Common Improving Paragraphs Practice Test 4

Question – 1

1. Where should statement(3),reproduced below, be placed in the paragraph?

On the basis of experience and conscious thought, small ideas may easily be dislodged, but when it comes to bigger, more universal, or more subtle ideas, it may not be so easy to change them.

  • A. No change required.

  • B. After statement (1)

  • C. At the end of the paragraph

  • D. Before statement (1)

  • E. Between statements (1) and (2)

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is correct. The statement provides an explanation as to how ‘bigger ideas’ are developed. It continues the notion being developed by statement (2). Hence, its position should remain unchanged.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Statement (3) discusses the development of ‘bigger ideas’. Hence, placing it after statement (1) would make the entire paragraph confusing, because statement (1) is merely mentioning the notion of philosophers.
    Option (c) is incorrect. Statement (3) cannot be the concluding statement, because it is discussing the development of ‘bigger idea’. Placing it at the end would make the paragraph incomprehensible.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The paragraph cannot, begin with statement (3), because it discusses the development of ‘bigger ideas’. Hence, the opening sentence should discuss the concept of ‘ideas’, otherwise the entire paragraph would become confusing.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The statement is discussing the development of ‘bigger ideas’. In order to make the paragraph understandable, it is essential that the notion of ‘ideas’, ‘smaller ideas’ etc. be developed, before the discussion about ‘bigger ideas’ can begin.

Question – 2

2. How should the statements be arranged to make the paragraph understandable?

  • A. No change required.

  • B. 1, 3, 2 and 4

  • C. 1,4, 2 and 3

  • D. 4,1, 2 and 3

  • E. Delete statement 3

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. Statement (2) discusses the result of the application of ideas and statement (3) the manner in which ideas are applied. However, first one must understand how ideas are applied, in order to evaluate their result. Hence, this arrangement is wrong.
    Option (b) is correct. Statement (2) discusses the result of the application of ideas and statement (3) the manner in which ideas are applied. Hence, the arrangement should be as mentioned in option (b) to make the paragraph understandable.
    Option (c) is incorrect. Placing the concluding statement in the middle of the paragraph would make the entire paragraph confusing.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The concluding statement cannot be placed in the beginning of the paragraph, especially when it is drawing a comparison between two notions.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Deleting statement (3) would make the concluding statement meaningless. Moreover, the question is regarding re-arrangement of the statements and not deletion. Hence, option (e) is beyond the scope of the question.

Question – 3

3. How can you break statement (2), reproduced below, to make it clearer?

We attempt to make that situation ‘intelligible’ to ourselves by means of these ideas.

  • A. Sometimes we analyze political situations. We analyze our political notions.

  • B. While interpreting political ideas we use political ideas. These ideas develop over time.

  • C. Political ideas help us think diplomatically. These ideas develop through observations.

  • D. Evaluating political situations require the application of political notions. We do so in a systematic manner.

  • E. Political notions are a result of political ideas. These ideas have to be applied in a particular manner.

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. These statements do not mention the systematic application of political ideas. Hence, option (a) is unable to express the overall notion being developed by statement (2)
    Option (b) is incorrect. The passage does not mention the development of ideas. Hence, the claim made by statements in option (b) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The passage does not mention the development of ideas. Hence, the claim made by statements in option (c) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (d) is correct. The first statement in this option mentions the manner in which political situations are analyzed. The second statement explains the manner in which political ideas are applied. Hence, the statements in option (d) express the notion being developed by statement (2) completely.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The second statement of option (e) does not explain how these ideas have to be applied. Hence, option (e) is unable to develop the notion of statement (2) completely.

Question – 4

4. Which word will ideally replace the term underlined in statement (3), reproduced below, to ensure that the meaning of the statement is complete?

When a thing is intelligible you have a sense of participation, when a thing is unintelligible you have a sense of attachment.

  • A. connection

  • B. deception

  • C. faith

  • D. estrangement

  • E. rift

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: In order to answer such a question, you must first identify if there is any error in the statement. The statement is trying to draw a comparison. According to the author, education makes us intelligent, which subsequently makes us capable of analyzing a situation. The first half of the statement ‘When a thing is intelligible you have a sense of participation’ develops this notion. Hence, the second-half should discuss a scenario opposite to this, in order to make the comparison complete. However, the term ‘attachment’ is making the statement confusing. Thus, there is an error in the statement.
    Option (a) is incorrect: Based on the above-mentioned explanation, the term ‘connection’ cannot be used in place of ‘attachment’, because their meanings are similar. Thus, option (a) is unable to complete the sense that statement (3) is trying to develop.
    Option (b) is incorrect. The term ‘deception’ means ‘dishonesty’. However, the term to be used in place of ‘attachment’ should be an antonym of it, so as to make the notion being developed by statement (3) complete. Hence, option (b) is wrong.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The statement is trying to develop a notion regarding the application of education. Moreover, based on the explanation given under ‘note’, the term ‘faith’ cannot be applied here. Hence, option (c) is a wrong answer.
    Option (d) is correct. The term ‘estrangement’ is an antonym of ‘attachment’. Moreover, taking into account the explanation given under ‘note’ this is the ideal term to be placed instead of ‘attachment’, making option (d) is the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The term ‘rift’ is usually used with respect to human relationships. Moreover, it is not an antonym for ‘attachment’ and considering the explanation under ‘note’, this is a wrong answer.

Question – 5

5. Where should statement (5) as reproduced below be placed, to make the notion being developed by the paragraph complete.

May be they cannot themselves formulate precisely that they are looking for, but I think what they are really looking for is ideas that could make the world and their own lives, intelligible to them.

  • A. After statement (1)

  • B. After statement (2)

  • C. No change required

  • D. Delete the statement

  • E. Before statement (1)

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. The first statement of the passage, discusses what people normally understand as education. It explains the common notions that people have regarding, what education consists of. Thus, without explaining the concept further, a statement that describes the utility of education will make the entire paragraph meaningless. Hence, statement (5) cannot be placed after statement (1).
    Option (b) is correct. Statements (1) and (2) clearly explain what people expect education to be. Hence, statement (5) which explains the utility of education can be placed after statement (2). Moreover, putting statement (5) after statement (2) will make the paragraph discernible.
    Option (c) is incorrect. This statement cannot conclude the paragraph, because it is explaining what people expect education to help them achieve. Thus, the concluding statement should further develop this notion, thereby making statement (5) an unlikely conclusion for the paragraph.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The question is regarding the re-positioning of statement (5). Hence, option (d) is beyond the scope of the question.
    Option (e) is incorrect. This statement cannot begin the paragraph, because it is discussing the manner in which people perceive education or what people expect to achieve through education. Thus, without understanding the nature of education, it is not possible to evaluate its utility. Hence, statement (5) cannot be the first sentence of the passage, making option (e) a wrong choice.

Question – 6

6. Where punctuations should be placed in statement (1) as reproduced below, in order to make the sentence understandable?

If the mind cannot bring to the world a set-or, shall we say a tool box, of powerful ideas, the world must appear to it as a chaos, a mass of unrelated phenomena, of meaningless events.

  • A. …bring, to…

  • B. …or; shall…

  • C. …tool, box…

  • D. …appear, to…

  • E. …say, a…

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. The entire statement is developing a single notion. Placing a break after ‘bring’ will provide an unnecessary break and hence, option (a) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. There is already a comma after ‘or’ in the statement. A semi-colon in its place is unnecessary, because the second half of the statement perpetuates the same notion as the first-half. Since, no new ideas are being developed a semi-colon is unnecessary.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The terms ‘tool box’ refers to a single object. Hence, placing a comma after ‘tool’ would change the reference. Hence, option (c) is a wrong answer.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The comma after ‘appear’ would make the statement incomprehensible, because the second half of the statement only mentions how a mind without ideas perceives the world. It is not adding anything new.
    Option (e) is correct. The phrase, ‘shall we say a’ is a digression from the notion that the author is developing in the first half of the statement. The terms ‘shall we say’ is a scenario when the author is talking directly to the reader. In such a case, a comma should be placed after ‘say’, so that the sentence has the proper breaks and becomes conceivable.

Question – 7

7. Combine the last three statements of the paragraph, as reproduced below, into a single sentence, ensuring that the meaning remains the same.

Nothing has any meaning to him. Nothing can hold his vital interest. He has no means of making anything intelligible to himself.

  • A. Nothing is meaningful to him, because he finds everything to be a confusing and unintelligent.

  • B. A man without ideas finds the word to be confusing and uninteresting, because everything around him is chaos.

  • C. Nothing has any meaning and nothing is of critical importance, because he does not know how to make anything intelligible to himself.

  • D. To the unintelligent man the entire world appears to be confusing and this is the cause for his lack of interest.

  • E. Nothing has any meaning to the man who cannot deal with things in an intelligent manner.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. This statement does not mention the fact that ‘nothing can hold his vital interest’. Moreover, the second half of the statement mentions that man finds everything around him to be confusing and this idea is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Nowhere, in the passage does the author mention the development of ideas. Hence, the claim made by statement (b) cannot be supported.
    Option (c) is correct. Statement (c) joins the first two statements and makes the final statement a supporting one. It explains clearly the concept that the first two statements are trying to develop. Hence, the statement in option (c) ensures that the meaning remains unchanged after a single sentence has been developed out of statements (3), (4) and (5).
    Option (d) is incorrect. This passage is not discussing intelligence, but education. However, statement (d) discusses how an unintelligent man perceives the world and this is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (e) is incorrect. This statement discusses the manner in which one must deal with various matters. This notion is beyond the scope of the passage, making option (e) a wrong answer.

Question – 8

8. How should statements (7) and (8), as reproduced below, be combined ensuring that the meaning remains unchanged?

Pakistan was under imagined. It did not survive as a nation-state.

  • A. Since Pakistan remained unperceivable, it could not survive as a nation-state.

  • B. Pakistan’s survival as a country depended on the fact that whether or not it could be imagined as a nation-state.

  • C. The inability to visualize the history of Pakistan, did not allow it to survive as a nation-state.

  • D. Pakistan did not survive as a nation-state, because it remained under-imagined.

  • E. To ensure Pakistan’s survival one has to imagine it as a unified nation.

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. Pakistan is a nation and hence, it cannot remain unperceived or un-noticed. The passage is developing a notion that Pakistan did not survive as a nation-state because it was ‘under-imagined’. Hence, the claim made by statement (a) cannot be supported.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author discuss the survival of Pakistan as a nation. Hence, the claim made by statement (b) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The final two lines of the passage do not discuss history of Pakistan, but the ability to imagine it as nation-state. Hence, statement (c) changes the meaning of the statement, which makes it unable to justify the question.
    Option (d) is correct. This statement is closest to the original two sentences. Moreover, statement (d) explains that the concept of Pakistan as a nation-state did not survived, because the procedure for it remained ‘under-imagined’. This makes statement (d) the correct answer option.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author discuss the survival of Pakistan as a nation. Hence, the claim made by statement (e) is beyond the scope of the passage.

Question – 9

9. How should the underlined section of statement (5), as reproduced below, be changed ensuring that the meaning remains unchanged?

All those independent histories agreed to collectivize themselves into the idea of the nation of India.

  • A. were considered as belonging to a single nation,

  • B. decided to collectively become the history of a single nation,

  • C. came together for

  • D. were further sub-divided based on the various communities in

  • E. formed the separate states of

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. The passage is regarding the bringing together of the histories of different nation-states of India, to help form the history of a single nation. Thus, first there ought to be the nation-states and then the unified country of India. However, is the underlined section is replaced by option (a) the meaning would change. The statement would imply that a history of the unified nation of India already existed and this would not do justice to the question.
    Option (b) is correct. This phrase continues the notion of personifying ‘history’. Moreover, it explains that the histories of the different nation-states were unified to form a common nation. The comma after ‘nation’ also provides the correct break, to make the meaning of statement (5) clear. Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. It is not possible for histories to come together physically. Moreover, ‘history’ is a concept and hence, intangible. This particular personification does not apply to history and that subsequently, makes option (c) a wrong answer.
    Option (d) is incorrect. This phrase produces a notion exactly opposite to what statement (5) is trying to develop. It discusses the unification of India and dividing it further. Hence, option (d) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. This phrase when placed instead of the underlined section, merely reiterates the fact that Indian history is comprised the histories. It does not mention that these histories collectively form the history of a single nation, in this case India. Hence, option (e) is unable to justify the entire notion developed by statement (5).

Question – 10

10. Where should statement (6), as reproduced below, be placed in the passage to make it understandable?

I think in spite of the stresses of communalism, the high degree of public corruption, of regional rivalries, of the tension between the centre and the state, the external pressures of bad relations with neighbouring countries, India as a nation has survived.

  • A. Beginning of the passage

  • B. After statement (2)

  • C. No change required

  • D. After statement (3)

  • E. Between (1) and (2)

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: This paragraph is trying to develop a notion that India had to survive immense pressures, both external and internal, in order to survive as a united nation. Although, this concept is not clearly mentioned, it is the notion that the author is trying to suggest. Keeping that in mind, you should analyze the passage and evaluate the correct position of the particular statement.
    Option (a) is incorrect. Statement (6) discusses the different types of pressures that the Indian nation had to face, in order to survive as a single nation. However, without mentioning the fact that India had to face a number of stresses, both external and internal, one cannot straightaway begin discussing the nature of the pressures. Hence, making statement (6) the opening sentence of the passage will render the entire passage incomprehensible.
    Option (b) is correct. Statements (1) and (2) mention the fact that India had to face a number of stresses, in order to survive as a nation. Hence, ideally after these two statements, the type of stresses should be described. Thus, statement (6) should come after (2) and this makes the paragraph more meaningful.
    Option (c) is incorrect. This statement cannot be the concluding sentence of the passage, because it merely describes the types of stresses faced by the India. It does not discuss the result of having overcome these stresses. Hence, placing statement (6) and the end of the paragraph will make the entire passage inconclusive.
    Option (d) is incorrect. Statement (3) discusses the fact that any nation can be broken, due to such stresses. However, India has successfully survived them. Discussing the nature of the stresses after such a statement would make the entire passage meaningless.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The first statement is regarding the notion of India being a single nation. Mentioning the stresses that India has survived, in order to become a nation would make the entire passage abrupt. Hence, option (e) cannot be the right answer.

Question – 11

11. Which of the following statements ideally expresses the notion, being developed by the passage?

  • A. The Indian nation has survived many adversities and yet remained united.

  • B. In spite of immense external pressures and internal diversities the Indian nation remains united in the mind of its citizens.

  • C. In spite of communal disharmony, the different sections of the Indian population remain united.

  • D. India is a united nation, even though people of different cultures live here.

  • E. The Indian nation exemplifies the notion unity in diversity.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. This statement is vague, because it does not provide any insight into the nature of adversities faced by India. Hence, the statement in option (a) is unable to express the notion discussed by the paragraph.
    Option (b) is correct. This statement clearly mentions the type of differences and stresses that the Indian nation has faced. It also explains that in spite of all these problems, India remains united in the minds of its people. Hence, statement (b) mentions all the notions developed in the passage, making it the right answer option.
    Option (c) is incorrect. This statement mentions only one of the stresses faced by India. Moreover, it is a contradictory statement, because the first half mentions ‘communal disharmony’ and the second half is regarding various communities living together. Hence, option (c) is unable to justify the question.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The passage does not discuss the problems faced by different cultures living in India. Hence, the notion expressed by statement (d) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author mention India as being an example for other nations to follow. Hence, the claim made by statement (e) cannot be supported.

Question – 12

12. How would you change the underlined section of statement (4), as reproduced below, so that its meaning becomes all the more evident?

On the other hand, evidently something has changed in the last 10 years, which is that as result of various circumstances, I’ve not been able to return.

  • A. conditions have changed

  • B. because circumstances remain unchanged

  • C. since the state of affairs are complicated

  • D. due to change in number of circumstances

  • E. because of bureaucratic circumstances

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. The author is unable to return to India due to a number of reasons. Things have changed over the past decade, but it is the result of ‘various circumstances’. The phrase ‘conditions have changed’ does not express this notion and makes the sentence vague. Hence, option (a) is a wrong answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. The author does not mention that the ‘circumstances’ have changed. It is as a result of ‘various circumstances’ that he is unable to return to India. Hence, the claim made by option (b) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The author does not mention anything regarding political complications as indicated by the phrase ‘state of affairs’. Hence, the claim made by statement (c) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (d) is correct. This phrase expresses the notion that the author is unable to return to India, as a result of number of circumstances. This phrase maintains the meaning of the entire statement and hence, can be placed instead of the underlined section; which makes it the correct answer for this question.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author mention bureaucracy. Hence, the claim made by option (e) is beyond the scope of the passage.

Question – 13

13. Should the word underlined in statement (2), as reproduced below, be changed? If yes, then choose an option accordingly.

I know it is the great advantage of the exile.

  • A. benefit

  • B. pitfall

  • C. risk

  • D. difficulty

  • E. Leave it unchanged

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: In order to answer this question, you must first analyze whether or not the usage of the particular word is correct. On reading the passage, it is evident that the author is frustrated by his exile from India. All he wants is to return to India. He mentions that it is natural for an exiled writer to write in an ‘idealized, romantic version’ of the nation he lived in. However, the author does not want to fall into the trap of writing as an outsider. In this regard, the term ‘advantage’ is definitely wrong. According to the passage, it is evident that there is nothing to be gained from being exiled from one’s country. Thus, the term you will be looking for should be essentially an antonym of the underlined word.
    Option (a) is incorrect. The term ‘benefit’ is a synonym for ‘advantage’. Thus, taking into account the explanation under ‘note’, option (a) is a wrong answer.
    Option (b) is correct. The term ‘pitfall’ means a hazard or trap. Moreover, it takes into account the notion being developed by the passage. According to the author, it is a common mistake to write in a romantic manner regarding one home country. Taking this and the explanation under ‘note’, option (b) is the correct answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The term ‘risk’ does not describe a particular writing style. Hence, it cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The term ‘difficulty’ also does not describe the problems faced when writing in exile. Hence, option (d) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Considering the explanation given under ‘note’, the term ‘advantage’ is incorrect. Hence, it must be changed, which makes option (e) a wrong answer.

Question – 14

14. Identify the error in statement (4), as reproduced below. If there is no error in the statement, then choose an option accordingly.

And yet, what it means to be a British Indian is very alien to an Indian India.

  • A. British Indian

  • B. Statement cannot begin with ‘and’

  • C. Statement cannot end with ‘Indian India’.

  • D. There should not be a comma after yet.

  • E. There is no error.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: In order to answer such a question, you must first evaluate, whether or not there is an error in the given statement. While analyzing the error, you must keep in mind the context of the passage. There may be some idiomatic expressions, which sound incorrect, but might be applicable to the given paragraph. As a hint for this passage, try to analyze whether there is any grammatical error in the passage. If yes, then check whether it has been mentioned as one of the options. Usually, such errors are the correct answers to these types of questions.
    Option (a) is incorrect. As per the above-mentioned explanation, the term ‘British Indian’ is being used to denote a particular section of the Indian population. Since, using such a phrase is correct with regard to this passage; option (a) cannot be the correct answer.
    Option (b) is correct. Normally, sentences do not begin with ‘and’. Moreover, ‘and’ is a conjunction used to join two sentences. Taking into account, the notion being developed in the passage, if statements (3) an (4) were joined the meaning will remain the same. Thus, the error is to begin a statement with ‘and’, thereby making option (b) the right answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. Taking into account the explanation given under ‘note’, ‘Indian India’ is an expression that sounds correct, with regard to the paragraph. Hence, the use of the phrase ‘Indian India’ is not the error in the statement, which makes option (c) a wrong answer.
    Option (d) is incorrect. Usually, ‘yet’ is followed by a comma, so that the notion that a particular sentence is trying to develop, becomes clear. In this regard, option (d) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Based on the explanation, given under ‘note’, there is an error in statement (4). Hence, option (e) is a wrong answer.

Question – 15

15. Which one of the following statements, bring out the crux of statements (6) and (7), reproduced below, correctly?

The thing that has interested me is that there are now many, many ways of being something which you can legitimately call Indian. Being an Indian in India is just one of those ways.

  • A. According to the author, there are number of ways by which one can have a sense of attachment with India and being a citizen of India is just one of them.

  • B. In order to become a part of the Indian Diaspora, one must have a sense of belonging to India.

  • C. Becoming a citizen of India is not the only method of developing a sense of belonging to the country.

  • D. An Indian feels close to his/her nation only when he/she becomes a part of the country.

  • E. The term ‘Indian’ is a concept that can be realized only when one truly becomes a part of the country.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is correct. According to the author, there are a number of methods by which one can develop a sense of belonging to India. Amongst these various methods, being a citizen of India is just one. Statement (a) develops this notion completely and hence, option (a) is the right answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Statement (b) does not discuss the fact that there are a number of ways by which one can belong to India and amongst them, being a citizen of the country is only one. Moreover, this statement is discussing Indian Diasporas, which is beyond the scope of sentences (6) an (7), making option (B) a wrong answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. This statement is incomplete, because it does not mention the fact that there are number of ways, by which one can develop a sense of belonging to the country. Hence, the statement in option (c) remains vague, because it does not do justice to the meanings of both the statements.
    Option (d) is incorrect. This statement goes against the very notion being developed by statements (6) and (7). It mentions that one can feel close to India, only by becoming an Indian citizen and that is against the crux of statements (6) and (7).
    Option (e) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, is it mentioned that, in order to feel like an Indian, one must become a citizen of the country. Instead, it develops a notion exactly opposite to this idea. Hence, option (e) is unable to justify the answer.

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