Common Improving Paragraphs Practice Test 5

Question – 1

1. Based on the point of discussion in the paragraph, which word do you think should replace the one underlined in statement (1), reproduced below?

The forces of integration are always there.

  • A. amalgamation.

  • B. incorporation

  • C. expulsion

  • D. disintegration

  • E. absorption

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: The paragraph discusses the forces that can tear apart India. Taking this into account, the term ‘integration’ makes the entire paragraph confusing. ‘Forces of integration’ cannot tear apart a country; instead, it would ensure that the country stays united. However, the author voices a fear that communal or other such tensions can tear the country apart. In this regard, the term ‘integration’ is wrong. Hence, the term you should be looking for, is an antonym of ‘integration’, but ensures that the term maintains the notion the paragraph is trying to develop.
    Option (a) is incorrect. The term ‘amalgamation’ is a synonym of ‘integration’, which makes option (a) a wrong answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. The term ‘incorporation’ is a synonym of ‘integration’. Hence, based on the explanation given under ‘note’, it is a wrong answer option.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The term ‘expulsion’ means eviction or forcible ‘removal’. Taking into account the notion the paragraph is trying to develop; option (c) is inapplicable here.
    Option (d) is correct. Based on the explanation given under ‘note’ and the idea that the passage is trying to propagate, ‘disintegration’ is the correct antonym for the underlined term. Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The term ‘absorption’ is usually used in case of assimilation of some kind. However, it cannot be used here, based on the idea being developed in the passage.

Question – 2

2. Which statement ideally combines statements (2) and (3), reproduced below?

I think in every society there is the tension between the forces that bring it together and the forces that pull it apart. I’m worried above all, of the communal issue because half a century is no time at all in the eye of history.

  • A. In every society there are two opposing forces, one that keep it together and another that tries to pull it apart.

  • B. The narrator is worried about the two opposing forces that exist in any civilized society and their effect over time.

  • C. Society has to survive two opposing forces and its ability to face such adversities can be accounted for, only over a longer period of time.

  • D. The Indian society has always faced communal tensions and the author is worried about its future.

  • E. The narrator is concerned that fifty years is too short a time to say communal tensions have been overcome, especially in the case of a nation facing the two opposing forces of unification and fragmentation.

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect: Although, statement (1) expresses a notion similar to that of statement (2), it completely ignores statement (3). Hence, option (a) is unable to justify the question, making it a wrong answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author discuss civilization. He is talking about India specifically. Hence, the claim made by statement (b) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (c) is incorrect. This statement brings out the notions expressed in statements (2) and (3) partially. It does not mention that the author’s concern regarding the fact that ‘half a century is no time at all in the eye of history’. Hence, statement (c) is unable to justify the question completely.
    Option (d) is incorrect. Nowhere in statement (d) are the two types of forces faced by society mentioned. Hence, option (d) is unable to propagate all the ideas expressed by statements (2) and (3), making it a wrong answer option.
    Option (e) is correct. This statement clearly explains the nature of the two forces faced by society. Moreover, it also mentions the author’s concern, regarding half a century being ‘no time at all in the eye of history’. Thus, statement (e) is able to justify all the ideas expressed in statements (2) and (3), making option (e) the right answer.

Question – 3

3.Where should the punctuations be placed in statement (6) as reproduced below?

At least it runs the danger of being no longer able to call itself a democracy.

  • A. …money, favor…

  • B. …work, then…

  • C. …money, favor… and …work, then…

  • D. No punctuations required.

  • E. …what, make…

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. Although, there should be a comma between ‘money’ and ‘favor’, there should also be a comma between ‘work’ and ‘then’. Since, option (a) does not mention all the punctuations required to be placed in statement (6), it cannot be the right answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Although, there should be a comma between ‘work’ and ‘then’, to denote a change in idea and to provide it with the require break, there should also be a comma between ‘money’ and ‘favor’. Since, option (b) does not mention all the punctuations required to be placed in statement (6), it cannot be the right answer.
    Option (c) is correct. There should be a comma between ‘money’ and ‘favor’; because multiple things are being mentioned here and they should be separated by commas. There should also be a comma between ‘work’ and ‘then’ to denote a resolution of the argument being made. Option (c) mentions all the instances, making it the right answer.
    Option (d) is incorrect. On reading the statement, it is evident that breaks are required, otherwise the sentence becomes quite confusing. Hence, the option that ‘no punctuations required’ cannot be the correct answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. A comma between ‘what’ and ‘make’ would prevent the continuation of the thought, being developed by statement (6). Hence, it cannot be the right answer option.

Question – 4

4. Where should statement (7), as reproduced, below be placed in the passage, to enhance the meaning of the paragraph?

I fear the long term damage to a democracy that can be done by mass corruption.

  • A. After statement (2)

  • B. No change required

  • C. After statement (3)

  • D. After statement (1)

  • E. After statement (4)

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. Statement (1) expresses a fear of the author as does statement (7). Hence, placing it after statement (2) would only make the passage more confusing. Hence, option (a) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Placing statement (7) as the concluding sentence of the passage makes the entire paragraph very abrupt. Hence, option (b) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. Statement (7) alludes to the notion of democracy and the harm corruption can cause, to a democratic nation. However, statement (3) has already begun discussing corruption without mentioning anything regarding democracy. This abrupt change in notions will only make the passage more confusing and hence, it cannot be the right answer.
    Option (d) is correct. When placed after statement (1) the refrain ‘I fear’ remains, at the beginning of both the sentences. This adds a poetic element and explains the concern of the narrator. Hence, when statement (7) is placed after statement (1) the meaning of the entire passage becomes clearer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Statement (4) has already begun discussing democracy. Hence, without providing an insight into the nature of orruption, it would make no sense in discussing the effect of corruption on democracy. Hence, statement (7) cannot be placed after (4), making option (e) a wrong answer.

Question – 5

5. Identify the punctuation to be placed in statement (5) as reproduced below.

Partly I am saying this as a kind of objective observer, but nobody is an objective observer.

  • A. Partly,

  • B. Partly;

  • C. Partly:

  • D. Partly I am,

  • E. Partly, I am,

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is correct. There is a comma after ‘observer’ in statement (5). To ensure that the sentence has proper breaks, there should be a comma after ‘partly’. Moreover, the clause ‘I am saying this as a kind of objective observer’, voices a personal opinion of the author that slightly digresses from the notion the statement is trying to make. Hence, to ensure that there no confusion, while reading the statement, there should be a comma after ‘partly’, making option (a) the right answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. A semi-colon is used to separate two sentences or used in the place of a conjunction. However, ‘partly’ is the word with which statement (5) begins, which makes using a semi-colon after it unnecessary. Moreover, semi-colon denotes a longer break and this too is unnecessary at the beginning of a statement. Hence, option (b) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. A colon is used when a new idea or notion is being introduced. However, statement (5) develops a single notion, regarding the author’s inability to become an ‘objective observer’. Thus, option (c) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The comma after ‘I am’ is unnecessary, because it provides a break that makes the statement all the more confusing, when read aloud. Hence, option (d) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The entire statement is regarding the author’s notions of his inability to become an ‘objective observer’. Hence, there is no need to place commas before and after ‘I am’, because it is an essential part of the sentence. If ‘I am’ is not read along with the rest of the statement, then the entire sentence will become confusing. Hence, option (e) cannot be the right answer.

Question – 6

6. Which one of the following words should ideally replace the one underlined in statement (2) as reproduced below?

If any group inside such a complex, adaptable and inflexible country as India tries to define the nation exclusively in its own terms, then it begins to create terrible stresses.

  • A. Intractable

  • B. Non-conformist

  • C. Diverse

  • D. Ductile

  • E. Resilient

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: When answering such a question, it is essential to identify whether or not there is any error in the statement. Statement (2) in the passage develops a notion that India is a complex, yet adjusting nation. Considering this, it would be wrong to say that a nation, which is essentially adaptable; is at the same time, also ‘inflexible’. These two contradictory terms make the entire statement unclear and confusing. Hence, the term you should be looking for here is an antonym of ‘inflexible’, but it must also suit the context of the passage.
    Option (a) is incorrect. Taking into account the afore-mentioned explanation, ‘intractable’ is a synonym of ‘inflexible’ and hence, option (a) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. The term ‘non-conformist’ is also a synonym of ‘inflexible’ and hence, option (b) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (c) is correct. Taking into account the explanation given under ‘note’, the term ‘diverse’ is the correct answer, because it is an antonym of ‘inflexible’. Moreover, it maintains the notion that the author is trying to develop in the passage, of India being a country that has a number of communities or groups living together.
    Option (d) is incorrect. This term cannot be used, because ‘ductile’ is usually used with respect to metals. Hence, it is inapplicable here.
    Option (e) is incorrect. According to the passage, India may have survived adversities, but with regard to the particular statement, the term ‘resilient’ is inapplicable. The statement discusses the various facets of India and hence, ‘resilient’ is not suitable here.

Question – 7

7. Which of the following sets of statements clearly explain the notion expressed by statement (6) as reproduced below?

I believe in, separating one’s personal spiritual needs and aspirations, from the way in which a country is run and this is especially applicable, in the case of the political leaders of a nation.

  • A. The author is worried about the future of India. He is concerned about the contradiction in the spiritual and political wishes of the people of India.

  • B. It is essential that country is run responsibly by its leaders. In order to so they must separate their spiritual and personal ambitions.

  • C. The spiritual and personal aspirations of political leaders often clash. A country can be fragmented by it.

  • D. A leader has the responsibility of directing a nation. In order to do so he must be able to think in a detached manner.

  • E. Political leaders can have religious ambitions. However, they should not clash with their duties and responsibilities.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. Although the passage is regarding India, statement (6) is a general comment on the manner in which, countries should be run. Considering this, the statements under option (a) do not justify the question, because it concentrates only on India.
    Option (b) is correct. This statement clearly mentions that the responsibility of running a nation depends on its political leaders. In order to ensure smooth working, the political leaders must learn to separate their personal and political aspirations. The statements under option (b) express both these notions and hence, it is the right answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. Statement (6) does not discuss the result of politicians, not being able to keep their personal and political aspirations apart. Hence, the claim made by the second sentence in option (c) is beyond the scope of statement (6), which makes it a wrong answer.
    Option (d) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author mention that a leader must think in a disconnected manner. Hence, the claim made by statements in option (d) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The statements under option (e) do not mention anything regarding the responsibility of running a nation resting on the shoulders of political leaders. Hence, option (e) cannot justify the notion expressed by statement (6) completely.

Question – 8

8. How should the underlined section of statement (4) reproduced below be re-written, to make the notion the sentence is trying to develop, clearer?

That is to say, the kind of religious language in politics is something I find temperamentally unpleasant.

  • A. …spirituality in politics…

  • B. …religious implications in politics…

  • C. …communal politics, so rampant in India,

  • D. …elusive political motives in India…

  • E. …religious segregation in politics…

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. The phrase ‘spirituality in politics’ perpetuates the same idea as being developed by statement (4). However, it does not explain the idea and hence, the notion remains as confusing as expressed in statement (4). Thus, option (a) is unable to justify the question.
    Option (b) is correct. The term ‘implication’ explains the notion, that religious allusions in politics are essentially distasteful to the author. Hence, option (b) is able to explain the notion expressed by statement (4) clearly.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The statement does not mention anything about India. Hence, this detail is unnecessary and it makes the statement unnecessarily long, as well as confusing. Thus, option (c) is unable to justify the question.
    Option (d) is incorrect. The author does not discuss the motives of political leaders in India in statement (4). Hence, the claim made by option (d) is beyond the scope of the statement under discussion.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author mention anything regarding religious separation. Hence, the claim made by option (e) is beyond the scope of the passage.

Question – 9

9. Which term should replace the one underlined in statement (1), as reproduced below?

I am pessimistic about India’s ability to force those changes that are necessary, because I do believe it is not fundamentally an intolerant country and will not fundamentally accept intolerant politics.

  • A. Cynical

  • B. Negative

  • C. Unenthusiastic

  • D. Optimistic

  • E. Surprised

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: The author’s tone in the passage is positive and optimistic, thus using the term ‘pessimistic’ in statement (1) would be wrong. Hence, there is an error in the usage of the term.
    Option (a) is incorrect. Based on the above-mentioned explanation, ‘cynical’ is inapplicable as an answer for this question, because it is a synonym of ‘pessimistic’.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Based on the explanation under ‘note’, the term ‘negative’ means the same as ‘pessimistic’, which makes it a wrong answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The term ‘unenthusiastic’ does not help propagate the meaning that statement (1) is trying to develop. Hence, option (c) is unable to answer the question.
    Option (d) is correct. The term ‘optimistic’ is an antonym of ‘pessimistic’ and supports the positive tone adopted by the author. Moreover, it suits the context of the passage and the statement. Hence, option (d) is the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author express a notion that he is unfamiliar with. Hence, he cannot be ‘surprised’; also this term is not suitable in the context of the passage.

Question – 10

10. Where should statement (6), as reproduced below, be placed in the passage in order to ensure that the meaning that the paragraph is trying to propagate becomes clear?

If democratic, then we must all learn to make the best of it otherwise we must fight it very hard.

  • A. After statement 1

  • B. After statement 2

  • C. As a conclusive statement

  • D. As an introductory statement

  • E. No change requires.

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. The first statement discusses certain features of India as a nation. Here the author primarily discusses India’s ability to change. Thus, without discussing certain facts about democracy, pertaining to India, a comment like statement (6) cannot be made. Moreover, placing statement (6) after first sentence of the passage would make the entire paragraph quite confusing.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Statement (2) discusses certain ideas as mentioned by the phrase ‘fact that these ideas’. Thus, without discussing the ideas at length, a comment on the manner in which democracy should be perceived, makes the entire paragraph quite confusing. Hence, option (b) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (c) is correct. The passage discusses India’s ability to change and how a political scenario should be judged. Statement (6) discusses the manner in which we should react to a system that is fundamentally anti-democratic. Since, the paragraph primarily discusses the nature of democracy; statement (6) should be the final statement of the passage, making option (c) the right answer. Moreover, this will make the notion the passage is trying to develop complete.
    Option (d) is incorrect. On reading statement (6) it is evident that it is the continuation of an argument. Rather it is providing the outcome or the author’s notion, in the scenario when India is conclusively proved to be a democratic nation. Thus, before providing the result of the argument, the scenario behind it must be explained. Hence, statement (6) cannot be the first sentence of the passage.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Statement (6) provides a resolution to an argument. Thus, without discussing the circumstances a resolution cannot be provided. Hence, the present position of statement (6) makes the paragraph quite confusing, making option (e) a wrong answer.

Question – 11

11. How would you break up statement (1), as reproduced below, to make the meaning that this sentence is trying to propagate all the more evident?

This was one of the things that disappointed me, that after a lifetime of having written from a certain sensibility, and a certain point of view, I would have expected people in India to know about it since it was all entirely about India.

  • A. The author was disappointed in the manner in which his book was received by Indians. Especially, taking into account the fact that it was about Indians.

  • B. The author’s book was loved by Indians. Especially, because they understood his perspective very well.

  • C. The people of India failed to evaluate the author’s book. Especially, since they were familiar with the author’s style of writing.

  • D. Salman Rushdie wrote about Indians in his book. However, most Indians were unable to understand the emotions associated with the book.

  • E. In spite of the fact that the book showed India under a certain light, the book was well-received. This made the author happy.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is correct. According to statement (1), the author is disheartened by the manner in which Indians have perceived his book. The author was under the notion that after so many years most Indians were aware of the author’s sensibility and this book should have been well-appreciated, especially because it is about Indians. The statements under option (a) bring out all these notions and hence, it is the right answer.
    Option (b) is incorrect. The first statement of the passage expresses the author’s disappointment in the manner in which his books were perceived by his Indian readers. However, the statements under option (b) express a notion contradictory to this idea. Hence, it cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (c) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage is the ability of Indian readers to analyze a book has been discussed and neither the author’s style of writing. Hence, the claims made by the statements under option (c) are beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (d) is incorrect. Although, the passage discusses Salman Rushdie’s book, in the first statement we are not aware of the name of the author. In this context, the claim made by the statements under option (d) cannot be justified. Hence, this option is a wrong answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The author expresses his disappointment, because of the manner in which his book has been received by his Indian readers. However, the statements under option (e) express a notion opposite to this idea, making it a wrong answer.

Question – 12

12. Where should punctuations be placed in statement (6) as reproduced below?

This is somebody whose work whose opinions whose lectures and whose stories we know.

  • A. …somebody, whose… and …opinions, whose…

  • B. … work, whose… and … opinions, whose

  • C. …work, whose… and … stories, we

  • D. …whose, opinions… and …whose, lectures…

  • E. …opinions, whose… and …stories, we…

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Option (a) is incorrect. A comma is usually placed to provide a break or to separate multiple things. The position of the commas in option (a) makes the statement incomprehensible, since the breaks are being given in the wrong places.
    Option (b) is correct. The commas should be placed in a manner that the multiple qualities of a single person are separated. Thus, the position of the commas in option (b) makes the sentence discernible.
    Option (c) is incorrect. In this option, the first instance of the position of the comma is correct. However, a comma after stories will provide an unnecessary break at the end of the sentence. Moreover, another quality of the author (whose lectures) is not separated by a comma. Hence, overall option (c) is unable to justify the question.
    Option (d) is incorrect. In this option, the comma before lectures, provide an unnecessary break to the sentence. Hence, overall option (d) is unable to justify the question.
    Option (e) is incorrect. In this option, the comma after ‘stories’ makes the sentence very confusing. This break is unnecessary and hence, overall option (e) is unable to justify the question.

Question – 13

13. How should the underlined section of statement (2), reproduced below, be changed ensuring that the meaning of the sentence remains the same?

In a big army reinforcements are absolutely essential, because it makes the soldier feel like a part of a longer formation.

  • A. …since it provides a sense of security to a soldier.

  • B. …so that the soldier has a sense of belonging to a bigger and stronger army.

  • C. …to ensure a soldier’s solidarity.

  • D. …to prevent the soldier from getting isolated.

  • E. …to help a soldier fight the battle with all his strength.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: In order to answer such a question, it is essential to understand the context of the particular statement, as well as, the notion the passage is trying to propagate. According to the passage and statement (2), soldiers need to feel the presence of a stronger as well as a bigger army backing their movements. This develops a sense of assurance, which subsequently helps a soldier fight better. However, the notion of ‘sense of security’ is developed later on in the passage and not entirely in this statement. As a hint, when you choose the answer, ensure that it is as close to the notion being developed in the statement as possible.
    Option (a) is incorrect. Although, this idea is correct, statement (2) does not discuss the exact feeling that a soldier has. It only mentions that the soldier likes to have the feeling of belonging to a bigger army. Keeping the explanation given under ‘note’ option (a) is unable to justify the question.
    Option (b) is correct. Based on the explanation given under ‘note’, option (b) is able to express the notion that a soldier requires to have a sense of belonging. Hence, option (b) is the right answer.
    Option (c) is incorrect. Nowhere in the passage, does the author discuss the notion of brotherhood amongst soldiers. Hence, the claim made by option (c) is beyond the scope of the passage.
    Option (d) is incorrect. Statement (2) does not discuss isolation. The idea of getting isolated comes much later in the passage. Hence, taking into account the explanation given under ‘note’, option (d) cannot be the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. Nowhere in statement (2), is the manner in which a soldier fights a battle, being discussed. Hence, the claim made by option (e) is beyond the scope of statement (2) making it a wrong answer option.

Question – 14

14. Which of the following statement/statements discuss the crux of the passage?

  • A. Statement 1

  • B. Statements 2 and 3

  • C. Statements 2,3 and 4

  • D. None of the statements

  • E. Statement 6

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: In order to answer such questions, it is essential to understand the point of discussion of the passage. This passage discusses the fact that a soldier’s morale is boosted when he feels that he is a part of a big army. Isolation demoralizes a soldier thereby leading to disastrous consequences. Thus, when you decide the statement/ statements that provides an insight into the primary theme of the passage, ensure that you choose the ones that mention all of these ideas. Even if one is left out, the primary theme of the passage will not be justified.
    Option (a) is incorrect. Statement (1) introduces the paragraph and hence, it cannot mention all the notions being discussed in the passage. As you continue to read, you will be able to understand the primary theme of the passage.
    Option (b) is incorrect. Although, statements (2) and (3) discuss certain important ideas mentioned in the passage, they do not mention all of them. Thus, taking into account the explanation given under ‘note’ option (b) cannot be the correct answer.
    Option (c) is correct. Statements (2), (3) and (4) together discuss the importance of a sense of belonging for a soldier. Statement (4) discusses the result of a sense of isolation. Hence, taking into account the explanation under ‘note’ option (c) is the right answer.
    Option (d) is incorrect. As per the explanation under ‘note’, there are statements in the passage that mention the primary theme of the paragraph. Hence, option (d) cannot do justice to the question.
    Option (e) is incorrect. As per the explanation under ‘note’, the conclusive statement of the passage need not provide a viable explanation as to the primary theme of the paragraph. Hence, option (e) cannot be a correct answer.

Question – 15

15. Which word ideally replaces the term underlined in statement (2) as reproduced below?

If the Eastern way of war is embodied by the stealthy archer, the Western counterpart literally is the swordsman charging forward, seeking a decisive showdown, eager to administer the blow that will obliterate the enemy once and for all.

  • A. Factually

  • B. Ultimately

  • C. Intentionally.

  • D. Metaphorically

  • E. Essentially

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:
    Note: To answer such questions, you must analyze the context of the passage. The first two statements are making figurative responses to the manner in which the Eastern style of warfare differs from the Western. Keeping that in mind, the term ‘literally’, develops a notion contradictory to this idea and makes the statement confusing. Hence, the term you are looking for should convey a meaning opposing ‘literally’.
    Option (a) is incorrect. The term ‘factually’ is a synonym of ‘literally’ and hence, cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (b) is incorrect. The term ‘ultimately’ does not suit the context of the passage. It increases the confusion and hence, cannot be the right answer option.
    Option (c) is incorrect. The term ‘intentionally’ does not suit the context, because statement (2) uses figurative examples to explain the manner in which the East and the West fight battles. In this context ‘intentionally’ makes no sense and hence, option (C) is wrong.
    Option (d) is correct. As explained under ‘note’, the term that should replace ‘literally’, should be its antonym. Amongst the options given, ‘metaphorically’ conveys a meaning opposite to that of ‘literally’ and hence, option (D) is the right answer.
    Option (e) is incorrect. The term ‘essentially’ makes no sense when it is used in place of ‘literally’. Hence, option (E) cannot be the correct answer.

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