IELTS Test Centers

The Most Appropriate IELTS Test Center

The IELTS exam tests a person’s level of proficiency in the English language. It is used to see how comfortable non-native English speakers are in the use of the language. This exam is conducted in more than 800 locations all over the world. A good score in IELTS is a requirement for those students who are applying to foreign universities for higher education or professional training. It is also a requirement when applying for migration or general work training to a country whose native language is English. The popularity of the test is due to the fact that it is an exhaustive test of a person’s language skills – testing his reading, listening, writing and speaking abilities. Thus, it provides a fair picture of a person’s understanding of the English language.Finding a Test CenterWhen you are ready to take the exam, you will have to register at an IELTS test center. To find such a test center, visit this link – Once you have located the IELTS test center nearest to you, contact the concerned authorities to enquire about the available test dates and to register for the test. There are 48 fixed dates on which the test is conducted in the academic module and 24 fixed dates on which the test is held for the General Training module. However, not all test centers conduct the test on all these dates. Therefore, it is important that you find out well in advance on what dates your chosen IELTS test center conducts the test in the module you are required to test in. This can also be done by visiting the website of the test center – mostly owned by IDP or British Council.Special AccommodationsIf an individual is suffering from a disability that makes it difficult for him to test in the normal testing conditions, test centers try and accommodate that individual and provide him special accommodations for testing. The provision of such accommodations depends on the authorities of thatIELTS test center and not all test centers offer such facilities. Thus, you will have to contact your test center to find out whether they can provide such special testing accommodations or not. Also, if you require these special arrangements, you are expected to request for the altered testing conditions at least three months prior to the test. This is because each request is handled individually. A copy of all medical certificates documenting the disability is required to be submitted so as to facilitate the decision making process. The notice period is also necessary so that the test center can arrange for the altered testing conditions.Most test centers make an effort to accommodate the following disabilities:

  • Disabilities relating to vision – the test is provided in Braille or with enlarged print. Braille word processors or an amanuensis is also provided.
  • Disabilities relating to hearing capacities – arrangements are made for amplification equipment or a lip reader for the Listening section.
  • Disabilities relating to learning abilities – additional testing time, special word processors, etc are some of the arrangements made in this regard.

On Test DayThe Listening, Reading and Writing sections of the test are held on one day whereas the Speaking section is held within 7 days of the date on which the other sections are tested. It is advisable that you reach your test center at least 20 minutes ahead of time on the day of the test. You will be expected to carry your passport or your national identity card on the test day, whichever you had submitted as identity proof. The supervisors will ensure that your test-taking experience is as comfortable as possible.What Makes An Appropriate Test CenterThe most appropriate test center will be one that embodies the following guidelines:

  • It should be near to where you live. A test center shouldn’t be too far off.
  • The test center should conduct the test in your chosen module on a date that is suitable to you.
  • The test center should make full effort to accommodate all students, especially those with disabilities.

For more information about any other aspect of the exam, visit the official IELTS website –

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