Common Sentence Equivalence Practice Test 4


1. It was a ___________ thought that he had no option but to yield to the demands of those who had no scruples to speak of.

  • A. discomforting

  • B. upsetting

  • C. comforting

  • D. thwarting

  • E. discriminating

  • Answer:ABD

  • Answer Explanation:
    He was being forced to yield to the demands of unethical and unscrupulous people. This means that the thought which is being described by the missing word has to be a ‘distressing’ thought. It definitely cannot be a ‘happy’ or ‘comforting’ thought. ‘Discriminating’ is also an incorrect answer option as it does not fit in with the meaning being conveyed by the sentence at all; moreover, it has no synonyms in the given list of answer options. In view of the above, it is evident that A, B and D are the correct answers as each of them mean the same as ‘distressing’.


2. The truth was that he had succumbed to familial pressures and had let down the hopes of all those who had ___________ their faith in him.

  • A. renounced

  • B. withdrawn

  • C. reposed

  • D. questioned

  • E. pledged

  • Answer:CE

  • Answer Explanation:
    He had not been able to live up to the hopes that the others had placed in him. Therefore, the missing word should be close to ‘place’ or ‘deposit’ in meaning. This makes it clear that ‘renounced’, ‘withdrawn’ and ‘questioned’ are all incorrect answer options. The words, ‘reposed’ and ‘pledged’ would mean the same as ‘placed’ or ‘deposited’ when either of them is placed in the blank. Therefore, C and E are the correct answers.


3. Contrary to popular belief, he had reluctantly offered to give up his ___________ assignment in lieu of being granted leave for the wedding.

  • A. profitable

  • B. remunerative

  • C. unprofitable

  • D. lucrative

  • E. clandestine

  • Answer:ABD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is describing the assignment that had been given up ‘reluctantly’. If one is giving up his assignment with reluctance, then it means that the assignment was ‘attractive’ or ‘profitable’. Therefore, ‘unprofitable’ is clearly incorrect and ‘profitable’ is suitable as the missing word. ‘Clandestine’ is also a suitable word for the blank, but the other answer options provided are similar to ‘profitable’ in meaning and they do not mean the same as ‘clandestine’. Therefore, A, B and D are the correct answers.


4. Everything may appear calm on the surface, but one cannot blindly ignore the ___________ simmering beneath.

  • A. relief

  • B. hatred

  • C. tension

  • D. chill

  • E. anxiety

  • Answer:CE

  • Answer Explanation:
    A careful reading of the sentence makes it apparent that everything is calm on the surface, but it is not so beneath the surface. Therefore, the missing word cannot be a word like ‘relief’; moreover the missing word is described as ‘simmering’ which does not go with ‘relief’. Out of the choices, ‘hatred’ and ‘chill’, ‘hatred’ is more suitable as it goes with ‘simmering’, but there is no synonym for ‘hatred’ in the given choices. ‘Tension’ and ‘anxiety’ fit in well as the missing word and so C and E are the correct answers.


5. The entire controversy was a script written by him and he was studying the consequences, as the drama unfolded, without the slightest reflection of ___________.

  • A. idiocy

  • B. intelligence

  • C. remorse

  • D. contrition

  • E. regret

  • Answer:CDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    He had planned the whole controversy and he was now studying the consequences. The missing word is referring to something that he did not have at all while studying the consequences. The immediate word that comes to mind is ‘guilt’. ‘Intelligence’ and ‘idiocy’ are opposite in meanings and neither of them goes with the meaning being conveyed by the remaining sentence. ‘Remorse’, ‘contrition’ and ‘regret’ mean the same as ‘guilt’ and these are the most suitable answer options for the blank. Therefore, C, D and E are the correct answers.


6. This is a story of how greed and ___________ destroyed what had been cherished and revered by the masses.

  • A. jealousy

  • B. apathy

  • C. indifference

  • D. gluttony

  • E. unconcern

  • Answer:BCE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The subject being discussed here has been destroyed as a result of greed and something else, which is being described by the missing word. Since ‘greed’ is already present in the sentence, the missing word cannot mean the same as ‘greed’. Therefore, ‘gluttony’ cannot be the right choice for the blank. Out of the remaining options, ‘apathy’, ‘indifference’ and ‘unconcern’ carry the same meanings and each of them fits in well with the meaning conveyed by the remaining sentence. Therefore, B, C and E are the correct answers.


7. The ___________ description of the scandal has embarrassed and shocked the entire community.

  • A. grisly

  • B. detailed

  • C. curtailed

  • D. macabre

  • E. gruesome

  • Answer:ADE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The scandal has been described in such a way that it has embarrassed and shocked the entire community. This implies that the missing word cannot be a word like ‘curtailed’. The word, ‘detailed’ is quite apt for the blank, but there are no synonyms for ‘detailed’ in the given list of answer options. This implies that it cannot be the right choice. ‘Grisly’, ‘gruesome’ and ‘macabre’ mean the same and each of them fits in well as the missing word for the blank. Therefore, A, D and E are the correct answers.


8. Despite the well planned management ___________ to break up the union, the students have managed to stay united.

  • A. gamble

  • B. ploy

  • C. gambit

  • D. ruse

  • E. jinx

  • Answer:BCD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is referring to something that had been well planned by the management to break up the union. This implies that the missing word would be close to ‘plan’ or ‘strategy’ in meaning. ‘Gamble’ and ‘jinx’ are clearly incorrect as they do not fit in with the meaning intended to be conveyed by the missing word and neither do these words have any synonyms in the list of answer options. Therefore, B, C and D are the correct answers as ‘ploy’, ‘gambit’ and ‘ruse’ are similar to ‘plan’ and ‘strategy’ in meaning.


9. Displaying a grand gesture of ___________, the owner granted a month’s bonus to the workers.

  • A. modesty

  • B. arrogance

  • C. magnanimity

  • D. parsimony

  • E. generosity

  • Answer:CE

  • Answer Explanation:
    Since the owner has granted a month’s bonus, it is obvious that this is a ‘generous’ gesture. Therefore, the missing word cannot be ‘modesty’ or ‘parsimony’. ‘Arrogance’ is also incorrect for the same reasons and also because there are no other answer options that mean the same as ‘arrogance’. ‘Magnanimity’ means the same as ‘generosity’ and therefore, C and E are the correct answers.


10. This speaks of a ___________ truce between the two warring factions as it has been predicted that owing to the current situation, this truce will not last for long.

  • A. disjoint

  • B. perturbed

  • C. relaxing

  • D. disconcerted

  • E. protracted

  • Answer:BD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The sentence ends on the note that this truce is not likely to last for long. Therefore, the missing word, which is describes this truce, cannot carry a meaning similar to ‘protracted’ or ‘relaxing’. Out of the remaining answer options, the only words that will impart a similar meaning to the sentence are ‘perturbed’ and ‘disconcerted’. Therefore, B and D are the correct answers.


11. However, this does not authorise them to ___________ the company’s wealth for personal gains.

  • A. plunder

  • B. reimburse

  • C. pillage

  • D. embezzle

  • E. misappropriate

  • Answer:ACDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is describing an action being carried out in respect of the company’s wealth for personal gains. The first word that comes to one’s mind in such a situation is ’embezzle’. The words, ‘plunder’, ‘pillage’ and ‘misappropriate’ carry the same meanings as ’embezzle’ and therefore, all of these are the correct choices. ‘Reimburse’ means the opposite and so it cannot be chosen as the correct choice. Therefore, A, C, D and E are the correct answers.


12. His selfish actions were carried out with ___________ and total disregard for the resulting outcome.

  • A. immunity

  • B. vigilance

  • C. impunity

  • D. freedom

  • E. reverence

  • Answer:CD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The actions being discussed have been described as ‘selfish’ and it has also been brought out that they were carried out with total disregard for the outcome of the said actions. The missing word describes another aspect of the way in which these actions were carried out. Out of all the given answer options, ‘freedom’ seems to be an apt word for the blank as it fits in well with the meaning being conveyed by the remaining sentence. Since the actions were ‘selfish’, it is unlikely that they were carried out with ‘reverence’. ‘Immunity’ is clearly incorrect as it does not blend in with the meaning being implied by the sentence as a whole. ‘Impunity’ is the only other word in the list of answer options that is close to ‘freedom’ in meaning. In view of the above, it is apparent that C and D are the correct answers.


13. She was not fit to be a worthwhile leader as she was atrociously ___________ and completely indifferent towards the plight of the poor.

  • A. ostentatious

  • B. humble

  • C. sympathetic

  • D. compassionate

  • E. pretentious

  • Answer:AE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is preceded by ‘atrocious’ which is a word with a negative connotation. This implies that the missing word cannot have a positive connotation and a word like ‘humble’ will be an incorrect choice for the blank. Although the words, ‘sympathetic’ and ‘compassionate’ mean the same, they cannot be chosen as the correct choices as it has been brought out that she was completely indifferent towards the plight of the poor and so she could not have been ‘sympathetic’ or ‘compassionate’. The words, ‘ostentatious’ and ‘pretentious’ will impart a similar meaning to the sentence when either of them is placed in the blank and both of them blend well with the overall meaning conveyed by the sentence. Therefore, A and E are the correct answers.


14. There is now an overbearing sense of ___________ as all the hard work is bearing no fruit.

  • A. exultation

  • B. weariness

  • C. lassitude

  • D. indolence

  • E. euphoria

  • Answer:BCD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The hard work is not giving any favourable results. Therefore, the first word that comes to mind for describing the feeling that is setting in would be ‘weariness’. ‘Exultance’ and ‘euphoria’ are clearly incorrect as one cannot be euphoric if one’s hard work is not bearing fruit. ‘Lassitude’ and ‘indolence’ would impart a meaning that is similar to ‘weariness’ when either of these words is placed in the blank. Therefore, B, C and D are the correct answers.


15. The easy availability of technical gadgets has given ___________ to the young generation, which is now technically savvy.

  • A. momentum

  • B. birth

  • C. intelligence

  • D. impetus

  • E. cessation

  • Answer:AD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is describing an action the result of which is that the young generation has become technically savvy. The first word that comes to mind for filling the blank in such a situation is ‘push’. ‘Birth’ could also be an apt word for the blank, but it has no synonyms in the list of answer options. ‘Cessation’ and ‘intelligence’ are clearly incorrect as placing either of them in the blank would render the sentence meaningless. ‘Impetus’ and ‘momentum’ mean the same as ‘push’ and they complete the meaning of the sentence as a whole. Therefore, A and D are the correct answers.

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