Common Sentence Completion Practice Test 2

Question – 1

1. There is no collective __________ of our future behind the decline in commercial aeronautics in __________ to military aeronautics.

  • A. Reality… Allegory

  • B. Actuality… Analogy

  • C. Chimera… Connection

  • D. Delusion… Exemplification

  • E. Vision… Comparison

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence, apparently is a comparison statement because the two aspects ‘commercial aeronautics’ and ‘military aeronautics’ are compared and this could be understood by the use of the phrase ‘behind the decline in’. For this reason, we can be sure that the second blank needs to be filled in by a word synonymous to ‘comparison’. However, we can notice that almost all the answer words for the second blank are synonymous to the perceived meaning. Concerning the first blank, since the subject is about future, we cannot fill the blank with the words ‘reality’ and ‘actuality’. The words ‘chimera’ and ‘delusion’ render a negative meaning and hence, they cannot be correct. The word ‘vision’ is suitable for this blank and hence, the option ‘vision…comparison’ is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 2

2. __________ is always a little off about us, like an engine with __________ timing.

  • A. Nothing… Surmised

  • B. Something… Imprecise

  • C. Existence… Impalpable

  • D. Enchantment… Distinct

  • E. Anything… Precision

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence compares aspects of life to an engine. The main clue to finding the correct answer to this question is the use of the phrase ‘little off about us’. This suggests that we are off the track and the author metaphorically compares this situation with an engine. For this reason, the second blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to the phrase ‘off the track’. However, except for the words ‘distinct’ and ‘precision’, all the answer words for the second blank are synonymous to the perceived meaning. Concerning the first blank, we can see that the words ‘nothing’, ‘existence’ and ‘enchantment’ are absolutely incorrect. On the other hand, the fifth answer option is incorrect since the word ‘precision’ is not correct for the second blank. Hence, the second answer option is the correct answer choice for this blank.

Question – 3

3. Thirdly, with single-party __________ becoming a thing of the past at the Union level, governments can be formed at threat level only by multi-party coalitions in which state-level parties are __________ players.

  • A. Monarchy… Minor

  • B. Command… Inferior

  • C. Dominance… Major

  • D. Dependence… Cardinal

  • E. Prevalence… Partial

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is about the political affairs of a nation. Here, we can evaluate the perceived meaning from the sentence itself. The author mentions that only multi-party coalitions can help forming a new government, which suggests that the single-party at center is dominant in nature. Furthermore, we can see that in multi-party coalitions formed in opposition to the center’s dominance, state-parties are apparently the majority ones who play an important role. Hence, we should be searching for a combination of ‘dominant and major’. Hence, the third answer option is the correct choice for this question.

Question – 4

4. Greek architecture of the great age is the __________ of men who were, first of all, intellectual artists, kept firmly within the __________ world by their mind.

  • A. Skill… Unrealistic

  • B. Mispronunciation… Conspicuous

  • C. Deliverance… Obscured

  • D. Expression… Visible

  • E. Statement… Imperceptible

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes the minds behind the great Greek architecture. Here, we can see that all the answer words for the first blank except for ‘mispronunciation’ are persuasive in nature. For this reason, we shall be going by the second blank. Now, the since the sentence praises the Greek men with respect to their architectural skills, we may consider them to be visionary. Therefore, the words ‘unrealistic’, ‘obscured’ and ‘imperceptible’ are not suitable for the second blank. On the other hand, the second answer option is already incorrect. For this reason, the fourth answer option, ‘expression… vision’ is the correct answer option for this blank.

Question – 5

5. Rather than being placed in highly paying staff positions, new Japanese recruits are assigned __________ for operational and even __________ tasks.

  • A. Accountability… Boring

  • B. Responsibility… Menial

  • C. Exemption… Elevated

  • D. Restraint… Peon

  • E. Burden… Idler

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence criticizes the staffing of new Japanese recruits. The sentence itself starts with a major hint to find an answer to the question. Since the sentence starts with ‘rather’, we can see that the second blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to the word ‘low-status’. If carefully observed, the word ‘menial’ is the only right match for this blank among all other words. Moreover, the word ‘responsibility’ is a perfect match for the first blank among all other options. Hence, the second answer option is the correct answer choice for this blank.

Question – 6

6. Most students __________ from town to town in search not only of good masters but also of worldly excitement, and as the twelfth century __________, they found the best of each in Paris.

  • A. Cruised… Receded

  • B. Wandered… Progressed

  • C. Traipsed… Advanced

  • D. Vagabonded… Elapsed

  • E. Mobilized… Hastened

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence discusses the way in which students of twelfth century went in search of good masters. Concerning the first blank, we can notice that a word synonymous to ‘move’ should fill the blank. From the answer options however, we can see that the words ‘cruised’ and ‘wandered’ are persuasive. Concerning the second blank, it should be filled by a word synonymous to ‘advanced’ since it is the context of progression of the twelfth century. Hence, considering both the perceived meanings, we can see that the second answer option ‘wandered… progressed’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 7

7. It seems we are now __________ speed for size as we build a new Super-jumbo jet, the 555 seater A 380, which will fly at almost the same speed of the Boeing 707 __________ half a century ago, but with an improved capacity, range, greater fuel economy.

  • A. Compromising… Incepted

  • B. Adjusting… Imported

  • C. Achieving… Broached

  • D. Trading… Introduced

  • E. Jettisoning… Installed

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:In the given sentence, the author tries to express concern over the fact that no considerable advancement has been brought about in the speed aspect of the aviation industry. In this context, we can guess that the first blank should be filled in by a word synonymous to ‘compromising’. The second blank, apparently should be filled by a word that could explain the introduction of the old plane, contextually. From the answer options, we can see that the answer option that is suitable for both the blanks precisely is the fourth one. Hence, the option ‘trading… introduced’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 8

8. Many __________ born to the working-class report feeling out of place and __________ in the office.

  • A. Virtuosos… Outwitted

  • B. Pundits… Failed

  • C. Professionals… Outmaneuvered

  • D. Apprentices… Deceived

  • E. Experts… Duped

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is regarding the woes faced by the people who are born to working-class parents. Here, the author laments regarding the work culture in offices. For this reason, we can understand that the word ‘professionals’ is the most appropriate answer words from the given ones. On the other hand, the second blank needs to be filled in by a word that delivers the meaning of ‘outperformed’. Hence, from among the given answer options, the third choice is the most suitable answer choice and so, it is the correct answer for this question.

Question – 9

9. Panchayats have become local __________ for implementing __________ drawn up in distant state capitals.

  • A. Firms… Policies

  • B. Agencies… Schemes

  • C. Organizations… Plots

  • D. Bureau… sketches

  • E. Provisions… Arrangements

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence explains how Panchayats are affecting the decision making. From the given answer options, we can see that the word ‘firms’, normally used to refer to a business firm, along with ‘bureau’ and ‘provisions’, does not suit the first blank. Concerning the second blank, we can see that only the words ‘policies’ and ‘schemes’ suit the blank since the context there is regarding the decisions taken up by the government. For this reason, the second answer option, with suitable words for both the blanks is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 10

10. They were spiritual materialists, never __________ the importance of the body and ever seeing in the body a __________ significance.

  • A. Denying… Spiritual

  • B. Renouncing… Religious

  • C. Gainsaying… Irreverent

  • D. Acceding… Sacred

  • E. Confessing… Clerical

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes the outlook of a particular group of people pertaining to spiritual matters. The first part of the sentence is itself a hint. Since the author states that the people were spiritual materialists, we can guess that they look for spiritual significance in their body. For this reason, the word ‘spiritual’ is suitable for the second blank. On the other hand, the words ‘religious’ and ‘clerical’ are incorrect since they restrict the meaning of spiritualism. If they consider the body as spiritual, then they would not deny its importance. Hence, the first answer option is the correct choice.

Question – 11

11. Until recently, Japanese corporations have not been __________ in using either local or foreign business schools for the __________ of their future executives.

  • A. Concerned… Abridgement

  • B. Excited… Flowering

  • C. Interested… Development

  • D. Apathetic… Uplifting

  • E. Prejudiced… Augmentation

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is regarding the take of Japanese corporations in using business education to train future executives. The first blank, since preceded by the phrase ‘have not been’, suggests that the Japanese Corporations did not use the management education. This helps us to guess that the first blank needs to be filled in by a word synonymous to ‘interest’. Concerning the second blank, since the discussion pertains to educating executives, the blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to ‘train’ or ‘develop’. From the given answer options, the third answer choice is the most suitable one and hence, it is the correct answer for this question.

Question – 12

12. Finally, teachers must also create __________ space in the classroom, space that allows feelings to arise and be dealt with because submerged feelings can __________ learning.

  • A. Zealous… Attenuate

  • B. Fanatical… Sabotage

  • C. Emotional… Undermine

  • D. Sentimental… Wreck

  • E. Hysterical… Strengthen

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:In the given sentence, the author discusses a way of teaching. From among the given answer words concerning the first blank, it is easy to note that only the word ’emotional’ renders a meaningful premise to the sentence that succeeds the blank. To answer the second blank, we may follow the phrase ‘submerged feelings’, which suggest that it degrades the process of learning. For this reason, the correct words for the second blank from among the given words include ‘sabotage’, ‘undermine’ and ‘wreck’. However, going by both the blanks, we can say that the third option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 13

13. The very fact that these countries have __________ themselves to contribute their mite is a __________ reflection of global concern over growing environmental degradation.

  • A. Enlisted… Infirm

  • B. Volunteered… Healthy

  • C. Solicited… Fragile

  • D. Scheduled… Vigorous

  • E. Proposed… Athletic

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence discusses the way in which countries have participated to address a global concern. The use of the phrase ‘themselves to contribute their mite’ suggests that the countries have willingly come forth to take part in addressing the concern. For this reason, the word ‘volunteer’ of the second option is the right choice for the first blank. Now, apparently, since they volunteered themselves to take up a noble act, then certainly it should be a good choice. From among the answer word choices concerning the second blank, we can see that the word ‘healthy’ is the most appropriate one. Hence, the second answer option is the correct choice for this question.

Question – 14

14. So long as the libraries are __________ books with a short lifespan they will be forced to devote an increasing share of their budgets to __________.

  • A. Accessing… Supervision

  • B. Forgoing… Storage

  • C. Procuring… Custody

  • D. Donating… Preservation

  • E. Acquiring… Conservation

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence expresses concern over libraries and their budget allocation. It is important to understand this sentence first. Consider the second part of the sentence, devoting budget is required for maintenance. For this reason, the first blank should be filled by a word that is synonymous to ‘procure’. Now, the procured books must be preserved well by using the shared budgets. Hence, the second blank should be filled by the word that is synonymous to the word ‘preserve’. Hence, the answer option that appropriately renders the perceived meaning for both the blanks is the fifth answer option and so, it is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 15

15. Where the written constitution is only nominal, behind the __________ facade will be found the real constitution containing the basic principles according to which power is __________ in actual fact.

  • A. Speech… Adapted

  • B. Policy… Executed

  • C. Ethical… Misused

  • D. Verbal… Exercised

  • E. Spiritual… Perturbed

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence discusses the rules of constitution. The author starts by saying that behind the apparent words of the constitution, there lies something more. Based upon this understanding, from among the options, it is easy for us to guess that the first blank should be filled in by the word ‘verbal’. On the other hand, the second blank should be filled in by a word that could deliver the meaning of ‘usage of power’, which is appropriately done by the word ‘exercised’. Hence, the fourth answer option is the correct choice for this question.

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