Common Improving Paragraphs Practice Test 2

Question – 1

1. Which among the following would be a suitable alternative for the underlined phrase in sentence (5) reproduced below?

In recognition of this,Lord Lister introduced aseptic technique into the practice of surgery.

  • A. In order to acknowledge this

  • B. As an attempt to recognize this

  • C. In an effort to accept this

  • D. Keeping this in due consideration

  • E. All of the above

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. Recognizing something can also be termed as acknowledging it. Hence, using the words ‘In order to acknowledge this, would be a suitable alternative for the highlighted phrase in the sentence.
    b. The highlighted phrase can be reworded as ‘as an attempt to recognize this’ as it would convey the same meaning; hence, it would also be a suitable answer choice.
    c. ‘Recognizing’ refers to ‘accepting’ something and hence, is a suitable answer choice for this question.
    d. Using the phrase ‘keeping this in due consideration’ would also be a preferable alternative for the phrase in question; hence, this too can be a correct answer choice.
    e. Since all the phrases mentioned in the answer choices are correct, we have to accept answer choice ‘e’ as the correct answer to this question.

Question – 2

2. What would be the best alternative to reword the highlighted part of sentence (2) reproduced below?

I’m sure that no civilization has ever devoted more energy and resources to organized education, and if we believe in nothing else, we certainly believe that education is, or should be, the key to everything.

  • A. I’m sure of the fact that no civilizations

  • B. The fact is that no civilization

  • C. One can be ensured that all civilizations

  • D. No civilization, I’m sure,

  • E. Every sure civilization

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The phrase mentioned in the option would have been a suitable alternative if ‘civilizations’ would have been used as a singular noun. Since it is plural, it would not be correct to use with ‘has’ and is thus, an incorrect answer choice.
    b. Using the word ‘fact’ in the sentence would not be a preferred change as our first attempt should be to use the same words that have been used in the originally highlighted phrase; hence, it would be an unsuitable answer choice to be picked as correct.
    c. This answer choice again uses ‘civilizations’, a plural noun, which would not complement the use of ‘has’ after it. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice.
    d. This is the perfect choice to be picked as an alternative for the phrase in question as it doesn’t add any more words and conveys the same meaning.
    e. This option alters the meaning conveyed by the phrase as it states the ‘civilization’ to be ‘sure’, whereas, in the original sentence, the writer had been mentioned as being ‘sure’. Hence, it is an unsuitable answer choice for this question.

Question – 3

3. What change would be best suggested for sentence (4) reproduced below?

If the nuclear age brings new danger, if the advance of genetic engineering opens the doors of new abuses; if commercialism brings new temptations, the answer must be more and better education.

  • A. Replacing the semi colon with comma

  • B. Using ‘and’ instead of commas

  • C. Replacing the last comma with colons

  • D. Using question mark instead of the period

  • E. Splitting the sentence into two or three

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The sentence in question presents a few scenarios, which have been coupled together with the use of commas. However, at one place, a semi colon has been used instead of comma; which can be altered to correct the sentence. Hence, it is the correct answer choice for this question.
    b. Generally, ‘and’ is used to join two sentences. Moreover, using ‘and’ repeatedly to join multiple sentences is not a practice considered correct grammatically. Hence, it is an unsuitable answer choice for this sentence.
    c. Using colons in this sentence would not be correct as those would not be required here. Hence, this is an unsuitable answer option.
    d. The sentence in question does not inquire anything; hence, it would be wrong to use a full stop at its end.
    e. Splitting the sentence into two or three would be an exaggerated change where only a mere change with the pronunciation marks would be enough to correct it. Hence, it would be a wrong answer choice.

Question – 4

4. Pick the most suitable correction for sentence (2) reproduced below?

When we begin to think you can do so only because our mind is already filled with all sorts of ideas with which to think.

  • A. Add comma after ‘only’

  • B. Use ‘hence’ instead of ‘because’

  • C. Replace ‘you’ with ‘we’

  • D. Use question mark in the end

  • E. Use ‘I’ in the place of ‘we’

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. It would not be suitable to add a comma after ‘only’ in the sentence, as no pause is required at that point. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice.
    b. Since there is no sense of conclusion stated in the sentence, ‘hence’ would not be a suitable choice for it. Hence, it is a wrong answer option.
    c. Replacing ‘you’ with ‘we’ in the sentence would be a suitable change as the ‘we’ in the first part of it is not omplimented with the ‘you’ used later. Hence, this answer choice would be correct.
    d. There is no inquiry being made in the sentence in question; hence, using question mark in its end would be inappropriate.
    e. The use of ‘I’ in the sentence would not be proper as ‘we’ has been used in its later part. Using a collective pronoun ‘we’ with ‘I’, which is a singular pronoun, would not be suitable; hence, it is an unsuitable answer choice.

Question – 5

5. What would be the correct arrangement of words for the underlined part of sentence (4) reproduced below?

These years are, one might say, our Dark Ages during which we are nothing but inheritors; it is in the years later only that we can gradually learn to sort out our inheritance.

  • A. In the years later only

  • B. Later in the only years

  • C. Only in the later years

  • D. The only later years

  • E. None of the above

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The option mentions the phrase as it has been provided in the sentence, i.e. in an inappropriate order of words. Since the phrase, in this form, fails to be grammatically correct, it is a wrong answer choice.
    b. Though the first part of the phrase in this option is correct, the words ‘only years’ don’t sound correct when used together. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice.
    c. The phrase in this option is grammatically correct and also fits in the sentence as such to convey proper meaning. Hence, it is the correct answer choice.
    d. The phrase in this option does not fit into the sentence properly due to its grammatical construction; hence is an inappropriate answer choice for this question.
    e. Since, we have already concluded that option c is the correct answer choice for this question, we cannot pick this answer option as correct.

Question – 6

6. Which preposition would be appropriate to use in place of the underlined word in sentence (1) reproduced below?

But today, as we look for satisfaction on the downfall of the spontaneous generation hypothesis, we must not forget that science rationally concluded that life once did originate on earth by spontaneous generation.

  • A. In

  • B. For

  • C. Above

  • D. Beyond

  • E. No change

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The use of preposition ‘in’ in the said place in the sentence would be appropriate as ‘in’ is used to indicate beliefs, opinions or interests.
    b. Using ‘for’ in place of the underlined word in the sentence would not be appropriate as it is used to indicate time/duration or for indicating the use of something.
    c. The preposition ‘above’ cannot be used in the said place as it is used to indicate the position of an object with relation to another. Since, there is no such requirement posed in this sentence, it would be a wrong answer choice.
    d. ‘Beyond’ in a sentence is used to indicate the movement ‘past’ or ‘after’ an object; which is not a situation indicated in the sentence. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice.
    e. The option ‘no change’ cannot be picked as the correct answer choice as the word ‘on’ which is already there in the sentence is not suitable to be used here and does not convey the correct meaning. ‘On’ is a preposition that is used to indicate a position or time; whereas none of these situations is to be found in this sentence. This makes it a wrong answer choice.

Question – 7

7. Which word would be best used in place of the underlined expression in sentence (2) reproduced below?

It was really Pasteur’s evidence against spontaneous generation that for the first time brought the whole difficult question of the origin of life before the scientific world.

  • A. Entirety

  • B. Large

  • C. Complex

  • D. Completely

  • E. Whole

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. Using the word ‘entirety’ in place of ‘whole’ would not be correct as it would not make correct grammatical sense in this sentence. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice for this question.
    b. The use of ‘large’ alone in the marked place in this sentence would not be correct as it would have to be followed by ‘and’ so as to make the correct grammatical sense. Hence, it is the wrong answer choice.
    c. This answer choice again would have to be accompanied by ‘and’ as it would be adding another adjective to the sentence along with ‘difficult’. Hence, we cannot choose ‘complex’ as the correct answer choice for this question.
    d. ‘Completely’ is the adjective that would fit perfectly in this sentence without the addition of another word or conjunction to it. Hence, it is the correct answer choice for this question.
    e. ‘Whole’ has already been used in this sentence and does not sound proper to be used with the adjective ‘difficult’; hence, we cannot pick it up as the correct answer choice.

Question – 8

8. What would be a preferable change in sentence (1) reproduced below?

The acceptable evidence also makes it clear that spontaneous generation, if it does not occur, must obviously be a highly improbably event under present conditions.

  • A. Removing ‘also’

  • B. Changing ‘improbably’ into ‘improbable’

  • C. Removing the phrase ‘if it does not occur’

  • D. Replacing ‘present’ with ‘past’

  • E. No error

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The ‘also’ in the sentence is a part of the construction of the sentence and helps to convey its exact meaning. Hence, it would be an inappropriate change to remove it from the sentence as such.
    b. Using the word ‘improbably’ (an adverb) in the sentence is grammatically wrong; instead, the adjective form of the word, ‘improbable’ would be correct to use here as it would make complete sense in this place. Hence, option b is the correct answer choice for this question.
    c. Removing the phrase ‘if it does not occur’ would alter the meaning of this sentence and would even remove details from it. Hence, it is a wrong answer choice.
    d. Changing ‘present’ into ‘past’ would again modify the information provided by it. Hence, it is not the correct answer choice for this sentence.
    e. As highlighted by option b, there is an error in the sentence; thus, ‘no error’ cannot be picked as the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 9

9. Which among the following options would not be a correct alternative to the underlined portion in sentence (3) reproduced below?

Modern science agrees that it was highly improbable for life to have arisen in the pre-Cambrian seas, but it concluded, nevertheless, that there it did occur.

  • A. however, it nonetheless concluded,

  • B. nevertheless, it hence concluded,

  • C. though it conclusively stated,

  • D. still, there was the conclusion

  • E. all of the above

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    a. The phrase in this option conveys the same meaning as does the underlined part of the sentence; hence, it is a correct answer choice.
    b. The phrase in option b also conveys a meaning that is same as that of the underlined part in the sentence. Hence, it is a correct answer choice.
    c. ‘Though’ is used in language to convey the same meaning as ‘nevertheless’ and imparts a similar meaning to the sentence as does the original word. Hence, it is also a correct answer choice for this question.
    d. The phrase in this option conveys the same meaning as does the underlined part of the sentence; hence, it is a correct answer option for this question.
    e. Since all the options are suitable alternatives for the underlined phrase, this is the most suitable answer option for this question.

Question – 10

10. Which statement do you think would make the meaning of the paragraph complete?

  • A. We are unaware as to the meaning of the big words used by gagmen.

  • B. Malapropisms make their act all the more interesting, because the listeners are unaware of the true meanings of the words.

  • C. The gagmen’s trades thrive on common slip of the tongue.

  • D. Often the terms used by the comedians have no meaning and we just continue laughing at them, due to the lack of sense.

  • E. The comedians give undue importance to the common mistakes made while talking.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Statement (a) is incorrect. Nowhere in the paragraph is it mentioned that the listeners are completely unaware of the terms used by the comedians. It is mentioned that the ‘terms linger in a twilight zone of meaning’, but based on this it cannot be assumed that the listeners are unaware of the meaning entirely. Hence, statement (a) cannot provide a conclusive meaning to the paragraph.
    Statement (b) is correct. The entire paragraph is regarding the common mistakes made while understanding words that sound similar. Often a slip of tongue gives a statement an entirely different meaning and this is the basis of a comedian’s act. Statement (b) mentions this point and hence, provides a conclusive meaning to the paragraph.
    Statement (c) is incorrect. This statement is unable to provide the paragraph a conclusive meaning, because it does not explain why the slip of a tongue is important to a comedian.
    Statement (d) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage is it mentioned that comedians’ acts are meaningless. Hence, it cannot be the concluding statement of the paragraph.
    Statement (e) is incorrect. The passage is not a criticism of the gagmen’s work, but a discussion of the nature of their act. Statement (e) completely misses this idea and hence cannot be the conclusive statement.

Question – 11

11. Which word should replace the ones underlined in statement (5), as reproduced below, to enhance the meaning of the passage.

After all, such words loom up ever-size in ordinary talk, so no wonder they get the bulldozer treatment from the gagmen.

  • A. Dominate

  • B. Eliminate

  • C. Make

  • D. Impede

  • E. Encumber

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: In order to answer such questions, you must analyze the meaning of the statement. According to the author, big words are often a part of our common vocabulary. In other words, big words often feature in our daily conversation. Thus, the term you should be looking for must mean imposing or appear regularly.
    Option (a) is correct: As per the explanation given under ‘note’, the term ‘dominate’ suits the context of the statement and the passage. Hence, it is the right answer option.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Using the term ‘eliminate’ will completely alter the meaning of the sentence and hence, it cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The term ‘make’ does not suit the context of the sentence and hence option (c) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (d) is incorrect. Keeping in mind the explanation under ‘note’, the term ‘impede’ will completely change the meaning of the sentence. Hence, option (d) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Keeping in mind the explanation under ‘note’, use of the term ‘encumber’ will completely change the meaning of the sentence. Hence, option (e) cannot be the right answer.

Question – 12

12. Which one of the following statements would replace statement (3) in a better manner?

  • A. It is essential that education be made universal.

  • B. Everyone should have access to good education.

  • C. Transfer of knowledge is essential, but only against the assurance that it will not be misused.

  • D. It is foolish to transfer knowledge to someone who does not have a notion about utilizing it.

  • E. Knowledge transfer should be done in a logical manner.

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Statement (a) is incorrect. The passage does not discuss the availability of knowledge but the transfer and utilization of it.
    Statement (b) is incorrect. The passage is not regarding the social context of education, but the transfer and the eventual use of it.
    Statement (c) is incorrect. The first half of the statement talks of the importance of the transfer of knowhow. However, the second half mentions the assurance being provided by the person on whom the knowledge is being endowed. There is no information in the passage to support this notion.
    Statement (d) is correct. This statement expresses the idea that know how should be transferred, but only after being assured that the person can utilize it. The transfer of knowhow to a person without proper knowledge of its utility can have disastrous results.
    Statement (d) expresses this notion.
    Statement (e) is incorrect. There is no information in the passage regarding the manner in which knowledge is transferred.

Question – 13

13. Which term should replace the one underlined in statement (5) as reproduced below?

More education can help us only if it produces more difficulties.

  • A. Wisdom

  • B. Discussions

  • C. Upheavals

  • D. Issues

  • E. Problems

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: In order to answer such questions, you must be able to analyze whether or not there are any errors in the sentence. The use of the term ‘difficulties’ makes statement (5) absolutely meaningless and illogical. Hence, you must choose a term that is related to education and can help the sentence convey proper meaning.
    Option (a) is correct. Taking into account explanation under ‘note’, the term ‘wisdom’ ideally suits the context of the passage.
    Option (b) is incorrect. The term ‘discussions’ does not enhance the meaning of the statement. Thus, option (b) is unable to justify the question.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The term ‘upheavals’ does not allow the statement to convey the proper meaning as it is quite the same as ‘difficulties’. Thus, option (c) is unable to justify the question.
    Option (d) is incorrect. As per the explanation under ‘note’, the term ‘issues’ does not help explain the notion statement (5) is trying to develop.
    Hence, ‘issues’ is unable to answer the question, making option (d) a wrong answer option.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Taking into account the idea that the passage is trying to develop and the explanation under ‘note’, increased level of education definitely cannot result in the creation of ‘problems’. Thus, option (e) cannot be the right answer.

Question – 14

14. Sentence (4) makes most sense when it is placed…

  • A. … wherever it is now.

  • B. … at the end of the paragraph.

  • C. … at the beginning of the paragraph.

  • D. … between statements (1) and (2).

  • E. … deleting it from the passage.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. The first two statements of the paragraph discuss the development of language. However, statement (3) digresses from this point and discusses the development of grammar and philosophy. Hence, it makes the entire paragraph confusing.
    Option (b) is correct. Statement (3) should be interchanged with statement (4). In other words, it should be the final statement of the paragraph to make the meaning of the passage complete. Statement (4) discusses the development of different types of languages and it should be placed after statement (2), which mentions that ‘Each word is an idea’. Finally, statement (3) should be the final statement in the passage, so that the notion being developed by the clause ‘language which seeps into us during our Dark Ages is English, our mind is thereby furnished by a set of ideas’ is completed.
    Option (c) is incorrect. If statement (4) is placed at the beginning of the paragraph, it would make the entire paragraph meaningless. If we have already begun a discussion on language, then stating a fact like, ‘First of all, there is language’ becomes meaningless.
    Option (d) is incorrect. Statement (1) discusses the beginning of language and statement (2) the meaning of each word. Thus, the paragraph is discussing the development of language. Placing statement (4) between (1) and (2) would make the entire paragraph meaningless, because once we have begun discussing different types of languages, there is no use analyzing what a ‘word’ signifies.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Removing the entire statement would make the paragraph meaningless. tatement (4) begins with an ‘if’, which means that an assumption is being made. Statement (3) clarifies the assumptions and provides an argument supporting it. Hence, statement (3) should be placed after statement (4).

Question – 15

15. Which is a better manner of re-writing the underlined part of statement (4) as reproduced below?

If the language which seeps into us during our Dark Ages is English, our mind is thereby furnished by a set of ideas which is significantly different from the set represented by Chinese, Russian, German, or even American.

  • A. we then think only in English

  • B. our grammatical knowledge is different

  • C. our mind is filled with notions

  • D. our minds are filled with notions

  • E. we acknowledge English to be the most important language

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. Nowhere in the paragraph is it mentioned that we think only in English. The paragraph is regarding the specific ideas that a particular language creates.
    Option (b) is incorrect. The rules of grammar for each language are naturally different.
    However, this statement is regarding the ideas created by a particular language, in this case,
    English. Statement (b) is unable to express these notions and hence cannot be the correct answer option.
    Option (c) is correct. This phrase sounds correct when used in the statement, because it mentions the fact that our minds are filled with ideas or concepts peculiar to English. Hence, option (C) is correct.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The verbs and nouns used in statement (4) are singular. However, the phrase in option (d) comprises plural verbs and nouns, such as ‘are’ and ‘minds’. Thus, using this phrase would make the statement grammatically incorrect as it would not maintain the symmetry that statement (4) tries to develop. Hence, it cannot be the correct answer option.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Nowhere in the paragraph is it mentioned that English is the most important language. Moreover, using this phrase in statement (4) would make the entire statement meaningless.

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