Common Sentence Completion Practice Test 1

Question – 1

1. Believing that a solution to this problem was ___________ to the development of his theories concerning the role of bacteria in nature, Pasteur freely acknowledged the new __________.

  • A. Inherent… Impossibility

  • B. Essential… Possibility

  • C. Auxiliary… Prospects

  • D. Prerequisite… Realitie

  • E. Critical… Eventuality

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is regarding Pasteur’s discovery of the potentiality behind developing theories concerning the role of bacteria in nature. Concerning the first blank, we can notice that certain problems had to be solved by Pasteur. For this reason, we can see that among the answer options, there are three words that stress on ‘requirement’, which are ‘essential’, ‘critical’ and ‘prerequisite’. Now, concerning the second blank, the author mentions that Pasteur acknowledged. Since the sentence is related to an unsolved scientific problem, we can guess that what a scientist acknowledges is a ‘possibility’ or a prospect. Hence, both the words combined, we can see that the second option ‘essential… possibility’ is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 2

2. Theology, on the other hand, ___________ a dogmatic belief that we have knowledge, where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generated a kind of impertinent ___________ towards the universe.

  • A. Injects… Modesty

  • B. Instigates… Humility

  • C. Wheedles… Reality

  • D. Induces… Insolence

  • E. Repels… Disrespect

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is related to Theology and its implications. Here, we can see that the first blank is about what Theology advocates and hence, from among the given answer options, we can see that all words, except the word ‘repels’, are suitable for the first blank. Concerning the second blank, we can see that the blank is preceded by the word ‘impertinent’, which means ‘disrespectful’. Therefore, the blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to the word ‘disrespectful’. Hence, the words ‘insolence’ and ‘disrespect’ are both suitable for this blank. However, keeping in view both the blanks, the option stating the words ‘induces… insolence’ is the correct answer option for this blank.

Question – 3

3. The ability of such engines to convert chemical energy into motion is the ___________ of the nanotechnology researchers looking for ways to ___________ molecule-sized devices.

  • A. Spite… Subservience

  • B. Stint… Undermine

  • C. Envy… Power

  • D. Covet… Control

  • E. Forte… Trigger

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is about the pursuit of nanotechnology researchers. In comparison to the nanotechnology researchers’ targets, the ability of engines that convert chemical energy to motion has been described. Therefore, certainly, the first blank should be filled in by a word that describes competitive nature between both the forms. Owing to the fact that engines are powered by chemical energy, we can notice that the second blank should be filled by the word that is synonymous to ‘power’. Hence, keeping in view both the explanations, we can say that the fourth answer option best suits this blank and so, it is the correct answer for this question.

Question – 4

4. For over 10 years, mutual fund has been ___________ its own growth demise, embarking on a ___________ course of high risks, unhealthy past times, and unchecked maladies

  • A. Authoring… Controlled

  • B. Scripting… Reckless

  • C. Producing… Reserved

  • D. Breeding… Fearful

  • E. Contriving… Reticent

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is regarding the death of mutual funds. Observing the answer options, the answer words for the first blank are more or less synonymous to each other. Hence, we shall go on to analyze the possible answer options for the second blank. Since the sentence speaks about the demise, we can be certain that the course of high risks was indeed not correct. From among the answer options, the word ‘reckless’ precisely suits the second blank. On the other hand, the word ‘scripting’ is suitable for the first blank and hence, the second answer option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 5

5. India is a country that in the north outside Rajasthan was ___________ and intellectually destroyed to a large extent by the invasions that began in about A.D 1000 by forces and religions that India had no means of ___________.

  • A. Ransacked… Opposition

  • B. Dismantled… Compassion

  • C. Ravaged… Understanding

  • D. Disgraced… Toleration

  • E. Blemished… Realization

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence speaks about the deterioration that India was subjected to. For this reason, evidently, the first blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to ‘deteriorate’. However, we can notice that all the five answer words for the first blank are synonymous. Hence, let us analyze the second blank. Concerning the second blank, we can understand that the occupying forces and religions were alien to Indians. For this reason, from among the answer options, the best suited word is ‘understanding’. Hence, the third answer option is the correct answer option for this blank.

Question – 6

6. These are competitive times when change is ___________, and to walk slowly when the rest of the world is running is almost as bad as ___________ still.

  • A. Inherent… Waiting

  • B. Rapid… Standing

  • C. Monumental… Sustaining

  • D. Accelerated… Languishing

  • E. Aggressive… Soaring

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is about change and how it affects people. Here, we can notice that change has been spoken of relative to time. For this reason, we can be sure that only two words for the first blank can be probable answers. They are ‘rapid’ and ‘accelerated’. Concerning the second blank, we can see that the second part of the sentence is about being motionless or not in competition. Hence, the right word for the second blank is ‘standing’. Therefore, the second option is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 7

7. Myanmar has been ruled by a dictator for decades and no one would ___________ that it is better off than ever Bangladesh, which has itself ___________ long stretches of dictatorship.

  • A. Claim… Suffered

  • B. Lie… Flourished

  • C. Affirm… Alleviated

  • D. Accuse… languished

  • E. Question… Expelled

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is critical towards dictatorship, which can be understood from the phrase ‘better off than ever’. Hence, we can be sure that the second blank should be filled in by a word that describes the negative effects of dictatorship. Concerning the first blank, from among the five words, the word ‘claim’ precisely fits the blank since the first part of the sentence is a general idea of what one individual would respond to the issue. It is not about an individual’s opinion. For this reason, the first answer option ‘claim… suffered’ suits the blank as per the perceived meanings of both the blanks. Hence, the first option is the correct answer option for this blank.

Question – 8

8. Six years ago, the politicians ___________ that industries should be de-licensed, that imports should be freed or the investment decisions should be based on economic ___________.

  • A. Disagreed… Omissions

  • B. Acceded… Disdain

  • C. Agreed… Considerations

  • D. Acknowledged… Remunerations

  • E. Dissented… Cogitations

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes the way in which politicians made certain decisions. It is apparent that the first blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to ‘agreed’ since, the second part of the sentence suggests agreement in decisions. For the second blank, we can see the words ‘omissions’, ‘disdain’, ‘remunerations’ are irrelevant. The words ‘considerations’ and ‘cogitations’ are persuasive enough. However, according to the perceived meaning of the first blank, we can say that the third answer choice is the correct answer option for this blank.

Question – 9

9. The extent and ________________ of the community would once more be a ___________________ for some discussion.

  • A. Character… Transaction

  • B. Nature… Subject

  • C. Action… Item

  • D. Business… Slavish

  • E. Property… Realm

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence discusses about a community. We better answer this question by going through the answer choices. We can see that for the first blank, the words ‘action’, ‘business’ and ‘property’ are irrelevant keeping in view the word ‘extent’ used in the beginning of the sentence. Concerning the second blank, we can see that the word ‘subject’ is the only one that suits the blank well. For this reason, the answer option ‘nature… subject’ is the correct answer option for this sentence.

Question – 10

10. The entire subsidy system is built on the ________________ that people as individuals cannot help themselves, therefore ________________ must do so.

  • A. Proof… authorities

  • B. Idea… Politics

  • C. Fact… Jurisdiction

  • D. Thesis… Governments

  • E. Theory… Individuals

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The wheel with smaller diameter will require more revolutions to cover the same distance as covered by a wheel with greater diameter. The wheel with diameter 35cm will take lesser revolutions than the wheel with diameter 11 cm to cover the same distance.
    The distance covered by the smaller wheel is greater and hence it makes more revolutions to cover the distance required.Option B is correct.ption.

Question – 11

11. The national middle classes in the underdeveloped countries came to power when the center ________________ but could not, through their policy of import substitution manufacturing, establish a ________________ basis for sustained growth.

  • A. Depleted… Untenable

  • B. Weakened… Viable

  • C. Invigorated… Credible

  • D. Vitiated… Remunerative

  • E. Virtuous… Zoetic

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes the triumph of the national middle classes in gaining the power and their inefficiency towards establishing a sustained growth. Clearly, the second blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to the word ‘reasonable’ since the author tries to say that they did not establish any practical basis for sustained growth. On the other hand, the first blank should be filled in by a word that suggests the weakening of the center, because only such a situation would facilitate the national middle classes to grab the power. Hence, as per the perceived meanings for both the blanks, we can say that the second answer option is the correct choice for this question.

Question – 12

12. Craig and Peyton had ________________ doubts about this idea, but admitted that Tsavo lions pose a ________________ to science.

  • A. Austere… Question

  • B. Deadpan… Poser

  • C. Serious… Mystery

  • D. Bland… Conundrum

  • E. Flippant… Sphinx

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence clearly describes that Craig and Peyton had doubts and so, they are unsure of the subject. This helps us in understanding that the second blank should be filled in by a word that explains the enigmatic behavior of the whole theory. However, we can notice that all the answer words for the second blank are synonymous to the perceived meaning. Concerning the first blank, we can see that the blank should be filled in by a word that could describe that nature of the doubts posed by Craig and Peyton. Hence, from among the answer options, the third option, ‘serious… mystery’ is the right one, for it precisely delivers the perceived meaning for both the blanks.

Question – 13

13. The safety and design have of course ________________ the times and the new volume of cars and flights, but nothing of any ________________ has changed in the basic assumptions of the final product.

  • A. Accompanied… Significance

  • B. Chaperoned… Exigency

  • C. Abetted… Perilousness

  • D. Impeded… Emphasis

  • E. Fraternized… Denotation

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes the way in which automotive technology changed. Concerning the first blank, we can see from the answer options that all the words except ‘impeded’ suit the blank well because they suggest accompanying the change through time. Concerning the second blank, it has been mentioned that basic assumptions of the final product was not changed. Now, taking a look at the options with the answer words for the second blank, we can say that the words ‘significance’ and ’emphasis’ are persuasive in nature. However, among them, the word ‘significance’ justifies the sentence better. Hence, according to the perceived meanings of both the blanks, we may say that the first answer option is the correct choice for this blank.

Question – 14

14. When culture is in a ________________ of disintegration or transition the freedom of the artist increases-but the question of subject matter becomes ________________ for him.

  • A. Ruin… Facile

  • B. State… Precarious

  • C. Mode… Clearer

  • D. Stipulation… Mootable

  • E. Prerequisite… Settled

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes the position of an artist with relation to the culture and traditions. Here, we can see that the first part of the sentence explains about a condition of disintegration of culture. Hence, the first blank should be certainly filled in by a word that is synonymous to the word ‘condition’. Therefore, from among the answer options with the words for the first blank, we can see that the word ‘state’ is the correct match. Concerning the second blank, we can be sure that the blank should be filled by a word synonymous to ‘problematic’ since in a state of disintegration, problems are evident. For this reason, the second answer option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 15

15. In particular, the discipline of rhetoric was ________________ from a linguistic study into ________________ in how to compose letters and documents.

  • A. Denatured… Enlightenment

  • B. Metamorphosed… Irradiation

  • C. Preserved… Brainwashing

  • D. Transformed… Instruction

  • E. Enamored… Drilling

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is regarding the discipline of rhetoric. By observing the answer words for the first blank, we can be certain that the first blank needs to be filled in by the word synonymous to ‘transformation’. Further, we can make out that the discipline of rhetoric was transformed to other set of rules. Now, concerning the second blank, from among the answer words for the second blank, we can see that word ‘instruction’, which means a medium of educating could be the correct choice for this blank. Therefore, the fourth answer option is the correct answer choice for this blank.

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