Common Social Studies Practice Test 5

Question – 1

1. When compared to Mexico’s GDP, the GDP of USA seems healthier because ___________.

  • A. USA performed better in 2005.

  • B. USA performed well again.

  • C. USA performed better in 2007.

  • D. USA has constantly performed well.

  • E. USA has lower GDP than Mexico.

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 2

2. The Mexican gross domestic product (GDP) surpassed the U.S. GDP in the year 2005 by __________.

  • A. 2.0 %

  • B. 3.5 %

  • C. 3.0 %

  • D. 2.5 %

  • E. 2.8%

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 3

3. In which of the following years the Mexican GDP meets a fall and the USA GDP meets the maximum as per the graph?

  • A. 2006; 2007

  • B. 1Q; 2007

  • C. 2007; 2006

  • D. 2006; 2005

  • E. 2007; 1Q

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 4

4. The S&P/ASX 200 Index has been analyzed __________ on 1/2/2008 and 1/8/2008?

  • A. down more than 300

  • B. down almost 1500

  • C. up less than 1000

  • D. down more than 3000

  • E. constant

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 5

Governments get cash, basically, through taxes. To expand their incomes, governments might build tax rates. Once in a while, this meets expectations, however in some cases the impact is the inverse; higher charges can really cause incomes to fall.

5. The raising of sales tax may result in less rather than additional income for a specific state. How?

  • A. It is challenging for poorer individuals to pay a higher bargains assessment.

  • B. An expanded sales tax may raise the expense of merchandise so much that shoppers won’t purchase as much.

  • C. Many states have a salary charge.

  • D. When a legislature raises charges, more individuals need to get second employments.

  • E. When a state raises charges, it gains less cash from the national government.

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 6

Governments get cash, basically, through taxes. To expand their incomes, governments might build tax rates. Once in a while, this meets expectations, however in some cases the impact is the inverse; higher charges can really cause incomes to fall.

6. A delegate is protecting the thought that higher assessments can bring about less income. Which of the accompanying information could be offered as proof?

  • A. States with high taxes on smoke lose a huge number of dollars a year when peddlers accumulate smokes to offer from states with easier assessments.

  • B. The regular U.S. specialist works one hour and forty-six minutes a day to make enough to pay elected duties.

  • C. It costs the legislature 0.56 dollar to collect every 100 dollar in duties, in 1991.

  • D. A single citizen procuring 15,000 dollar is in the 15 percent charge section while one gaining 25,000 dollar pays 28 percent.

  • E. The state legislature has no income tax.

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 7

7. In which among the following years, was unemployment at its best?

  • A. 1944

  • B. 1982

  • C. 1985

  • D. 2001

  • E. 1935

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 8

8. What is the difference in the percentage of unemployment between 1944 and 1992?

  • A. 2.8%

  • B. 3.6%

  • C. 1.8%

  • D. 6.4%

  • E. 1.9%

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 9

9. In _________ year, the unemployment percentage was at its worst.

  • A. 2001

  • B. 1985

  • C. 1982

  • D. 1945

  • E. 1929

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 10

10. Which of the following combination of years has a highly positive difference in the unemployment percentage?

  • A. 1935 – 1944

  • B. 1929 – 1935

  • C. 1944 – 1985

  • D. 1985 – 1992

  • E. 1992 – 2001

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 11

Supply and demand are two vital components that impact the business sector. Supply implies the measure of a particular item or service available. Demand alludes to the measure of the item or service that shoppers need to buy. Both of these elements impact the cost of goods. For instance, if there is a vast supply of an item, which few individuals need to purchase, the cost of that item will go down. As the cost goes down, interest ordinarily builds. Finally, a balance between the two variables is attained and the optimal cost for that item or service is resolved. By then, the supply and request have attained balance.

11. According to the passage, what does equilibrium mean?

  • A. Perfect price

  • B. Final destination

  • C. Balance

  • D. Capitalism

  • E. Inflation

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 12

Supply and demand are two vital components that impact the business sector. Supply implies the measure of a particular item or service available. Demand alludes to the measure of the item or service that shoppers need to buy. Both of these elements impact the cost of goods. For instance, if there is a vast supply of an item, which few individuals need to purchase, the cost of that item will go down. As the cost goes down, interest ordinarily builds. Finally, a balance between the two variables is attained and the optimal cost for that item or service is resolved. By then, the supply and request have attained balance.

12. Demand only ‘ordinarily’ goes up when the price is brought down, because ___________.

  • A. Price may not be the main variable causing low demand

  • B. The framework is just dependent upon hypothesis so nothing is sure

  • C. Demand always builds on its own

  • D. The supply is frequently diminished

  • E. People need to pay progressively for items, not less

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 13

Supply and demand are two vital components that impact the business sector. Supply implies the measure of a particular item or service available. Demand alludes to the measure of the item or service that shoppers need to buy. Both of these elements impact the cost of goods. For instance, if there is a vast supply of an item, which few individuals need to purchase, the cost of that item will go down. As the cost goes down, interest ordinarily builds. Finally, a balance between the two variables is attained and the optimal cost for that item or service is resolved. By then, the supply and request have attained balance.

13. How might the value be influenced if supply of an item is restricted, yet interest is high?

  • A. It might change

  • B. It might go up

  • C. It might arrive at balance

  • D. It might stick with it

  • E. It might go down

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 14

Supply and demand are two vital components that impact the business sector. Supply implies the measure of a particular item or service available. Demand alludes to the measure of the item or service that shoppers need to buy. Both of these elements impact the cost of goods. For instance, if there is a vast supply of an item, which few individuals need to purchase, the cost of that item will go down. As the cost goes down, interest ordinarily builds. Finally, a balance between the two variables is attained and the optimal cost for that item or service is resolved. By then, the supply and request have attained balance.

14. In the event that 200 occupations are accessible and just 100 individuals are unemployed, what will happen consistent with the laws of supply and demand?

  • A. Companies requiring representatives will diminish pay

  • B. Companies requiring representatives will fire specialists

  • C. Companies requiring representatives will build pay

  • D. The laws of supply and request don’t matter to this place

  • E. Companies requiring representatives will lessen profits

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:

Question – 15

Supply and demand are two vital components that impact the business sector. Supply implies the measure of a particular item or service available. Demand alludes to the measure of the item or service that shoppers need to buy. Both of these elements impact the cost of goods. For instance, if there is a vast supply of an item, which few individuals need to purchase, the cost of that item will go down. As the cost goes down, interest ordinarily builds. Finally, a balance between the two variables is attained and the optimal cost for that item or service is resolved. By then, the supply and request have attained balance.

15. A latest bear toy is presented in pet stores in May for 21.99 dollar, however by December the toy is continuously sold for 5.99 dollar. As per the law of supply and request, which is most likely to be accurate about the bear toy?

  • A. Both the supply and the demand for the toy were high

  • B. Supply for the toy was low yet demand was high

  • C. Both the supply and the demand for the toy were low

  • D. Supply for the toy was high yet the demand was low

  • E. Solution cannot be determined

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:

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