Common Improving Paragraphs Practice Test 1

Question – 1

1. Which of the phrases would be the best alternative to the underlined portion of sentence (3) reproduced below:

The weight of centuries gradually disintegrated men’s beliefs in the spontaneous origin of maggots and mice, but the doctrine of spontaneous generation clung tenaciously to the question of bacterial origin.

  • A. The balance of power

  • B. The call of the wild

  • C. The sands of time

  • D. The living daylights

  • E. The turning of tables

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The phrase ‘the balance of power’ cannot be used in the given context as the passage refers to the change in the views of men with respect to spontaneous generation of life since the ancient times. The given phrase is used in the political context to refer to the restoration of political balance; hence, it is unsuitable to be used here.
    b. The phrase ‘the call of the wild’ refers to the appeal of nature in its raw form and is not suitable to be used in context of the given passage.
    c. The phrase ‘the sands of time’ refers to time; so does ‘the weight of centuries’. Hence, it is the best provided alternative to the phrase in question.
    d. The phrase ‘the living daylights’ refers to the consciousness of a person and is not suitable to be used in the given context. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    e. The phrase ‘the turning of tables’ is unsuitable to be used in this place as it refers to the change in situation and not time as does the correct answer option.

Question – 2

2. What would be the best word to replace ‘did’ in sentence (7)?

  • A. Made

  • B. Devised

  • C. Operated

  • D. Performed

  • E. Executed

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. Using ‘made experiments’ in the sentence would not be grammatically correct; hence, it is the wrong answer option.
    b. Experiments are not ‘devised’; hence, it is an unsuitable answer option for this question.
    c. One doesn’t operate experiments due to which this answer option cannot be picked as the correct answer option.
    d. Saying ‘performing experiments’ is as correct as saying ‘doing experiments’; hence it is the correct answer option.
    e. It would be right to say ‘Executed a task’ but the expression is wrong to be used for experiments. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.

Question – 3

3. What would be the most suitable place for the sentence: ‘Pasteur preferred to work logically.’

  • A. After sentence (11)

  • B. Before sentence (9)

  • C. After sentence (5)

  • D. Before sentence (4)

  • E. Before the last sentence

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The sentence given in the question highlights the mode of working adopted by Pasteur; hence, it should be placed before Pasteur’s work is described. On the contrary, sentence (12) is that part of the passage where Pasteur’s experiments with s-shaped flasks is discussed. Hence, it is not the correct situation for placing this sentence.
    b. Sentence (10) discusses the reaction of broth on being heated in the s-shaped tubes. Hence, it is not a suitable place for the given sentence.
    c. Using the given sentence after sentence (6) might sound correct, but it would lead to excessive use of Pasteur’s name, thus making that part of the passage sound grammatically wrong. Hence, it is not the correct answer option.
    d. Starting from sentence (6), the discussion about Pasteur’s research and experiments about the regeneration of life starts. Hence, mentioning his logical approach here using the given sentence would be correct.
    e. The last few sentences of the passage discuss the discovery of porcelain filters, in the context of which the given sentence would be unsuitable to use. Hence, this is a wrong answer option.

Question – 4

4. Which among the following would be the most suitable beginning for sentence (7)?

  • A. Nevertheless,

  • B. On the basis of these observations,

  • C. On the other hand,

  • D. Resultantly,

  • E. Conclusively,

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. ‘Nevertheless’ is used in places where contradictory situations are highlighted. Since, we do not have any contradictory situation here, this option would be unsuitable to be picked as the correct answer option.
    b. Uptil sentence (6) the passage provides us with the background information based on which Pasteur conducted his research. This information can be termed as ‘observations’ and thus, using the phrase ‘on the basis of these observations,’ would be correct before sentence (7).
    c. The expression ‘on the other hand’ again refers to contradiction and is hence, not suitable to be used here.
    d. The referred point in the passage doesn’t provide a resulting situation, due to which, ‘resultantly’ cannot be used here.
    e. Due to the absence of any concluding statement or view, the usage of ‘conclusively’ would be irrelevant in the given sentence.

Question – 5

5. In sentence (3), the author puts two opposing gestures- ‘acrimony’ and ‘matrimony’ on the same plane. Which among the following pairs of words is not in line with this pairing?

  • A. Confusion and composure

  • B. Disease and soundness

  • C. Play and work

  • D. Argument and brawl

  • E. Propensity and dislike

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. ‘Acrimony’ refers to hostility whereas ‘matrimony’ is symbolic of love and harmony. The two words are thus completely opposite to each other. The pair of words given in the first option are in line with this pair as ‘confusion’ is the opposite of ‘composure’, which refers to peace and calm.
    b. ‘Soundness’ refers to a state of good health, which is opposite to ‘disease’. Hence, it is not a correct answer option.
    c. ‘Play’ and ‘work’ are two clearly opposing activities, where one involves recreation and the other refers to completing tasks. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    d. ‘Argument’ and ‘brawl’ both refer to a situation where there is a conflict. Hence, this option is not in line with the pair given in the question and is the correct answer option.
    e. ‘Propensity’ means leaning or penchant; but ‘dislike’ is the direct opposite of this word. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.

Question – 6

6. What would be a better way to put the underlined part of sentence (5) reproduced below?

The first is composed of familiar, ordinary words that everybody knows; and the second is that of words that are more elaborate that don’t turn up so often.

  • A. (no change required)

  • B. that are more elaborate and don’t turn up so often

  • C. that are more elaborate to turn up so often

  • D. which are more elaborate that don’t turn up so often

  • E. that are more elaborate which don’t turn up so often

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. If we look at the given answer choices and at the construction of the highlighted part of the sentence, we would agree that it could be changed. Hence, this option cannot be accepted as correct.
    b. This option replaces ‘that’ with ‘and’, making the reference to ‘more elaborate’ words, which ‘don’t turn up so often’ clearer. Hence, it is the most suitable answer option for this question.
    c. The use of ‘to’ in this option relates ‘more elaborate’ with the other part of the sentence as it is co-relational to it, which is not the case. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    d. The initial ‘which’ in this option replaces ‘that’, which would be grammatically wrong as ‘which’ is not used to refer to inanimate objects. Plus, when read with the rest of the sentence, it affects the meaning conveyed by the sentence. Hence, it is an unsuitable answer option.
    e. The use of ‘that’ and ‘which’ in this answer option is not grammatically correct as ‘which’ cannot be used to refer to inanimate objects such as ‘words’. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.

Question – 7

7. Which would be the correct preposition to be used in the reproduced phrase from sentence (3)?

‘new eruptions of the controversy’

  • A. Around

  • B. Off

  • C. In

  • D. For

  • E. No change

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The phrase mentions that ‘new eruptions’ are occurring in the already existing ‘controversy’. In which case, ‘around’ would not be a correct preposition to be used for it.
    b. ‘Off’ is used to denote the moving away of objects most of the time as in ‘drove off’, ‘jump off’ etc. Since, no such action is indicated here, it is the wrong answer option.
    c. The phrase indicates that ‘new eruptions’ are occurring in a ‘controversy’ that is already there. Hence, ‘in’ would be the most suitable preposition to be used in it.
    d. ‘For’ is used to indicate the usage of something, to refer to time or to provide reasoning. Since, no such purpose is indicated here, this answer option is not correct.
    e.The use of ‘of’ in the phrase is not correct as ‘of’ is used to show things being connected with each other or to convey a sense of belonging. Since no such relation is being depicted here, ‘of’ is unsuitable to be used in this phrase.

Question – 8

8. What would be the best method to join sentences (4) and (5) reproduced below?

(4) There was also a new ‘sorrow’ for Pasteur as he read years later, in 1877, the last jottings of the great physiologist Claude Bernard. (5) He saw in them the ‘mystical’ suggestion that yeast may arise from grape juice.

  • A. …Bernard, in which he saw the ‘mystical’…

  • B. …Bernard and he saw…

  • C. …Bernard whereas he saw…

  • D. …Bernard, where he saw the ‘mystical’…

  • E. …Bernard; he saw…

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The use of ‘in which’ would be an ideal way to join the two mentioned sentences as the first sentence ends with the mention of the jottings and the second sentence reveals what those jottings carried. Hence, option (a) is the correct answer option.
    b. Using ‘and’ to replace the period and changing the case of ‘h’ in ‘he’ would not be a sufficient change to join the two sentences. In comparison with ‘a’ it is a less satisfactory answer choice; hence, it is a wrong answer.
    c. There is no contradiction highlighted in the two sentences, due to which, it would be wrong to use ‘whereas’ while joining them. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    d. Using ‘where’ to refer to the ‘jottings’ would be wrong grammar as ‘where’ is used to refer to a certain place not object; hence, it is an unacceptable answer choice.
    e. The use of semi colon to join the two sentences would not be correct as the resulting sentence would not be grammatically correct. The joining of these sentences requires certain changes with it and merely using a punctuation mark would not be enough for it. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice.

Question – 9

9. Which among the following pairs of words is not a suitable alternative for the highlighted words in sentence (1) reproduced below?

It is not an exaggeration then to say that the emergence of the cell theory represents biology’s most significant and fruitful advance.

  • A. Momentous and conducive

  • B. Serious and rewarding

  • C. Compelling and effective

  • D. Eloquent and abundant

  • E. Trivial and sterile

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The words ‘momentous’ and ‘conducive’ mean the same as ‘significant’ and ‘fruitful’ respectively. Hence, this option can be considered a suitable alternative to this pair; which makes it a wrong answer option.
    b. ‘Serious and rewarding’ are synonymous to the highlighted pair of words; thus, it is a wrong answer option.
    c. ‘Compelling and effective’ are again the same in their meanings as the highlighted pair of words. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    d. ‘Eloquent and abundant’ mean the same as ‘significant and fruitful’; which makes it a wrong answer option.
    e. ‘Trivial and sterile’ do not mean the same as ‘significant and fruitful’, in fact these are opposites of the mentioned words. Hence, this is the correct answer choice.

Question – 10

10. What would be the best alternative (with least number of changes) to the highlighted phrase in sentence (2) reproduced below?

The realization that all plants and animals are composed of cells which are essentially alike, that cells are all formed by the same fundamental division process, that the total organism is made up of the activities and inter-relations of its individual cells, opened up horizons we have not even begun to approach.

  • A. no change

  • B. the organism is a sum total made up of

  • C. the organism as a whole is made up of

  • D. the complete organism is made up of

  • E. the organism as a total being is made up

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The option of ‘no change’ cannot be picked as the correct answer as the phrase ‘total organism’ sounds immature. Hence, it would be better to look for an alternative phrase to use in its place.
    b. The use of words ‘sum total’ is not correct in this option as the words are used mostly in mathematical terms and not for living beings. Hence, it is the wrong answer option.
    c. The third answer option uses correct grammar and has the right arrangement of words to convey the desired meaning. Hence, it is the most suitable answer option.
    d. Saying ‘complete organism’ to refer to a living being as a whole, would not be correct use of vocabulary. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    e. Using the words ‘total being’ for ‘organism’ would not be correct use of the English vocabulary. Hence, it a wrong answer option.

Question – 11

11. What would be the best expression among the following to replace the word ‘nature’ in sentence (1) reproduced below?

Having shown his audience the swan-necked flasks containing sterile broths in a public lecture at the Sorbonne on April 7, 1864, he concluded, ”And, therefore, gentleman, I could point to that liquid and say to you, I have taken my drop of water from nature.

  • A. A walk into the wild

  • B. The immensity of creation

  • C. The depths of the cosmos

  • D. A trip to the countryside

  • E. A limited environment

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The reference in the passage in question is to nature in general and not to the wild specifically. Hence, it would be wrong to choose ‘a walk into the wild’ as an alternative for ‘nature’ in the sentence.
    b. An elaborate expression to be used for nature could be ‘the immensity of creation’ as it refers to the hugeness of nature as a divine creation. Since, this expression explains ‘nature’ perfectly, it can be accepted as the most suitable answer option for the word in question.
    c. ‘Cosmos’ as such refers to the solar system; whereas Pasteur is referring to the elements he picked up from the nature and environment around him only. Hence, it is a far-fetched expression to use in this place and a wrong answer option.
    d. Nowhere in the passage do we find a reference being made to ‘a trip’ or any journey; hence, this cannot be a preferable answer option.
    e. From the tone of the passage, we learn that Pasteur has taken the water drop randomly from the environment around him, which means that it is not a ‘limited’ space. Hence, it is an incorrect answer option.

Question – 12

12. Which change would make sentence (4) clearer to understand?

But it is dumb, dumb since how to produce: from the germs that float in the air, from life, for life is a germ and a germ is Life.

  • A. Using an exclamation mark in the end

  • B. Making use of ‘dumb’ just once

  • C. Adding ‘life’ after ‘how to produce’

  • D. Splitting the sentence in two

  • E. Changing the pronunciation marks

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The tone of the sentence is not that of exclamation; hence, it would be wrong to use an exclamation mark in its end. Thus, it is a wrong answer option.
    b. The use of ‘dumb’ twice is a way to stress on this word. Secondly, the second ‘dumb’ is used to explain its usage; hence, it is rightly used here and this option is incorrect.
    c. ‘How to produce’ in the sentence seems to be an incomplete expression as it has not been made clear what has to be produced. Hence, adding ‘life’ after these words would make the meaning clear. Thus, it is a correct answer option.
    d. Splitting the sentence into two will not be a correct answer option as that would bring about too many changes in its construction. In comparison to option ‘c’, it is a less preferable answer choice; hence, it should be taken as incorrect.
    e. The pronunciation marks in the sentence have been correctly used; hence, we need not make any changes with those. Thus, it is a wrong answer choice.

Question – 13

13. The word ‘portmanteau’ used in sentence (2) is a complex word that has been taken from the imagery of ‘luggage’ or specifically ‘suitcase’ for ‘insinuendo’. However, which among the following would be a suitable replacement for this word such that the sentence conveys the same meaning?

  • A. Severing

  • B. Solidifying

  • C. Disseminating

  • D. Consolidating

  • E. Conclave

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. ‘Severing’ refers to dividing or splitting; however, the word ‘portmanteau’ has been used in the sense of uniting. Hence, it would be an inappropriate replacement for the word in question.
    b. ‘Solidifying’ is a word that is used for the hardening of objects or materials; and would thus, be an inappropriate choice at this place.
    c. ‘Disseminating’ refers to disintegration and is directly opposite to the meaning conveyed by ‘portmanteau’. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice for this question.
    d. Using ‘consolidating’ in place of ‘portmanteau’ would be an adequate choice as the word refers to bringing together of varying things, people, views etc. Hence, it is the correct answer choice.
    e. ‘Conclave’ is a word used for a ‘secret meeting’. Since there is nothing ‘secret’ about the ‘portmanteau’ referred here, we cannot accept this word as an alternative for ‘portmanteau’.

Question – 14

14. Which expression would be suitable to be added in the bracketed place in sentence (7) reproduced below?

My mother thinks I am too young to be engaged and (–) I’m already engaged to another boy.

  • A. Besides

  • B. However

  • C. After all

  • D. Hence

  • E. conversely

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The expression ‘besides’ is used to convey the sense of ‘in addition to’, or ‘at the same time’. The sentence in question mentions two aspects about the girl, which can be brought together by the use of this word. Hence, it is the correct answer choice.
    b. There is no conflict witnessed in the sentence; due to which using ‘however’ in it would be wrong. Hence, it is an inappropriate choice for using in this sentence.
    c. The expression ‘after all’ is used where a distant fact is brought into notice in the middle of a conversation. Since, no such situation is seen in the sentence being discussed, it would not be a correct expression to be used here.
    d. The expression ‘hence’ is used for statements that convey results or conclusions. Since, there is no such statement made in this part of the passage, we can omit this answer option.
    e. ‘Conversely’ is an expression used to reflect a contradiction, which is not the case here. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice.

Question – 15

15. Which words in sentence (3) reproduced below, can be deleted so as to not affect its meaning or split it into two sentences?

We now knew what ‘sterile’ meant and we knew that there could be no such things as ‘partial sterilization’.

  • A. no such things

  • B. now knew

  • C. we knew

  • D. that there

  • E. and

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. Removing ‘no such things’ from the sentence would affect its meaning as the words refer to ‘partial sterilization’. Hence, removing ‘no such things’ would be an inappropriate change.
    b. If we read the sentence without ‘now knew’, it would not make any sense; hence, it is an unsuitable change to be made with the sentence.
    c. The words ‘we knew’ have been used in the sentence to stress on the knowledge gained by the civilization as such. Even if these words are removed from the sentence, it would continue conveying the same meaning. Hence, it is the correct answer option.
    d. The words ‘that there’ are a crucial part of the sentence in question as the sentence would not read correct without those. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice.
    e. Removing ‘and’ from the sentence would mean splitting it into two parts and we would have to replace it with a full stop. Since this would mean splitting the sentence into two parts, which is not a desired change as per the question, it is a wrong answer choice.

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