    C. To hurt means to wound the victim and while it can be applied to the sentence; it is not relevant to the word underlined here. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    D. To growl means to roar but this is not what is meant by the underlined word. Hence, this is an incorrect option.

Question – 12

12. He was amazed to see the winnowing process.

  • A. Cultivation

  • B. Sifting

  • C. Tea-processing

  • D. Coffee-processing

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. Cultivation refers to farming or agriculture and this has nothing to do with the underlined word. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    B. Sifting refers to the process of removing large particles or filtering and this is similar to the meaning of winnowing, as it is the process of removal of chaff from the grain. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.
    C. Tea processing refers to the method of making dried tea leaves and this has no relevance to the meaning of the underlined word. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    D. Coffee-processing refers to the method of making finished coffee from raw coffee fruit. Hence, this is an incorrect answer option.

Question – 13

13. The word repository most nearly means

  • A. Hotel

  • B. Storehouse

  • C. Restaurant

  • D. Shopping mall

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. A hotel is a place where people stay when they are not in the city of their residence which is not the meaning of the word ‘repository’ and hence, this is an incorrect option.
    B. A storehouse is a place where people store things to keep them safe, which is the meaning of the word ‘repository’. Hence, this is the correct answer.
    C. People visit restaurants to eat and as such, this word has no relevance in meaning with the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    D. A shopping mall is a shopping area, which is not the meaning of the word ‘repository’. Hence, this is an incorrect option.

Question – 14

14. The word tutelary most nearly means

  • A. Friend

  • B. Protector

  • C. Spouse

  • D. Child

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. A friend refers to a mate where as the word in question does not mean this. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    B. Protector means someone who protects and the word ‘tutelary’ also implies protection or guardianship. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.
    C. Spouse refers to either husband or wife and that is not the correct implication of the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect option.
    D. A child refers to a young person and that is not the correct implication of the word in question. Hence, this is an incorrect option.

Question – 15

15. The word archives most nearly means

  • A. File

  • B. Records

  • C. Compact Disc

  • D. Floppy Disc

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. A file refers to a folder where documents are stored for safe-keeping and the space in it is also limited but when we talk of an archive, the information or documents stored is generally more than that in a file. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.
    B. This option refers to a collection of files or information that can be retrieved at any point of time and it is exactly what the word in question means. Hence, ‘records’ is the correct option.
    C. A compact disc refers to CD-ROM which shares some similarity with archives but it is not the actual meaning because a disc can be a collection of information but an archive is not always a CD. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.
    D. A floppy disc has limited storage and used in computers only and is not the correct implication of the word ‘archives’. Hence, this is an incorrect answer choice.

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