Common Sentence Equivalence Practice Test 3


1. There are strong supporters of the fact that social networking sites _________ our mental abilities like concentration and productivity possibly leading to psychological dysfunction.

  • A. enhance

  • B. ruin

  • C. harm

  • D. damage

  • E. augment

  • Answer:BCD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The sentence implies that the effect that social networking sites have on our mental abilities is such that it could lead to psychological dysfunctions. Therefore, it is evident that the missing word has a negative connotation. It cannot be a word like ‘enhance’ or ‘augment’. ‘Damage’ seems to be a good choice for placing in the blank as it goes with the meaning implied by the remaining sentence. ‘Ruin’ and ‘harm’ would mean the same as ‘damage’ when seen in the context of the usage of the missing word in the sentence. Therefore, B, C and D are the correct answers.


2. It was later found that the friendly, hilarious, adorable, outgoing and outspoken nature was actually a _________ and he was basically an introvert at heart.

  • A. reality

  • B. necessity

  • C. facade

  • D. disguise

  • E. pretence

  • Answer:CDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The person being discussed was basically an ‘introvert’. Going by the meaning of the word ‘introvert’, it can be seen that the personality traits of the person that have been highlighted clash with those of an ‘introvert’. Therefore, it is evident that the missing word is something like ‘disguise’ in meaning and words like ‘reality’ and ‘necessity’ are clearly incorrect. ‘Facade’ and ‘pretence’ would impart the same meaning as ‘disguise’ when either of these words is placed in the blank. Therefore, C, D and E are the correct answers.


3. sIt was a cause for genuine _________ because she as being dragged into a controversy in which she had played no part.

  • A. apprehension

  • B. antipathy

  • C. concern

  • D. defamation

  • E. support

  • Answer:AC

  • Answer Explanation:
    The subject being discussed was being dragged into a controversy even though she did not have an active part in it. Therefore, this was a case for genuine ‘support’, but no other word in the given list carries the same meaning and so ‘support’ cannot be the right choice. This was a cause for ‘defamation’ too, but there is no other word in the list of answer options with the same meaning as ‘defamation’, therefore this cannot be the right answer. ‘Antipathy’ is incorrect for the same reasons. ‘Concern’ and ‘apprehension’ mean the same and both of them fit in well with the overall meaning of the sentence and so A and C are the correct answers.


4. Jason’s relationship with his neighbour was extremely _________ and propitious owing to the assistance and guidance received.

  • A. meddlesome

  • B. enriching

  • C. encroaching

  • D. alleviating

  • E. suffocating

  • Answer:BD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The relationship is being described as ‘propitious’ and it is also being described by the missing word. If a relationship is ‘propitious’, then it cannot be ‘meddlesome’, ‘encroaching’ or ‘suffocating’ at the same time. This makes it evident that the missing word should be a word like ‘enriching’. ‘Alleviating’ is the only other word that is close to ‘enriching’ in meaning and therefore, B and D are the correct answers.


5. _________ discussions have been carried out incessantly, but what is yet to be addressed is the problem of shortage of skilled manpower.

  • A. fresh

  • B. disgusting

  • C. threadbare

  • D. hackneyed

  • E. interesting

  • Answer:CD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The discussions have been carried out incessantly. This means that they have been carried out regularly for a long duration. Therefore, the discussions cannot be ‘fresh’. These discussions could be ‘disgusting’ and ‘interesting’ but both these words carry different meanings and neither of them have synonyms in the given list of choices. So, none of them can be the correct choice. In the context in which the missing word will be used, ‘threadbare’ and ‘hackneyed’ would impart the same meaning to the sentence and so C and D are the correct answers.


6. _________ is an evil which is freely rampant and has not received any large scale public criticism so far.

  • A. Favouritism

  • B. Nepotism

  • C. Bribery

  • D. Polygamy

  • E. Partiality

  • Answer:ABE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is referring to a form of evil which deserves to be publically criticised. ‘Nepotism’, ‘bribery’ and ‘polygamy’ are all social evils. However, the correct choices will be those which carry similar meanings. After studying the given answer options, it can be seen that ‘favouritism’ and ‘partiality’ are similar to ‘nepotism’ in meaning. Therefore, A, B and E are the correct answers.


7. Surprisingly, she was _________ during the interview and as was expected she was very careful in her choice of words.

  • A. reticent

  • B. candid

  • C. sleepy

  • D. mischievous

  • E. forthright

  • Answer:BE

  • Answer Explanation:
    As was expected, she spoke after careful deliberation and her behaviour in the interview was ‘surprising’ and is described by the missing word. This means that she could not have been ‘sleepy’ during the interview. Out of all the given options, ‘candid’ and ‘forthright’ are the only two words that mean the same. Therefore, even though the other answer options would render the sentence meaningful, only B and E can be the correct answers


8. No matter how hard man tries, sooner or later he is influenced by the people around him and he _________ with them.

  • A. acquiesces

  • B. argues

  • C. agrees

  • D. concurs

  • E. travels

  • Answer:ACD

  • Answer Explanation:
    Man is eventually influenced by those around him and he finally takes the action that is being described by the missing word. This implies that the missing word is related to the result of this influence. Therefore, it is unlikely that the missing word is something like ‘argues’. ‘Travels’ may be grammatically correct when placed in the blank, but it does not render a logical meaning to the sentence. ‘Acquiesces’, ‘agrees’ and ‘concurs’ have similar meanings and they fit in well with the meaning being conveyed by the sentence as a whole and therefore, A, C and D are the correct answers.


9. The lawyer did not waste time in questioning her _________, but he gave her credence for what she had done and went ahead with the proceedings.

  • A. crimes

  • B. prejudices

  • C. opinions

  • D. actions

  • E. statements

  • Answer:BC

  • Answer Explanation:
    Since she was being questioned by the lawyer, it is evident that her ‘actions’ were open to discussion. However, ‘actions’ would be an incorrect answer option as it has no synonyms in the given list of choices. ‘Crimes’ would be incorrect for the same reasons. Out of the remaining three choices, ‘prejudices’ and ‘opinions’ are the closest in meaning and they complete the meaning of the sentence on similar lines if either of them is placed in the blank. Therefore, B and C are the correct answers.


10. It is now out in the open that he was _________ and he resorted to unscrupulous ways to get even with both of them.

  • A. revengeful

  • B. honest

  • C. ethical

  • D. vindictive

  • E. principled

  • Answer:AD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The fact that he was resorting to ‘unscrupulous’ means to get even with the others makes it amply clear that he had no morals or ethics. Therefore, ‘ethical’ and ‘principled’ are both incorrect. One cannot be ‘honest’ and ‘unscrupulous’ at the same time and therefore, ‘honest’ is also incorrect. ‘Vindictive’ and ‘revengeful’ are synonyms and either of them, when placed in the blank, will render the same meaning to the sentence. Therefore, A and D are the correct answers.


11. Constant surveillance of personal activities breeds ___________ and mistrust among those who are being kept under watch.

  • A. conviction

  • B. confidence

  • C. discontentment

  • D. vexation

  • E. fretfulness

  • Answer:CDE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is a description of the outcome of constant surveillance. Another word describing the same outcome is ‘mistrust’. This makes it apparent that the missing word cannot be a word like ‘confidence’ or ‘conviction’. The missing word has to be in the same league as the word ‘mistrust’; in other words, it should have a negative connotation. This implies that ‘discontentment’, ‘vexation’ and ‘fretfulness’ are the correct choices as they all carry similar meanings and they fit in well as the missing word and hence, C, D and E are the correct answers.


12. There was a need to maintain tight security, but it was equally imperative to keep the ___________ control less visible and more flexible.

  • A. abandoned

  • B. regulatory

  • C. unruly

  • D. supervisory

  • E. disorderly

  • Answer:BD

  • Answer Explanation:
    It has been clearly brought out that there was a requirement of maintaining tight security. This can be done only with adequate ‘control’ which was to be kept less visible but more flexible. These facts make it amply clear that the missing word cannot be ‘abandoned’. The ‘control’ being discussed needs to exist although in a less visible manner. ‘Unruly’ and ‘disorderly’ are clearly incorrect since this control cannot be described by a word like ‘unruly’ or ‘disorderly’. Therefore both these options may be synonyms, but they are incorrect answer options and the ‘control’ being discussed here cannot be described by such words. This leaves the options, ‘regulatory’ and ‘supervisory’ which are the correct answer options as they mean the same and either of them will impart a sensible meaning to the sentence when placed in the blank. Therefore, B and D are the correct answers.


13. It is not necessary that it should be physically ___________; it will be perfect even if it works in the background.

  • A. perceptible

  • B. visible

  • C. observable

  • D. dispersible

  • E. discernible

  • Answer:ABCE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The sentence ends on the note that it will be fine even if the subject being discussed works in the background. This implies that the missing word is something that is close to ‘see’ in meaning. Out of all the given options, ‘dispersible’ is the only word that does not mean the same as ‘see’, rest all options mean the same as ‘see’. Therefore, A, B, C and E are the correct answers.


14. Lifetimes are spent in building a reputation that speaks of ___________, loyalty and dedicated service to the nation.

  • A. disdain

  • B. integrity

  • C. ignominy

  • D. derision

  • E. righteousness

  • Answer:BE

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is describing ‘reputation’ with ‘loyalty’ and ‘dedicated service’ being the other two words. Therefore, the missing word should be a word like ‘integrity’. A study of the given answer options brings out that ‘disdain’, ‘ignominy’ and ‘derision’ are all incorrect answer options because none of them go with the words, ‘loyalty’ and ‘dedicated service’. ‘Righteousness’ will convey the same meaning as ‘integrity’ when placed in the blank. Therefore, B and E are the correct answers.


15. The tables were turned and they directed the malicious campaign towards their ___________ and were threatening to expose them to the public.

  • A. contemporaries

  • B. allies

  • C. adversaries

  • D. competitors

  • E. neighbours

  • Answer:CD

  • Answer Explanation:
    The missing word is describing the people against whom the malicious campaign was now directed. It is unlikely that it would be directed against their ‘allies’. Even if one would like to consider the word ‘allies’, it cannot be chosen as one of the correct choices as there is no other word in the list of options that means the same as ‘allies’. ‘Contemporaries’ and ‘neighbours’ are also incorrect answer options due to the same reasons. ‘Adversaries’ and ‘competitors’ carry similar meanings and the sentence will mean the same when either of them is placed as the missing word. Therefore, C and D are the correct answers.

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