Common Sentence Equivalence Practice Test 2


1. Their training could have ________ only after the rules for their conduct were finalised.

  • A. commemorated

  • B. annulled

  • C. commenced

  • D. congregated

  • E. begun

  • Answer:CE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word describes an aspect of the training which would have taken place after certain rules were finalised. The words, ‘commemorated’ and ‘congregated’ are clearly incorrect as none of them can be used in the context of training as utilised in the sentence. Out of all the remaining options, ‘annulled’ is the odd word as it does not carry the same meaning as the other two options. ‘Commenced’ and ‘begun’ are synonyms and they will render the same meaning to the sentence when either of them is placed in the blank. Therefore, C and E are the correct answers.


2. While designing the house, care was taken to merge the ________ look and feel with modern amenities.

  • A. archaic

  • B. contemporary

  • C. bohemian

  • D. Italian

  • E. antiquated

  • Answer:AE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The house is being designed in such a way that modern amenities will be merged with a look and feel that is being described by the missing word. Out of all the given answer options, only ‘archaic’ and ‘antiquated’ carry the same meaning. ‘Contemporary’, ‘bohemian’ and ‘Italian’ will complete the meaning of the sentence as a whole when either of them is placed in the blank, but all of them are incorrect answers as none of them has any synonyms in the given list. This implies that A and E are the correct answers.


3. This happens to those who have been ________ enough to be at the right place at the right time.

  • A. miserable

  • B. lucky

  • C. fortunate

  • D. blessed

  • E. asinine

  • Answer:BCD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The phrase, ‘being at the right place at the right time’ is generally used in a positive manner. So ‘lucky’ would seem to be an appropriate option as the answer. ‘Miserable’ would be incorrect because if someone was at a particular place at a particular time, and he was miserable, then it would not be the ‘right’ place or time. Moreover, there are no synonyms for ‘miserable’ in the list of answer options. ‘Asinine’ carries an entirely different meaning as compared to the other answer options. ‘Lucky’, ‘blessed’ and ‘fortunate’ carry similar meanings and therefore, B, C and D are the correct answers.


4. The process is painstakingly ________ as it involves recognising the trends, analysing available resources, designing samples and planning the marketing strategy.

  • A. deliberate

  • B. inactive

  • C. swift

  • D. slow

  • E. vigorous

  • Answer:AD

  • Answer Explanation:
    It is unlikely that a process that consists of various steps as outlined in the sentence would be ‘swift’; rather it is likely that such a process would be ‘slow’. The missing word cannot be ‘inactive’ as there are a lot of activities happening as a part of the process. ‘Vigorous’ is correct as the missing word but since there is no other word in the list which would impart a similar meaning to the sentence, it cannot be chosen as the correct answer. ‘Deliberate’ can mean the same as ‘slow’ when used in the context of the missing word in this sentence. In the absence of any other synonyms in the list, A and D are the correct answers.


5. The ________ response of the customers was unexpected and it served as a major setback for the company.

  • A. enthusiastic

  • B. lukewarm

  • C. appalling

  • D. apologetic

  • E. apathetic

  • Answer:BE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is describing the response of the customers which has resulted in a setback for the company. This means that the missing word cannot be a word like ‘enthusiastic’. ‘Appalling’ and ‘apologetic’ would render the sentence meaningful, but the overall meaning conveyed by the sentence would not be the same for either of these in place of the missing word. In the context in which it would be used in the sentence, ‘lukewarm’ would mean the same as ‘apathetic’. Therefore, B and E are the correct answers.


6. It is likely that people of this calibre have a _________ interest in their companies with utmost loyalty towards their employers.

  • A. devious

  • B. sincere

  • C. honest

  • D. devoted

  • E. callous

  • Answer:BCD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The people being referred to are loyal to their employers. This implies that the interest they have in their companies cannot be described by a word like ‘devious’. The word, ‘callous’ could have been correct had there been another word in the given list of answer options that carried the same meaning. ‘Sincere’, ‘honest’ and ‘devoted’ go with loyalty and each of these words can be placed in the blank for imparting a similar meaning to the sentence. Therefore, B, C and D are the correct answers.


7. He regularly visits these colleges to _________ graduating seniors for the apprentice training program and job placements for his company.

  • A. teach

  • B. peruse

  • C. dismiss

  • D. recruit

  • E. enlist

  • Answer:DE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The person who visits the colleges is looking for students who are about to graduate and he wishes to carry out the action described by the missing word following which the students will join the training program and will get jobs in the company. Therefore, the missing word cannot be a word like ‘dismiss’. The word, ‘teach’ could have been a right choice for the blank, but it does not have a synonym in the list of answer options. ‘Peruse’ is clearly incorrect in the view of the context in which the missing word has been used in the sentence. It is apparent that the missing word is close to ‘select’ in meaning. In view of the above, it is evident that D and E are the correct answers.


8. It still needs to be ascertained whether he is capable of directing major projects, managing the office and eventually _________ the company’s progress

  • A. hinder

  • B. contrite

  • C. contribute to

  • D. impede

  • E. boost

  • Answer:CE

  • Answer Explanation:
    There is a requirement of confirming that the person in question is capable of directing major projects and managing the office, ultimately leading to providing something for the company’s progress which is being described by the missing word. If the person is being evaluated for his abilities for directing and managing, he will not be assessed for ‘hindering’ or ‘impeding’ the company’s progress. ‘Contrite’ is clearly incorrect as it does not fit in with the meaning being conveyed by the remaining sentence. ‘Boost’ seems to be the right word for placing in the blank. ‘Contribute to’ will also carry a similar meaning as ‘boost’ when placed in the blank and therefore, C and E are the correct answers.


9. A lot many people have a _________ to think that there is much less competition than is required for a successful and rewarding career in finance.

  • A. alacrity

  • B. tendency

  • C. inclination

  • D. predisposition

  • E. misfortune

  • Answer:BCD

  • Answer Explanation:
    On reading the sentence for the first time, the first word that comes to mind is ‘tendency’. Although, both ‘alacrity’ and ‘misfortune’ seem like apt words for the blank, there are no other answer options that carry the same meanings as these two words and so they cannot be the correct answers. ‘Inclination’ and ‘predisposition’ will render the same meaning as ‘tendency’ when either of these is placed in the blank. This makes it obvious that B, C and D are the correct answers.


10. It is strange that a large section of the young generation is so _________ and narrow in their viewpoint with respect to their lifestyle.

  • A. liberal

  • B. conservative

  • C. modern

  • D. traditional

  • E. free-thinking

  • Answer:BD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The fact being discussed in the sentence has been described as ‘strange’. Since it is the young generation whose viewpoint is being considered, it is apparent that this viewpoint contrasts with what is expected from young people. Therefore, ‘conservative’ seems like the correct word for the blank. This stance is further strengthened by the fact that this viewpoint has been described as ‘narrow’. Therefore, despite being synonyms, ‘liberal’, ‘modern’ and ‘free-thinking’ are all incorrect answer options as each of these words clash with the thoughts being expressed in the remaining sentence. Since, ‘traditional’ means the same as ‘conservative’, B and D are the correct answers.


11. People crave praise and appreciation and so the best way to make them happy is by _________ them regularly.

  • A. commending

  • B. flattering

  • C. complementing

  • D. criticising

  • E. complimenting

  • Answer:ABE

  • Answer Explanation:
    As the sentence starts with the introduction that people crave praise and appreciation and ends on a note on how to make them happy, it is evident that the missing word is related to ‘praise’ and ‘appreciation’. This implies that ‘criticising’ is clearly incorrect. ‘Complementing’ and ‘complimenting’ carry entirely different meanings and the word that goes with the overall meaning of the sentence is ‘complimenting’. ‘Commending’ and ‘flattering’ also mean the same as ‘complimenting’. Therefore, A, B and E are the correct answers.


12. Creating _________ family moments start with forgetting your stressful day at work and asking others about how their day went.

  • A. forgettable

  • B. memorable

  • C. chaotic

  • D. cherished

  • E. disdainful

  • Answer:BD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The kind of moments that are being created as a result of ignoring one’s stress and interacting with other family members is what is being described by the missing word. Such moments cannot be ‘forgettable’ or ‘chaotic’, more so because there are no other words with similar meanings in the given list of answer options. ‘Disdainful’ is completely inappropriate as the missing word and it will render the sentence ambiguous. This leaves the answer options, ‘memorable’ and ‘cherished’ which are similar in meaning and they also fit in well with the overall meaning being conveyed by the sentence. Therefore, B and D are the correct answers.


13. He unflinchingly followed a philosophy of positive thinking and it had an _________ influence on the thinking of thousands of people in his city.

  • A. unremarkable

  • B. unprecedented

  • C. incomparable

  • D. unmatched

  • E. extraordinary

  • Answer:BCDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is referring to the effect that the philosophy of positive thinking had on the thinking of thousands of people in the city. Since ‘thousands’ of people were influenced, it is evident that the effect was magnified on a large scale. ‘Unprecedented’ is a word that is a right choice for the blank as it best describes the level of the influence exerted on thousands of people. ‘Unremarkable’ is incorrect in the sense that such a large scale influence cannot be unremarkable at all. All the remaining answer options are synonyms for ‘unprecedented’. Therefore, B, C, D and E are the correct answers.


14. Choosing to restrict your friend circle to known faces will eventually lead to a dull and monotonous life steeped in dissatisfaction and _________.

  • A. excitement

  • B. boredom

  • C. ennui

  • D. exhilaration

  • E. tedium

  • Answer:BCE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The life being discussed is dull, monotonous and dissatisfying. The missing word describes the fourth aspect of the same life. This implies that the missing word cannot be a word like, ‘excitement’ because life cannot be dull, monotonous and exciting at the same time. The word, ‘exhilaration’ is also incorrect for the same reason. ‘Boredom’ seems to be an appropriate choice as it goes with the other words that have been used to describe this kind of life wherein the friend circle is restricted to known friends only. ‘Ennui’ and ‘tedium’ will carry the same meaning as ‘boring’ when utilised in the context in which the missing word has been used in the sentence. Therefore, B, C and E are the correct answers.


15. _________ is nothing but the presentation of mundane things in a new and improved manner by someone who sees those things from a different perspective.

  • A. ineptitude

  • B. incompetence

  • C. creativity

  • D. ingenuity

  • E. demolishing

  • Answer:CD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The person creating the presentation is seeing mundane things from a new perspective and he is presenting those things in an ‘improved’ manner. This implies that he is neither ‘incompetent’ nor ‘inept’. Therefore, the missing word cannot be ‘ineptitude’ or ‘incompetence’. ‘Demolishing’ is clearly an incorrect answer as something is being presented and not destroyed. ‘Creativity’ and ‘ingenuity’ fit in with the sense conveyed by the remaining sentence and they are also similar in meaning. Therefore, C and D are the correct answers.

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