Common Word Knowledge Practice Test 4

Question – 1

1. The court has directed him to pay temporary maintenance to his spouse.

  • A. Rapid

  • B. Permanent

  • C. Interim

  • D. Brief

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘rapid’ is not an apt word for the sentence given above as it indicates fast or speedy which is not the intent conveyed by the underlined word in question.
    B. The second answer option is also incorrect as it refers to the antonym of ‘temporary’ and expresses something that is everlasting or lasts forever.
    C. The third option is the correct answer because it is the most logical and meaningful word in the context, which is mentioned in the sentence given above.
    D. The fourth option is also incorrect as it means something that lasts for a short time whereas ‘temporary’ here indicates that the maintenance is to be paid until further proceedings.

Question – 2

2. I had to face difficulties to interpret her letter.

  • A. Ignore

  • B. Express

  • C. Read

  • D. Display

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option is incorrect as it is the opposite meaning of the word ‘interpret’.
    B. The second option is also not appropriate in the context of the sentence given above as it does not express the true intent of the underlined word ‘interpret’.
    C. The third option ‘read’ comes closest in meaning after looking at the context and the answer options. Hence, it is the correct answer choice.
    D. The fourth option is again incorrect as it is different in meaning from the word ‘interpret’ as given in the sentence in question.

Question – 3

3. The girl in our neighbourhood is overconfident during cycling trips in mountains.

  • A. Ambitious

  • B. Brave

  • C. Audacious

  • D. Courageous

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘ambitious’ is not correct in the context quoted in the sentence given above since it is not similar to the meaning of the word ‘overconfident’.
    B. Similarly, the second option ‘brave’, cannot replace the underlined word in the sentence given above since it is not similar to the meaning of the word ‘overconfident’.
    C. The third option is the correct answer as it states that the girl is outwardly valiant, which is the intent of the word ‘overconfident’ in the given question.
    D. The fourth option ‘courageous’ is incorrect as it is not synonymous with the meaning of the underlined part in the given question.

Question – 4

4. The wheat grains are crushed for preparing whole grain flour.

  • A. Pressed

  • B. Whipped

  • C. Chopped

  • D. Pulverized

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘pressed’ in the context of ‘preparing whole grain flour’ is not as apt as the fourth option which clearly indicates grinding. Looking at the context and the answer options, option A is not the correct answer choice.
    B. The second option ‘whipped’ is more appropriate from the perspective of beating or fluffing up something e.g. egg white. Hence, it is not synonymous with the context quoted in the sentence given above and not the correct answer choice.
    C. The third option ‘chopped’ refers to cutting something into pieces such as fruits or pieces of fruits. Hence, from the context in the sentence given above and the answer options, it is clearly not the correct choice.
    D. The fourth and the last option clearly hints at grinding the whole wheat for making flour. Hence, keeping the context and the meaning of the word in mind, this is the correct answer choice.

Question – 5

5. Condone most nearly means

  • A. Overlook

  • B. Forget

  • C. Consider

  • D. Acknowledge

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option is the correct answer and exactly synonymous with the word ‘condone’, which means the same as overlook or disregard.
    B. The second option ‘forget’ implies not remembering something or failure to think or recall and is contrary to the meaning of the word ‘condone’. Hence, it is not the correct answer option.
    C. The third option ‘consider’ is also incorrect as it reflects the idea of thinking or judging and coveys a different meaning than the word ‘condone’.
    D. The last and the fourth option ‘acknowledge’ expresses admittance or acceptance and hence denotes an antonym of the word ‘condone’, which is not the correct answer.

Question – 6

6. Exculpate most nearly means

  • A. Convict

  • B. Pardon

  • C. Solve

  • D. Waver

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option is incorrect or wrong as it means someone who is charged with offence, which is the opposite of the word ‘exculpate’.
    B. The second option ‘pardon’ refers to acquittal and an appropriate synonym for the word ‘exculpate’, which also means free from guilt. Hence, it is the correct answer choice.
    C. The third option is not suitable or correct as the meaning of solve is to work out or unravel, which is not the same as ‘exculpate’.
    D. The fourth option refers to hesitation or indecisiveness and hence, not similar to ‘exculpate’. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

Question – 7

7. Mimicry most nearly means

  • A. Pretend

  • B. Real

  • C. Imitation

  • D. Artificial

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option is not the correct meaning of the word ‘mimicry’ as it refers to something, which is imaginary or made-up.
    B. The second option ‘real’ denotes factual, which is not similar to ‘mimicry’. Hence, it is not the correct answer choice.
    C. The third option ‘imitation’ is the correct answer as it means exactly the same as ‘mimicry’.
    D. The fourth and the last option ‘artificial’ refers to fake or false, which is not a synonym of ‘mimicry’. Hence, it is not the correct option.

Question – 8

8. Tether most nearly means

  • A. Join

  • B. Tight

  • C. Slack

  • D. Confine

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘join’ is the synonym for the word ‘tether’. Hence, it is the correct answer choice.
    B. The second option ‘tight’ is inappropriate as it is similar to stiff or rigid, which conveys a different meaning than the word ‘tether’ e.g. one can join something in tight or loose manner. Hence, it is not the correct option.
    C. The third option ‘slack’ refers to loose or limp, which is not similar to ‘tether’. Hence, it is not the correct answer option.
    D. The fourth and last option ‘confine’ denotes locking up someone or something, which is not the same as ‘tether’ and hence, not the correct answer.

Question – 9

9. Shirk most nearly means

  • A. Accept

  • B. Avoid

  • C. Cancel

  • D. Disturb

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘accept’ refers to agreement or acknowledgement, which is opposite of the word ‘shirk’ and hence, not the correct answer choice.
    B. The second option ‘avoid’ is synonymous with the word ‘shirk’, which also means to evade or dodge. Hence, it is the correct answer.
    C. The third option is incorrect as it refers to stop or abandon, which is not the same as the meaning of the word ‘shirk’.
    D. The fourth and the last option ‘disturb’ refers to disrupt or upset and does not come nearest in meaning to the word ‘shirk’. Hence, it is not the correct answer.

Question – 10

10. Bravado most nearly means

  • A. Cowardice

  • B. Determination

  • C. Daring

  • D. Splendor

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘cowardice’ refers to weakness or fearfulness, which is opposite in meaning to the word ‘bravado’ and hence, not the correct answer choice.
    B. The second option ‘determination’ is not the correct option as it means the same as strength of mind or willpower and not ‘bravado’.
    C. The third option ‘daring’ comes closest in meaning to the word ‘bravado’ which also implies audacity or boldness. Hence, it is the correct answer choice.
    D. The last option ‘splendor’ refers to magnificence or luxury which is not similar in meaning to the word ‘bravado’ and hence, not the correct answer.

Question – 11

11. Tom has become irritable nowadays.

  • A. Easygoing

  • B. Bilious

  • C. Indifferent

  • D. Impervious

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘easygoing’ refers to relaxed and not the correct meaning of the underlined word in the sentence given above. Hence, it is not the correct answer choice.
    B. The second option ‘bilious’ is the correct answer as it states that Tom is spiteful or bad-tempered, which is the intent of the word ‘bilious’ as given in the question.
    C. The third option ‘indifferent’ is not appropriate after looking at the context and the answer options.
    D. The fourth option is not an apt word for the underlined word in the sentence given above as it indicates unreceptive or resistant.

Question – 12

12. Some lawyers offer gratuitous legal advice to their clients.

  • A. Justified

  • B. Voluntary

  • C. Critical

  • D. Paid

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘justified’ in the context of the sentence given above is not the apt word. Hence, it is not the correct answer choice.
    B. The second option ‘voluntary’ is similar in meaning to the underlined word in the sentence given above and clearly indicates the intent of the word ‘gratuitous’ and hence, looking at the context and the answer options, is the correct answer choice.
    C. The third option ‘critical’, which implies significant or decisive conveys a different meaning than the intent of the word ‘gratuitous’. Hence, it is not the correct answer.
    D. The fourth option is incorrect as it is the opposite meaning of the word ‘gratuitous’ in the sentence given above.

Question – 13

13. Prince Charles belongs to an aristocratic milieu.

  • A. House

  • B. Region

  • C. Background

  • D. Country

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘house’ is inappropriate as it refers to home or residence, which is not similar in meaning to the word ‘milieu’ in the question and hence, not the correct answer choice.
    B. The second option ‘region’ cannot replace the underlined word in the sentence given above as it is not similar in meaning to the word ‘milieu’.
    C. The third option is exactly synonymous with the word ‘milieu’ and clearly the correct answer choice keeping the meaning of the word in mind.
    D. The fourth option means the same as state or nation which does not come nearest in meaning to the word ‘milieu’. Hence, it is not the correct option.

Question – 14

14. Robert is derelict in his duty to his family.

  • A. Negligent

  • B. Devoted

  • C. Naughty

  • D. Sympathetic

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘negligent’ comes closest in meaning after looking at the context of the sentence given above and the answer options. Hence, it is the correct answer.
    B. The second option ‘devoted’ refers to dutiful or dedicated, which is opposite of the word ‘derelict’ and hence, not the correct answer.
    C. The third option ‘naughty’ which refers to bad or disobedient is not an apt word or the intent of the word ‘negligent’ in the above sentence and hence, not the correct answer choice.
    D. The fourth option is incorrect as ‘sympathetic’ is not similar in meaning to the word ‘derelict’ in the sentence given above.

Question – 15

15. He was audacious with his teachers on the day of the farewell.

  • A. Polite

  • B. Impudent

  • C. Supportive

  • D. Demanding

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    A. The first option ‘polite’ refers to someone who is well-mannered and courteous, which is opposite of the word ‘audacious’ and hence not the correct answer.
    B. The second option ‘impudent’ is the correct answer as it means daring or disrespectful and hence, the most appropriate choice for the underlined word in the sentence given above.
    C. The third option ‘supportive’ is incorrect as it refers to kind and caring and contrary in meaning to the word ‘audacious’.
    D. The last option ‘demanding’ conveys a different meaning and not suitable in the context of the question and hence, not the correct answer choice.

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