Common Reading Comprehension Select Many Practice Test 1


1. Why do you think the narrator calls the reasons for cutting the trees in the third world countries, ‘old fashioned’?

  • A As the countries he is referring to are known as the third world, or under-developed countries.

  • B. Since science has made available modern and much developed methods to satisfy these requirements.

  • C. As the reasons for which the trees are cut are no longer valid in oday’s scenario.

  • D. It is a biased comment on the part of the narrator as it seems he belongs to a highly developed nation or society.

  • E. As there are modern solutions for the requirement of fuel and cropland available to us now.

  • Answer: BE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The usage of the word ‘old-fashioned’ can be explained in the light of the advancements in the field of science and technology that have provided us with ample alternatives to the chopping down of trees and use of wood for fuel and clearing of cropland. The options that stand true in the light of this justification are options B and E, thus they are the correct answers. We cannot call the usage of this word as a biased comment (as there is no clear reference made to the narrator’s citizenship) or a reference to the under-developed status of the countries being talked about as the scientific advancements and modern techniques are supplied to them as well. The rest of the options, therefore, are incorrect.


2. What are the two points of target that the strategy to fight the problem of dying forests includes in itself?

  • A Finding methods to sustain life for trees and all types of vegetation.

  • B. An aggressive movement directed towards breeding of trees that are resistant to pollution.

  • C. Conservative efforts for demanding reduction in emission of toxic substances which lead to air pollution.

  • D. The attempts to save the trees from being cut and popularizing other alternatives for their use.

  • E. Making available more and more scientific methods that can help reduce the air pollution.

  • Answer: BC

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The question requires us to give a thorough reading to the passage provided as the two points of the strategy are mentioned clearly in the latter half of it. The sentence, ‘Indeed, saving the rapidly deteriorating forests of Europe will probably require a two-pronged strategy: an offensive campaign that includes the breeding of pollution-immune trees and a defensive scheme that calls for reductions in toxic emissions’ is being referred to here; and the second and third options are correct answers in the light of it.


3. The explanations sought for this occurrence of drying forests include factors like ———-.

  • A Air Pollution

  • B. Polluting of water resources

  • C. A form of cancer of trees that is incomprehensible

  • D. Periodical environmental changes

  • E. The trees getting dried out

  • Answer: ACD

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage states before us three factors that have been explained as the reasons for the drying of forests, namely; Air pollution, a baffling form of tree cancer and a cyclic change in the environment. The options in the list that correspond to these factors are A, C and D, so they are the correct answers and the rest are thus, the wrong answers.


4. What were the various impediments in the path that led to the prosperity of the king’s subjects?

  • A The delaying of the project to eradicate illiteracy from his kingdom.

  • B. The corruption in his kingdom.

  • C. The King’s prolonged illness.

  • D. Their being uneducated.

  • E. The lack of co-operation from his subjects.

  • Answer: ACD

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage provides us with a short story of a small kingdom in which the King wanted to achieve prosperity for his subjects and tried hard for it to be achieved. We are informed that the major obstruction that stood in his way was the illiteracy of the people; therefore, the fourth option given to us is a correct answer; but we must not forget that when the project of eradicating illiteracy got delayed due to the illness that the King encountered, they also became impediments in the road to achieve this goal. Thus, the first and third options are also the correct answers to this question.


5. ‘The youth drew a wand from his huge pocket and rubbed it against the bare chest of the king’ – Which among the following are the correct words to explain this type of a treatment method?

  • A Transcendental

  • B. Abstruse

  • C. Quixotic

  • D. Cryptic

  • E. Spectral

  • Answer: ABCDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The method adopted by the young boy to treat the King was not a regular curing therapy or treatment method but was something beyond the explanation of a normal human being. His aides were no medicines or herbs, but a wand which he used to rub against the King’s bare chest so as to make all his ailments disappear from his body and make him hale and hearty again. This curing method can be explained as something above the normal human existence level, therefore, the first option, ‘Transcendental’ is one of the correct answers. The rest of the options given to us imply to a secretive, not easily comprehendible method, and thus are all correct answers.


6. What does the King’s resuming of work with the same vigor and strength imply?

  • A The wiping off of all the vices from his kingdom.

  • B. His working for the betterment of his subjects again.

  • C. The young man being a doctor.

  • D. The prosperity and happiness of his people.

  • E. Resuming of work on project for eradication of illiteracy.

  • Answer: ABDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The question requires us to analyze all the consequent events that would be inspired by the King’s well-being. It first of all means his being back on the task of working for the benefit of his people that includes wiping off the vices, resuming the project for fighting illiteracy and finally, the ultimate happiness of the subjects. The correct answers thus, are options A, B, D and E. The remaining one option cannot be correct as we have already seen from the curing technique of the young man that he is not a doctor.


7. What has been termed as a resulting effect of the migration between rural and urban areas?

  • A The rising number of households that are being led by women.

  • B. The rising amount of population in cities.

  • C. The power struggle in the urban areas getting worse.

  • D. Women taking control of the decisions taken in their houses as they are more empowered.

  • E. Narrowing down of the difference between the two major types of population.

  • Answer: AD

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage given to us deals with the changes that are required to be introduced into the legal and police systems of our society so as to make it a better place for this part of the population to sustain. In the course of the passage, the narrator puts before us the main consequences that have been exhibited by the rural-urban migration and that is the increasing number of families being under a matriarch. This also implies to the empowerment of women such that they have been able to beat the age old patriarchal system in the families. The two answer options correct thus, are options A and D.


8. How has the issue of partiality and carelessness on the part of male law enforcement forces in certain cases been addressed?

  • A By proposing to create a special women cell in the police stations.

  • B. With the efforts to encourage more and more women-centered cases being reported to the police.

  • C. With the proposed creation of equal opportunities for women in the forces.

  • D. By reducing the number of males joining the law enforcement forces.

  • E. The idea to give better control of police stations to women.

  • Answer: CE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage also supplies us with the details regarding the biases and callousness on the part of law enforcement forces when it comes to women oriented cases like those of dowry and domestic violence; and how these are tried to be met with. The answer lies in the sentence ‘The proposal to create an equal-opportunity police force and give women greater control of police stations is an acknowledgement of the biases and callousness displayed by the generally all male law enforcement authorities in cases of dowry and domestic violence.’ Therefore the two correct options are C and E.


9. What are the obstructions in the path of introducing changes in the law enforcement system?

  • A The changes required in the political-economic status that women enjoy in the society.

  • B. The illiteracy and lack of awareness on the part of the women in the society.

  • C. The strong and deep-rooted foundations of the prevalent status of women in our society.

  • D. The values and ideas associated with the man-woman relationship in our social system.

  • E. The risk of the public reservation given to women becoming a tool in the hands of politicians running merely for votes.

  • Answer: ABDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage gives us complete information about the changes that need to be introduced into the various systems of our society so as to create better living opportunities for women and also states the various impediments that stand in the way. These are the ones stated in the A, B, D and E options provided to us. The only option spared can also be a correct answer but we cannot take it to be so as there is no mention of it in the passage.


10. What factors could fail any type of assistance in achieving development and modernization?

  • A Incapacitated work force

  • B. Lack of a productive labor force

  • C. Ineffective leadership

  • D. Lack of management skills to communicate issues properly

  • E. Weak middle management

  • Answer: ABCDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage deals with the way in which the productive forces of the society are dependent upon human labor and how therefore, women should be more capacitated to be able to raise a better population of children. There is also light thrown at the various types of factors that stand in its path; these being lack of ‘a productive labor force, including effective leadership and intelligent middle management’. All the options given to us thus are the correct answers as they supply us with these factors only in one or the other ways.


11. The reasons that impair the desired kind of growth in children are———–.

  • A The mother being incapacitated to bring up the child properly.

  • B. The woman not realizing the importance of the early years of the child’s growth.

  • C. The unawareness of the mother for her socio-legal rights.

  • D. The mother suffering on the grounds of her own health and well-being.

  • E. The economic and social liberation of the women suffering.

  • Answer: ACDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage focuses on the factors that stand as impediments in the path of children coming up as efficient work force in the future. The writer of the passage throws this on the shoulders of the mothers only as they are the ones who are closest to the child in his formative years. Therefore the weaknesses on the mother’s part are the ones that affect the child’s proper shaping up also. The correct answers are thus, contained in options A, C, D and E. the second option can also be correct, but we do not find a reference to it in the passage.


12. What all is revealed by the sentence ‘Since the English language suffers from a certain weakness in its ability to describe groups composed of both male and female members; this is usually described as ‘manpower’?

  • A The author being a language specialist.

  • B. The andocentric influences in the language.

  • C. His unconvinced state about the language usage.

  • D. A requirement to use feminist approaches in the language also.

  • E. A hint at the theme of the whole passage being centered at women.

  • Answer: BCDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The question requires us to go into the depths of the possible meanings that this sentence conveys. The sentence has feminist connotations, along with a biased behavior on the part of the language constructionists that they did not design two separate words for the two genders and the overall theme of the passage. Therefore, the correct answers are options B, C, D and E; while option A does not seem too relevant as we find no details about the writer being a language specialist in the rest of the passage.


13. Which of the following explain the comparative traits of urban and rural life?

  • A Disadvantages of life in urban areas > Gains of living in urban areas

  • B. Urban population < Rural population

  • C. Community restraints in urban areas > rural areas

  • D. Stronger criminal forces in rural than urban areas

  • E. Crimes, riots = Urban areas

  • Answer: ABE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage deals with a comparative analysis of the various aspects of rural and urban life; and the question puts the various comparative equations of these aspects before us such that we have to verify, which among them are correct as per the details provided in the passage. A thorough reading of the passage tells us that among the given options, the first, second and fifth options are correct while the other two supply us with incorrect information. While the community restraints are lower in urban areas, the criminal forces are also more rampant there, and the statements in the options given to us are opposite to it, so are wrong answers.


14. What are the implications of living in an urban society?

  • A Focus on creating a tradition-oriented society

  • B. Displaying of an anonymous mode of living

  • C. Rejection of formal and objective law enforcement.

  • D. Being a part of a formally controlled society.

  • E. Risks like crime and riots

  • Answer: BDE

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The requirement posed in this question is to identify the various traits and features of urban life that are scattered all through the passage and then verify them against the answer choices given to us. The three correct options are the aspects of living in the urban societies that find a mention in the passage, while the rest two options are the traits of a rural society, so are incorrect to be taken as answers to this question.


15. How are criminal offenses handled in the rural areas?

  • A Interference of law enforcement forces sought.

  • B. By the collective consent of the community.

  • C. Refusal of formal intervention from law enforcement forces.

  • D. Less stress on getting the incidents registered into police records.

  • E. Providing formal moral education in schools

  • Answer: BCD

  • Explanation

    Explanation: The passage throws light on the attitude that rural population has towards handling of criminal offenses. We are informed that the rural populations do not rely on the formal law enforcement forces like the urbanites but trust their own community decisions with them. They do not take support from the law or register their complaints with them, rather refuse them outright. The correct answers in the light of this information are supplied to us by the second, third and fourth answer options.

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