Common Sentence Equivalence Practice Test 1


1. If thinking optimistically has achieved so much, then why are people so _________ of doing the same?

  • A. weary

  • B. wary

  • C. cautious

  • D. reckless

  • E. distrustful

  • Answer:BCE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The sentence begins on a positive note and ends with the question as to why people have the attitude that is being described by the missing word. This makes it obvious that the missing word could be similar to something like ‘wary’. ‘Weary’ is clearly incorrect as it does not fit in with the meaning being conveyed by the rest of the sentence. ‘Reckless’ does not have a synonym in the given list of answer options. Out of all the given options ‘distrustful’ and ‘cautious’ are the only words that carry the same meaning as ‘wary’ and therefore, B, C and E are the correct answers.


2. This proof comes from experience and from the life of that accomplished man who has seen _________ in his life.

  • A. failure

  • B. despondency

  • C. infirmity

  • D. success

  • E. fame

  • Answer:DE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The man being discussed in the sentence is accomplished. This implies that he has seen ‘success’ in his life. ‘Failure’, ‘despondency’ and ‘infirmity’ are all unlikely options as none of them fit in with the overall meaning being conveyed by the sentence and also because none of them have any synonyms in the list of answer options. ‘Fame’ is synonymous with ‘success’ and therefore, D and E are the correct answers.


3. Most people following this belief have confused their _________ with wishful thinking.

  • A. principles

  • B. doubts

  • C. conviction

  • D. faith

  • E. belief

  • Answer:ACDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    A careful reading of the sentence suggests that it is the ‘belief’ of the people which they have confused with wishful thinking. This assumption becomes stronger when seen in light of the fact that ‘conviction’ and ‘faith’ carry the same meaning as ‘belief’. The word, ‘principles’ is also quite close to ‘belief’ in meaning. Therefore, B is incorrect and A, C, D and E are the correct answers.


4. He does not have any practical experience in _________, let alone managing an entire advertising firm independently.

  • A. marketing

  • B. promoting

  • C. selling

  • D. buying

  • E. procuring

  • Answer:ABC

  • Answer Explanation:
    The person being discussed does not have any practical experience in some field which is being described by the missing word and this field is definitely related to advertising because his inexperience is determining his managerial expertise in an advertising firm. Therefore, is likely that the missing word is something close to ‘marketing’. The other options that mean the same as ‘marketing’ are ‘promoting’ and ‘selling’. The words, ‘buying’ and ‘procuring’ are also synonyms, but they do not fit in with the overall meaning being conveyed by the sentence. Therefore, A, B and C are the correct answers.


5. Having confidence in oneself is one of the _________ for success and for making others place their confidence in you.

  • A. exemptions.

  • B. deterrents.

  • C. pre-requisites

  • D. requirements

  • E. exceptions

  • Answer:CD

  • Answer Explanation:
    After reading the sentence for the first time, the first word that comes into mind for placing in the blank would be something close to ‘requirements’. Out of all the given options, ‘pre-requisites’ means the same as ‘requirements’. The words, ‘exceptions’ and ‘exemptions’ may sound similar but they carry entirely different meanings, both of which are unsuitable for placing in the blank. ‘Deterrents’ is clearly incorrect as firstly, it does not have a synonym in the given options and secondly, it does not go with the overall meaning implied by the sentence. Therefore, C and D are the correct answers.


6. Most failures are the result of doubt in own capabilities, lack of confidence and the dearth of _________ to succeed in life.

  • A. instillations

  • B. motivation

  • C. stimulus

  • D. inspiration

  • E. apathy

  • Answer:BCD

  • Answer Explanation:
    It is obvious that the missing word is referring to something the lack of which leads to failures and inability to succeed. Therefore, it is evident that the missing word has a positive connotation and it cannot be a word like ‘apathy’. The meaning of the word, ‘instillations’ does not go with the sense of the remaining sentence. ‘Motivation’ seems to be an apt option for filling the blank and it carries the same meaning as ‘stimulus’ and ‘inspiration’. Therefore, B, C and D are the correct answers.


7. It is _________ that so many students discontinue studies because of illogical reasons like not liking their teachers or classmates.

  • A. logical

  • B. rational

  • C. surprising

  • D. harrowing

  • E. astounding

  • Answer:CE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The reason for discontinuing studies has been stated as illogical, and this fact has been described by the missing word. Therefore, it is evident that ‘logical’ and ‘rational’ are both incorrect. Out of the remaining answer options, ‘harrowing’ is the only word that does not have a synonym. Therefore, C and E are the correct answers as each of the words, ‘surprising’ and ‘astounding’ fit in well as the missing word.


8. He is a therapist who deals with several cases daily, mostly marriage problems, stress issues and other _________ matters.

  • A. physical

  • B. psychological

  • C. genetic

  • D. emotional

  • E. tal

  • Answer:BDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    Since the person being discussed is a therapist, it is evident that he deals with specific types of problems. Marriage problems and stress issues are two such problems. Therefore, the missing word should refer to matters that fall in the same league. ‘Genetic’ and ‘physical’ are clearly incorrect as they are not synonymous with each other. ‘Psychological’, ’emotional’ and ‘mental’ matters belong to the same category as marriage problems and stress issues. Therefore, B, D and E are the correct answers.


9. It is shocking to note that hundreds of people are destroying their lives because of low _________.

  • A. morals

  • B. self-esteem

  • C. resilience

  • D. incomes

  • E. morale

  • Answer:BE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The sentence implies that the insufficiency of something, described by the missing word, is resulting in people destroying their lives. This implies that the missing word is referring to something that is of importance for leading happy and satisfied lives. Therefore, ‘resilience’ is incorrect as firstly, it does not have a synonym in the list of answer options and secondly, it does not fit in well with the meaning being conveyed by the remaining sentence. Out of the remaining options, ‘self-esteem’ and ‘morale’ are the only words that carry the same meaning and complete the sentence as a whole. Therefore, B and E are the correct answers.


10. As a result, they always seek out methods to humiliate, punish and _________ others.

  • A. reprimand

  • B. appreciate

  • C. admonish

  • D. reprove

  • E. praise

  • Answer:ACD

  • Answer Explanation:
    Going with the flow of thoughts in the sentence, the missing word should belong to the same category as humiliate and punish. This implies that ‘appreciate’ and ‘praise’ would be inappropriate choices to fill the blank as both of these would render the sentence ambiguous. All the remaining answer options carry the same meaning and complete the meaning of the sentence as a whole. Therefore, A, C and D are the correct answers.


11. It is a known fact that childhood ________ colour whatever you see in your present.

  • A. paints

  • B. memories

  • C. colours

  • D. recollections

  • E. reminders

  • Answer:BDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    A careful reading of the sentence makes it apparent that ‘colour’ has not been used in the literal sense. Using either of the words, ‘paints’ or ‘colours’ will render the sentence ambiguous because the writer is referring to what one is seeing in the present. ‘Memories’ seems to be an apt answer option for placing in the blank. ‘Recollections’ and ‘reminders’ would impart similar meanings to the sentence. Therefore, B, D and E are the correct answers.


12. He was an excellent artist and his artwork could easily be ________ to be that of either a beachside or a desert.

  • A. modulated

  • B. constructed

  • C. construed

  • D. interpreted

  • E. deduced

  • Answer:CDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    Although both the words, ‘modulated’ and ‘constructed’ would impart a sensible meaning to the sentence when placed in the blank, they do not carry similar meanings and therefore, they cannot be the correct answers because we have to look for answer options which when placed in the blank would render a similar meaning to the sentence as a whole. ‘Construed’, ‘interpreted’ and ‘deduced’ carry similar meanings and placing either of them in the blank would impart the same meaning to the sentence. Therefore, C, D and E are the correct answers.


13. As expected, he ________ over it because of the large profits and he even contemplated implementing it on a larger scale.

  • A. lamented

  • B. enthused

  • C. grieved

  • D. repented

  • E. drooled

  • Answer:BE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The object being discussed in the sentence is something that brought in large profits and it has been implied that the person being referred to plans to implement it on a large scale. Therefore, it is evident that he would not ‘lament’, ‘grieve’ or ‘repent’ over it. Therefore, although all these words are synonyms, placing any of them in the blank would render the sentence meaningless. ‘Enthused’ and ‘drool’ would carry the same meanings when seen in the context in which they will be used as the missing word. Therefore, B and E are the correct answers.


14. They organised a major event for ensuring that people were aware of the ________ discount offers.

  • A. profitable

  • B. reduced

  • C. lucrative

  • D. futile

  • E. beneficial

  • Answer:ACE

  • Answer Explanation:
    At the first glance, it is evident that the missing word is something close to ‘attractive’ in meaning as discounts tend to attract people into buying things. The event is being organized so that people are made aware of the discount offers. The missing word describes the discount offers. This makes it evident that the missing word cannot be close to ‘reduced’ or ‘futile’ in meaning. All the other options are similar in meaning and each of them completes the meaning of the sentence in a similar manner. Therefore, A, C and E are the correct answers.


15. The solution lies in being an imaginative entrepreneur who has the ability to ________ and execute his plans accordingly.

  • A. thwart

  • B. innovate

  • C. jeopardise

  • D. initiate

  • E. imperil

  • Answer:BD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The entrepreneur being discussed should be imaginative with the ability to execute his plans effectively. The missing word describes the other aspect of his abilities. If a person is imaginative and can effectively execute his plans, it is unlikely that the same person will ‘thwart’, ‘jeopardise’ or ‘imperil’ the same plans. Therefore despite being synonyms, all these three answer options are incorrect. The word, ‘innovate’ and ‘initiate’ are synonyms and fit in well with the meaning being conveyed by the remaining sentence and therefore, B and D are the correct answers.

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