Common Sentence Completion Practice Test 3

Question – 1

1. It is true that this has been ____________ without much attention to university based education, but ____________ attention has been devoted to the development of managerial skills.

  • A. Distinguished… Trivial

  • B. Achieved… Extraordinary

  • C. Succeeded… Unthinkable

  • D. Procured… Weird

  • E. Redeemed… Unfamiliar

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence discusses the university based education in relation to the development of managerial skills. Here, by observing the given answer options, we can see that the first blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to ‘succeed’. Concerning the second blank, we can see that the word ‘extraordinary’ is the only one that describes the magnitude of the attention that the managerial skills received precisely. Hence, the second option, ‘achieved… extraordinary’ is the correct answer option for this sentence.

Question – 2

2. The teacher who wants to create an open ____________ space must define and defend its ____________ with care.

  • A. Erudition… Walls

  • B. Schooling… Interiors

  • C. Tumbling… Precincts

  • D. Winning… Abuttals

  • E. Learning… Boundaries

  • Answer:E

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence explains regarding a teacher’s attempt to revolutionize education. Concerning the first blank, we can see that the words ‘schooling’ and ‘learning’ are persuasive in nature. However, among these two options, we can see the word ‘learning’ is more meaningful because it precisely explains what a teacher normally does. Concerning the second blank, it should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to ‘limits’ because of the use of the phrase ‘define and defend’. Hence, the fifth option, ‘learning… boundaries’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 3

3. It may be recalled that the task of cleansing the Ganga along the Rishikesh-Hardwar ____________ under the first phase of the Ganga Action Plan has been ____________ and the results are reported to be encouraging.

  • A. Ranch… Shelved

  • B. Stretch… Completed

  • C. Valley… Accomplished

  • D. Expanse… Terminated

  • E. Range… Consummated

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence brings to notice the restoration works being taken up to cleanse the Ganga. Furthermore, in this sentence, only a particular part of the place Rishikesh-Hardwar is being described. Hence, from the given answer options, we can see that the words ‘ranch’ and ‘range’ are necessarily incorrect. On the other hand, the place ‘Rishikesh-Hardwar’ cannot necessarily be a ‘valley’; however, this option might be correct. In the last part of the sentence, we can notice that the results are reported to be encouraging. This means that the work has been completed successfully. For this reason, the appropriate words for the second blank are ‘completed’ and ‘accomplished’. Since the word ‘stretch’ is more general in sense for the first blank, we may select the second option as the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 4

4. Its competitive juice now flowing, IBM last week ____________ that it and Apple computer will ____________ the operating system in 1994 – a year ahead of schedule.

  • A. Declared… Discharge

  • B. Confided… Emancipate

  • C. Broadcasted… Publish

  • D. Announced… Deliver

  • E. Divulged… Dispense

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence expresses the decision made by IBM and Apple computer regarding the release of an operating system. From among the answer words for the first blank, we can see that the word ‘announced’ is more formal than the other words and gives a casual meaning to the sentence. Concerning the second blank, we can see that the blank should be filled in by the word that is synonymous to ‘deliverance’. For this reason, the word ‘deliver’ among all the other words for the second blank is more appropriate and hence, is the correct answer choice.

Question – 5

5. His success as Prime Minister was ____________ by the ruling party ____________ him leader more than once.

  • A. Evidenced… Re-electing

  • B. Refuted… Rehabilitating

  • C. Exemplified… Reviving

  • D. Vouched… Reintroducing

  • E. Denoted… Rehiring

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is about the success of the Prime Minister. We can notice that the use of the phrase ‘him leader more than once’ precisely suggests that he was re-elected and furthermore that this is a proof for his success. Hence, from among the given answer options, according to the perceived meaning of the words for both the blanks, the first answer option, ‘evidenced… re-electing’ is the correct answer option for this question.

Question – 6

6. If the future dimensions of the conservation problems of libraries are to be ____________, there will need to be widespread adoption of paper which is of ____________ quality.

  • A. Fostered… Authentic

  • B. Withheld… Durable

  • C. Hanged… Strong

  • D. Curbed…Archival

  • E. Checked… Commemorative

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence expresses concern over the conservation problems of libraries and expresses a remedial solution to it. In the context of the first blank, since the later part of the sentence presents a solution to the problem, it should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to the phrase ‘putting a check’. We can see that the words ‘curbed’ and ‘checked’ are suitable for this blank. Concerning the second blank, we can see that the words ‘authentic’, ‘durable’, ‘strong and ‘archival’ deliver a suitable meaning. However, since the second part of the sentence speaks about ‘paper’, the word ‘archival’ is more appropriate in the sense of preserving the books. Hence, the fourth answer option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 7

7. The senior official of Restoration ____________ that their policies would be ____________ unless the quality of the junior official was improved.

  • A. Concluded… Abortive

  • B. Proved…….Productive

  • C. Realized….Ineffective

  • D. Understood…..Consummated

  • E. Ignored…..Innocuous

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence expresses concern over the conservation problems of libraries and expresses a remedial solution to it. In the context of the first blank, since the later part of the sentence presents a solution to the problem, it should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to the phrase ‘putting a check’. We can see that the words ‘curbed’ and ‘checked’ are suitable for this blank. Concerning the second blank, we can see that the words ‘authentic’, ‘durable’, ‘strong and ‘archival’ deliver a suitable meaning. However, since the second part of the sentence speaks about ‘paper’, the word ‘archival’ is more appropriate in the sense of preserving the books. Hence, the fourth answer option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 8

8. They are unaware that their anti-philosophy is in itself a philosophy, but a ____________ one, and that this anti-philosophy, if ____________, would annihilate itself.

  • A. Virtuous… Described

  • B. Phony… Defined

  • C. Perverted… Elucidated

  • D. Healthy… Distracted

  • E. Debauched… Obscured

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes anti-philosophy. The word ‘annihilate’, used in the end of the sentence suggests that anti-philosophy is itself not acceptable. For this reason, the words ‘perverted’ and ‘debauched’ are suitable for this blank. On the other hand, by observing the words for the second blank, we can say that the second blank should be filled in by a word that is synonymous to ‘explain’. Hence, from both the understandings, we may confirm that the third answer option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 9

9. Against such a ____________ backdrop, it should be obvious that voters are looking for ____________, for ways in which to make a corrupted system work again.

  • A. Passive… Answerability

  • B. Dramatic… Accountability

  • C. Dreary… Liability

  • D. Blazing… Inconstancy

  • E. Zealous… Treachery

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence tries to describe the political scene in country. The last part of the sentence ‘for ways in which to make a corrupted system work again’ suggests that the voters are looking for something that they could keep their trust upon. Hence, from among the given answer words for the second blank, we can see that the word ‘accountability’ is a perfect match for the blank. Concerning the first blank, we can understand that the backdrop of a political scene that is totally in corruption would be in a state of ‘affection’. Further, going by the options, we may say that the word ‘dramatic’ is suitable for the first blank and hence, the second option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 10

10. Logic tells us that science can only prove an event ____________: it can never prove it ____________.

  • A. Dubious… Absurd

  • B. Plausible… Inconceivable

  • C. Improbable… Impossible

  • D. Unimaginable… Believable

  • E. Probable… Achievable

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is about how science can prove events based upon logic. Basically, this sentence tries to explain the limitations of science constraint to logic. For this same reason, we can say that both the words should necessarily be negative but can only differ in the degree of their meaning. Hence, from the answer options, we can see that the first, third and fifth answer options are suitable for this blank. Now, the first answer option does not deliver the right kind of meaning since both the words of the first option are in a way synonymous to each other. On the other hand, the third option is appropriate since it gives the meaning that science can only prove an event to be ‘improbable’ but it cannot prove it to be completely unattainable. The fifth answer option is incorrect since, the word ‘achievable’ does not go well with the second blank; since, practically; there are many things that science can prove to be achievable. Hence, the third answer option is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 11

11. The conviction ____________ it can be perceived: each bit of the ____________ wrought detail had a mystical meaning.

  • A. Concealing… Rhythmically

  • B. Underneath… Flawed

  • C. Sneaking… Handcrafted

  • D. Underlying… Exquisitely

  • E. Involving… Gracelessly

  • Answer:D

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence explains about some artistic work. By taking a look at the answer words concerning the first blank, we can be certain that the meaning underneath the conviction is the subject of the first part of the sentence. Hence, we can notice that the words ‘concealing’, ‘underneath’ and ‘underlying’ are the most persuasive answer choices. Concerning the second blank, we can understand that the word should positively describe the detail due to the use of the word ‘mystical’. Therefore, from the given answer options, the word ‘exquisitely’ is the most suitable word for the second blank. Hence, the answer option ‘underlying… exquisitely’ is the correct answer choice for this question.

Question – 12

12. Success is based upon Japan’s system of ____________ competitive recruitment and ____________ in company management development.

  • A. Notably… Together

  • B. Vitally… Exclusive

  • C. Highly… Intensive

  • D. Violently… Solid

  • E. Emphatically… Conditional

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence gives an account of the success achieved by the Japanese system of management. Due the very fact that this sentence is about success, we can see that the first blank should be filled in by the word that is synonymous to ‘high’ since it describes the recruitment aptly. For this same reason, the second blank should also be filled by a word that is synonymous to the word ‘vigorous’. Hence, from the given answer options, the third one, ‘highly… intensive’ is the most appropriate answer option for this question.

Question – 13

13. In an emotionally honest learning space, one created by a teacher who does not fear ____________ with feelings, the community of truth can ____________ between us.

  • A. Mismanaging… Curlicue

  • B. Handling… Waver

  • C. Dealing… Flourish

  • D. Dickering… Lack

  • E. Refusing… Proliferate

  • Answer:C

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence describes how truth affects the people who are taught by a teacher who creates an emotional learning space. To answer this question, we should go by searching the given answer options. We can understand that the first blank should certainly be filled in by a word that is positive in sense because the sentence is describing about a learning space that is honest. If we fill the first blank with the words ‘handling’, ‘dealing’ and ‘dickering’ which are synonymous to managing, then certainly, the community of truth should work out in a positive way. However, if we carefully have a look at the answer words for the second blank, we can see that only the third answer option precisely suits both the blanks appropriately.

Question – 14

14. Toxic ____________ deplete the levels of oxygen in the rivers, endanger all aquatic life and render water absolutely unfit for human ____________.

  • A. Oozing… Expenditure

  • B. Effluents… Consumption

  • C. Flow… Germination

  • D. Springing… Strengthening

  • E. Sewerage… Dispense

  • Answer:B

  • Answer Explanation:In this sentence, the author describes the effect of toxics on life. Apparently, the first blank should be filled by the word that is synonymous to ‘elements’. The words ‘oozing’, ‘flow’, ‘springing’ does not go well with the blank since they do not convey the right meaning contextually to describe the toxic waste, which is the subject here. Concerning the second blank, since the author describes the loss caused to fresh water, we can understand that the word ‘consumption’ is the most suitable word for this blank. Hence, from the given answer options, the second answer option, ‘effluents…. consumption’ is the correct answer choice.

Question – 15

15. This change does not relate to a narrowly ____________ need because the long-term ____________ of library collections is important.

  • A. Perceived… Preservation

  • B. Anticipated… Salvation

  • C. Noticed… Ruining

  • D. Touched… Perpetuation

  • E. Sensed… Guardianship

  • Answer:A

  • Answer Explanation:The given sentence is regarding the ‘preservation’ of books in libraries. By having a look at the answer words for the first blank, we can see that the most appropriate word is ‘perceived’ since it is related to understanding the change. Moreover, no other answer word gives a meaning as suitable as the one given by the word ‘perceived’. On the other hand, the word ‘preservation’ is the most appropriate word for the given blank. Hence, the first answer option is the correct answer choice for this question.

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